27. Goodie

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The day has come and went by to fast since I am standing out in the front area with Seth and the tracker, along with others close to Seth that I have gotten close with too

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The day has come and went by to fast since I am standing out in the front area with Seth and the tracker, along with others close to Seth that I have gotten close with too.

"You know your training. This is the first time you will be off on anything like this." Lance looks to Seth and anyone can see how much he cares for Seth. It is clear to anyone that Lance is a father figure to Seth just like Valin is.

"Use the tonic wisely to keep your scents hidden. It is best to reapply it every couple of hours if you're able too and don't get wet." Valin takes over with instructions.

"I got this. We got this." Seth shakes his head lightly with a small smile.

"I want to go." Callie calls out running from behind her house.

Lance picks her up before she reaches Seth and she fights in his arms. "I want to go with him. I am strong and fierce."

"Not yet little pup." Lance chuckles. "You have to get much older before you can do anything like Seth is doing."

"I don't get to do anything fun. All because I am small and not old enough to shift yet." Callie pouts as Lance places her on her feet standing next to him.

"Don't rush it little one." Fayla rubs her back with a soft smile.

"You be good for Ma and Lance." Seth bends down to hug Callie when she steps up to him.

"Aren't I always good? Dad says I am his princess." Callie sasses lightly making us all laugh.

Callie stands back by Fayla and Lance. Fayla has already hugged Seth tight telling him to be careful. They all move back and Seth steps over to me, his lips meet mine as his hands cup my cheeks. He pulls back and smiles at me while I mirror the smile.

"Watch out for anything in the area we came from. We don't know much but what we have learned so far is much of what we thought was true has been a fabrication."

Seth nods. "Maybe we will get something now. You have fun here and be safe."

"I will." Trying my hardest to smile, it doesn't seem right him leaving to go back to the place I thought was home for over half my life until now.

Seth turns and runs off with the tracker where they get to the woods. I see as they shift in the old shorts they had on and Seth turns back once more to look at us. I wave and he turns before running off. Cryilla is oddly quiet but no where near calm as she has been pacing nonstop.

"What was lied about?" Callie looks to me.

"Well we were lead to believe Magnolia and I were part of that pack but they were going to sacrifice us to some statue they deem to give them life." I answer honestly since it is something I hold to a high value.

"What is sacrificed?" She tilts her head.

"They were planning to kill Raine and Magnolia, mostly done during a ceremony of sorts like most sacrifices have to happen." Lance answers for me and Callie frowns.

"That isn't nice though." She looks to me. "I am glad your here and safe from that, plus you make Seth happy."

"He makes me happy too." I smile at her.

"Come on let's go have some sweet treats, I may have gotten a couple doughnuts from Sherry earlier." Fayla pulls me to her with Callie.

I smile and follow her as Lance and Valin walk towards the packhouse. No doubt to work more as everyone is on edge already and they just left.

"Just wish there was more Magnolia and I knew to help."

"You both have told us all you know and remember. Maybe in time some more dreams or memories come back as you relax more here." Fayla smiles at me.

"Most nights I have been so tired and calm in Seth's arms I am out cold and don't remember a thing I dream about." I sigh.

"Happens at times but your body has been unwinding too over the last week and some odd days you have been here. Now things evening out more for you." She walks a step over and rubs my back like a mother does.

"Seth has this easily, with everyone that trained him and then his own smart mind it is simple I bet." Callie skips in front of us.

"There you go." Fayla smiles. "Liking the positive attitude."

I smile as it is infectious and thinking positive is the best way. "I will agree with you."

"Besides I don't need anymore wrinkles." Fayla laughs. "Worrying sure is the cause them."

"You don't have any." I laugh.

"Oh yes I do but I use this facial cream one of the ladies make in the pack. Helps wonders but that is what happens." She snickers.

Fayla leads us to the kitchen counter and Callie stares at them before looking to me.

"Are you going to get one?" I ask her with a laugh as she bounces in her spot. This little girl always so energitic.

"I would but you have to go first."

"Why me?"

Fayla watches us with a soft smile.

"Because I like them all and not picky as where you should get what you like first."

"Would you help me out because I only ever tried that powder one with the lemon filling." I can't help but laugh when her mouth drops open.

"This one it is going to be your second favorite if you like the fruit filled ones or if you want chocolate get that one." She points towards it. "That one has some light chocolate flavor with hints of raspberry."

"Oh, you got me that is the one to try." I giggle lightly when she hands me a small plate.

"Goodie I get to have the lemon one this time." Callie snickers with a little evil laugh making us all laugh. "Let's watch a movie."

"As long as Raine isn't needing to get back and tend to anything Callie." Fayla chides.

"I am free since was going to work on laundry but that can wait until tomorrow."

"Goodie!" Callie takes off.

"Been a long time since a girls movie night was had." Fayla smiles wide.

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