53. Pancakes

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I wake up and the bed is empty

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I wake up and the bed is empty. Looking at the clock it shows it is early morning hours but I may be able to sleep another hour or so. Not knowing where Raine is though, I know sleep will not find me until I do so I get up and open our bedroom door.

I see a light on at the bottom of the stairs, instead of going down first I walk over and see that Aysun isn't in her bed. So walking down the stairs I see that Magnolia is asleep on the smaller couch while my mate holds our daughter next to her on the couch as they are both asleep too. It sends a warmth through my body seeing them two together and how much they are happy.

Even though things have been thrown at Raine she has remained strong, while I make sure she knows I am here and will help her anyway I can. My guess is that Raine and Magnolia talked about what Jirus said since they really hadn't mentioned it otherwise yet.

I think mate and her sister should do it. It is who they are and I don't think it would be fair to have a part of them hidden unless they want it to be. Fido adds his thoughts in and I agree with him.

It should be their choice and theirs alone. All the rest of us can sit back and see what they want.

A small knock sounds from the front door, I open it to see a panicked Ethan.

"I came here thinking maybe Magnolia was here and I seen the light on but she wasn't in bed with me when I woke." He speed talks.

I nod. "Come on in, I will get us some coffee and start breakfast. I just came down a few minutes ago and found them asleep in the living room."

Ethan comes in and walks to where he can see her. I watch as he takes a visible deep breath and slowly releases it before turning back to me as we walk to the kitchen.

"I am glad she is here. Maybe they were able to talk." He whispers and I nod.

"How is Jirus and Rafel doing?" I ask him since I hadn't yet.

"They are happy. Never have I seen my brother so happy."

"I had felt when Jirus was added into the pack by Lance."

"I bet this has been different for you all unless you take in members constantly." Ethan chuckles as I hand him a cup of coffee.

A small chuckle escapes me. "No this is the most at one time that has happened since I been with the pack. Sure we get a transfer here and there but to have five of you within a relative short time is a first for me."

"Thank you though. I had thanked the Alpha and others but I hadn't gotten around to thanking you. If it wasn't for you I am not sure how Rafel and I would have gotten out of there."

"I am just glad Manto and I could help you."

"Good morning." Raine's voice speaks up behind me.

"Good morning, Love." I smile and then fix her some tea as it is her preference.

"Thank you." She sips it slowly while sitting down.

"Is Aysun still sleeping?" She nods and I look over her features. "Are you and Magnolia okay?"

Raine looks up at me. "I am okay. We talked last night, then fell asleep once Aysun came down seeing the light on."

"A talk we needed." Magnolia speaks up and bids everyone good morning while sitting next to Ethan while I get her tea too once asking.

"So last night we figured out what we want to do." Magnolia sighs while looking to Raine, who nods.

"Together we think we want to see if Jirus can uncover the vampire side that is from our mother. It is still strange that we could or do have that side when she had a spell to cover it just to have us otherwise she wouldn't have been able to have us." Raine sits next to me at the counter across from Ethan and Magnolia.

I get up and start working on some food for everyone as I listen to them talk.

"Even though it is a spell that hide that part of your mother it was still in her blood stream and would transder to the both of you." I offer.

"Yes and another reason why we shifted so early as it worked with our wolves making them stronger from what our wolves had spoke about last night. I don't remember my first shift because I was that little when it happened. I do remember Raine and I were stronger and faster as kids compared to what we are now. If we have the side uncovered then we would be at our best." Magnolia tells us more and it makes sense.

"We can find Jirus today and talk with him." Ethan speaks up as they nod.

"Should we tell Lance and the others what we have decided?" Raine looks at me as I turn from the stove.

"I can link them to inform them of it all but pretty sure they knew it would be a possibility. No one here would stop either of you from something that is a part of who you are." I shrug and then turn to flip the pancakes.

"You know we will have to talk with the pack doctor too." Magnolia whispers to Raine.

"I know but I figured on talking to him anyways." Raine sighs.

"What's wrong?" I turn her having my full attention since it is news to me.

"Nothing is wrong, just been getting bloated after he placed me on this birth control is seems. This implant isn't supposed to have many side effects but I think I may be unlucky so he can take it out and put me on something else maybe." Raine shrugs.

It is something I noticed but I thought it was because she has finally been eating properly too. Before when I heard of her diet the bruin kept them on it was nothing of mind as to why she was overly skinny and now she has finally been putting some meat on her bones and looking healthy. Even Magnolia finally has gained a pound or two since eating here within the pack.

"I know and thank you too." She whispers in my ear having came up to me.

I look at her and feel my eyes widen.

"Yeah you just mumbled it all but through our link so I heard it all but they didn't." Raine gives me a soft smile then pecks a kiss to my lips.

"Mommy!" Aysun calls out from the other room.

"Coming Aysun." Raine responds and then walks to the room.

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