59. Goose

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"Three... Two... One..." Valin pushes the button and not three seconds later a deafening blast sounds around us in the dawn of the morning.

Debre went flying around us.

"Jezuz Valin how much dynamite did you actually use? I think you made holes in the ground." Magnolia huffs as she had her hand on a tree from the force the ground shook with.

"I didn't know how much it took to destroy the gold." Valin shrugs. "Best to make sure, ya know. I don't know about you but I don't want those witches being able to use magic so freely at least now they will struggle."

"Yeah I think you succeeded in destroying the power source to their magic so it will be harder unless they got any gems on their body." Jirus whispers then points behind us. "D- DUUCK!"

I turn and see a couple standing not far behind us and a flash bolt heading right for us but fails. Thank the Lunar Goddess.

"Goose." Valin huffs then we shift a moment later.

"Really?" Jirus looks to Valin's wolf. He hadn't realized Valin tends to have a quick mouth full of sacrasm for his weapon when things can be rough, just Valin's way of coping that I learned over the years.

I shift into Fido's form and Jirus starts to chant beside me. I hear Ethan, Rafel, Magnolia, and Manto shift as well with the couple of warriors we have with us.

'Split.' Valin tells us as we had planned from the beginning.

"They are mine." Jirus grits out through clenched teeth and I watch as his hand holds the necklace with the gems as a fire ball forms in front of his body before he seems to push it with his hands towards the couple.

Their screams sound through the early morning air. I turn and break off with the first group as we make way to the main house. As Valin takes his grouping and goes from the back to try and get more of the others to free them from this place.

'We found them that was easy these dumb bears learned nothing.' Valin links me. 'They are free and we are coming to help.'

Just as we make it into the house, my vision blurs. My ears pick up a blast the next moment. Finally, getting our eyes to focus I see another man standing at the top of the stairs. The bottom of the stairs blew up as his hands were pointed towards our group.

Stinking warlock. Come here you pansie prick using magic to get us back. Fido growls as it stems from our chest.

We shake our fur and rid of the wood chips thankfully as none of them cut or stabbed into us. The dust is what got our vision, since apparently the stairs weren't very clean unless he over compensated and made part of the wooden dust, must suck not having their gold to hone their powers better.

Ethan shoots off his back feet as he pounces up to the part of stairs still there. The warlock is quick to fall and Jirus comes in.

We all go through and there are others I noticed shifted but they are bears fleeing out any way they can go. Some even making brand new doors as they knock down the wall with their weight to just get out of the house. It doesn't take but a moment for us to reach a wall completely knocked out and Ethan links that those bears up ahead are the main leaders.

'Do they have warriors?' Valin links as Manto and him take down the second in command with me.

'Yes.' Ethan links.

'But where are they?' Magnolia links and her head moves around.

'The woods. One of the groups seemed to act strange trying to get away and seemed like acting meek like it was too easy.' I add in the conversation.

'That pansie bear! The leader has the warriors around him trying to get away.' Ethan growls. His white tiger is coated in red as we all take off back around.

Valin orders our warriors to stay with the victims that have been freshly released. The couple of deer take off going back home but the others stand off to the sides shaking and scared, having no where to go.

'Tell them that they are more than welcome to come to our pack where we will weclome them.' I inform the one warrior and he shifts back facing the others. It is something all us high ranks had said we would offer them so it is best they know now and not have to continue worrying while we head off to finish this.

Making it to the group, we sneak up onto the group of bears. They must have still known since they went from on the move to turning on us with their long snouts open roaring showing their teeth as spit flies from their mouths.

Bears may be huge and think one may be slow but they are faster than thought by many. The speed of a bear alone can reach thirty miles per hour if they ran at the speed of a car and during it fight it does come to show. Their size a bit larger than our wolves, and their fur making it harder to go in to end the threat. As their paws swipe at us moving a little easier than that of our own paws.

Warmth spreads over my muzzle as blood drips from where a bear spun on me helping his friend that I am currently on top of as Fido has our teeth sunk into the neck of the bear. Using our paws, we spin on the bears back and ripping the chunk of the bears neck we had our teeth sunk into as we kick out at the other bear. Our nails dig in and rip the bear open from neck to groin since he was standing on his hind legs after swiping at us.

Manto runs and knocks over the bear we sliced open knocking it down to the ground as the bear under me sinks to the ground.

A loud whine and howl rings through the air as I look over to see Valin and Magnolia fighting with three bears. Ethan is quick to run over from the one he was fighting and helps Magnolia as Manto and I attack the two bears that have a hold of Valin.

Finally we seem to have brought all the bears down. I shift and take the shorts one of the warriors brought over to us from the bags.

"We got the third in command tied up and with us." The warrior nods behind him.

"Good thank you for helping there. I want him to be dragged back to the pack and placed in the holding cell." I inform the warrior and he nods.

A groan fills behind me and I spin seeing Valin on the ground. His skin sickly white as he holds a mangled leg that still is half shifted in his wolf form. His body seemingly half stuck through the shift.

Manto holds his leg down and tries to snap some bones in place, making Valin scream in pain as I have never heard him scream before. His eyes roll back and his body still stuck half shifted as his leg stays that of his wolves instead.

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