46. Ordinary Wolf

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"Raine? "

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"Raine? "

"Coming Mum." A little girl calls out as I stand watching as if it was a movie in front of me.

It is if I am invisible while watching this. Standing right next to the small girl. I recongnize the features of that of my own when with how young I look here.

"We must go now. They are coming and we must meet up with your father and sister."

"Where are they Mum? I miss Magnolia, we don't like being away from each other."

"I know Raine. I know." Mum sighs while picking me up as I appear to be no older than maybe five. "We had to though as it threw them off course and bought us more time."

"Cryilla says that she has to be with Magnolia something isn't right." My young form shakes in Mum's arms.

Mum looks to me with fearful eyes. "No they couldn't have gotten to them I would have felt if something happened to your father."

Before I know it my Mum is running out of the hotel type room with my young form in her arms, with the one lonely bag over her shoulder. An seemingly invisible cord is wrapped around me as I follow the younger version of me without even moving my feet.

It hit me Mum is not an ordinary wolf. We can't move at such speeds and I feel as if they are flying.

We stop in the middle of a clearing and Mum looks around.

"Celis!" A man calls out.

"Roger! You made it with Magnolia." Mum cries as they race to each other.

"You're hurt!" Younger Raine cries when looking to Magnolia.

Sure enough Magnolia just as small as I was, has scratches over her skin.

"They found us and came after us just as we were leaving the compound." Dad pants catching his breath. "A dart hit me and I couldn't shift."

Mum hisses and moves to hold Magnolia too in her arms. Dad takes me and hugs me tight.

"Were you a good little girl for your Mum last night?"

Young Raine nods. "We watched tellie until I fall asleep and Mum told me about the cartoons."

"Sounds nice." Dad smiles.

Everyone looks back to Magnolia in Mums arms.

My eyes widen when I watch as Mum bites her own finger and places it in Magnolia's mouth letting her blood flow in. All the scratches heal within just a couple minutes time and Magnolia looks unscratched.

"Come we must run more. Are you able to shift now Roger?" Mum looks to Dad.


"The girls can hold and ride on your back. My energy is draining." Mum sighs and Dad looks at her worriedly.

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