19. Pattering Or Melting

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My body heats up and something feels off

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My body heats up and something feels off. That is what woke me up within a short time of being asleep.

Not much is on my mind other than Cryilla whimpering 'Mate' here and there.

That is until it clicks my menstral cycle was right at two weeks or so ago. Of course, the normal time heat comes on after a cycle and now will rear up its head since we have found Seth.

Not even fighting it, I slip my shoes on and open my door. I don't even have a single care that I am in my oversized sleeping clothes. The guard looks at me when I open the door and steps up.

"Are you okay Raine?"

"I need to get to Seth, please." I whisper as my throat feels dry.

He looks me up and down as sweat forms on my skin. His eyes widen slightly and he nods his head. "I will take you there since it is dark out."

Another warrior comes up the stairs as we go down. "He will stay by until I get back to watch your sisters room. I done linked the Alpha as well to let him know we are on the way."

"Thank you." I frown not thinking I could have linked Seth. It is just to much is fuzzy in my mind.

Once we get there Fayla opens the door and Lance looks over me quickly. "I will get Seth. Fayla why don't you get a glass of water."

Fayla moves to the kitchen and is back within a seconds time it seems like. "Here dear slow sips. The heat will pass evidentally."

I slowly sip on the water before placing the glass on the table next to where I stand. Fayla lets the guard know he is relieved from duty as I am here. Feet sounds catches my attention the most as my body can sense Seth is getting closer.

"Seth! You're going to break your neck!" Fayla yells from beside me. "Don't you do that anymore." She narrows her eyes at him as she steps up.

"Sorry Ma." Seth mumbles and gets around her to me.

I hold my arms around my waist as trembles start. Seth rushes over and wraps his arms around me. A small moan comes from my mouth. The way my body feels has eased some but I know this is only the beginning stages of heat still. Just his scent seems to be even stronger than before as my core weeps for the very first time ever.

"You should take her and lay in bed. During a heat spell the best thing is to hold your mate closely. It will end within two days time unless you mate with each other without protection and it causes the heat to end by succeeding in what the heat is for." Lance grimaces with it feeling almost like a sex talk.

Set nods his head and pulls me as close to me as he can. My legs seem to have lost all strength with how I lean on him. With slow movements, Seth's arms move around until he is able to pick me up bridal style.

"I am going to take her to her room at the packhouse." Seth speaks up and everyone nods from what I can see.

"Well the rooms there are the same here with soundproof." Lance replies. "Link us if you need anything. If you can come in for training then that is fine if not we get it and will have it covered. Just like we have set up for anyone that has a mate that goes through heat."

Seth nods a thanks before he carries me out of the house.

"That is nice they have things under control." I mumble out loud with my thoughts.

"It is a system that has been in placed for decades apparently as heat for females can't be helped. Everyone pitches in to help cover the position of the ones that will be out for the two days needed." His voice soothes me and I close my eyes as the feelings lessen.

The movement of his walking almost seems as if he is rocking me and it helps me to relax into him more. Lights shine through my closed eyes as I feel each step up the stairs. With a final step a door closes behind us and it is dark again. Softness touches my back as his arms lay me on the bed in the room that I have been given.

I whimper as my body heats up a second later from the lost of his arms.

"Just a second as I get your shoes off." Seth speaks so calmly just as he has been towards me.

His hands make quick but gentle work with taking my shoes off. Something I am envious of since when I take my shoes off I feel like it is more like yanking my foot plum off. Then the bed dips and I open my eyes to see him lay down, so I curl up on him and notice his still has no shirt on nor did he take shoes off I don't think.

"You didn't have shoes?" I question as I feel sweat dripping down my back making me feel nasty.

"No, I didn't think to put any on and it doesn't bother my feet either way." He chuckles. "My thoughts were on you only." He whispers nuzzling his nose in my hair by my neck.

I would sleep if I could but this sweat is getting on my nerves and honestly seems to be getting worse.

"I so sorry but I really need to shower." I whimper when trying to move my stomach cramps slightly as my core seems to just throb.

"No reason to be sorry. Come on." Seth picks me up and walks me to the bathroom.

He sits me on the counter before turning on the shower. He turns the knobs and then walks up to me. His hand cupping my cheek as his thumbs rub over my skin. "Call me if you need me okay? Nothing sexual I just want to help you if you need me while keeping you comfortable."

My heart patters at how thoughtful he is being with me. "Don't you want to do it though?"

"Sex?" He tilts his head and I nod. "Yeah trust me I want too." He smirks and I risk a look down to see him very prompt down there as his sleeping pants doesn't hide a thing like jeans would.

"I am not doing that until we are ready together and not just because heat is causing the bond to want to pull us to do it. There are other ways to make you comfortable without completing the bond or taming the heat by mating. I have enough know how to try and ease the heat as much as I can for you but it is something we will work with as it will happen every month or whatever your normal cycles tend to be because I doubt we make a pup every single time."

I laugh lightly and shake my head. "No I don't want that." I shake my head then widen my eyes. "I mean, yes I want pups but can't handle having so many. My max would be like four then something would have to happen."

Seth laughs and I join him. He lets my cheek go and tests the water. "This should help it is luke warm. Not hot as it will not help but the cold water will hurt just as much due to causing shivers and muscle cramps would happen that way after so long of shivering."

Like I said my heart cannot make up its mind either pattering or melting at how thoughtful my mate truly is.

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