The trauma

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As the admissions process started, the Jinmin buddies got into the same college. It was the same college where his hyung studied. They picked accounting as per Namjoon’s opinion because he is the only one whom they obey when it comes to academics since Namjoon was a brilliant student from the beginning. Jin became busy dealing with college stuff as the academic year started, but his feelings for Jungkook never gave up. He will try his best to focus on his studies as well as Jungkook.


“Yah, have you seen our new boss?”

Jungkook and Namjoon heard the talk of the employees who were standing at the entrance near them to welcome their new boss.

“No, I heard that he was returning from the States after finishing all his business related studies.” Another employee said.

“Lucky are those who are born rich; they don't have to work for their lives; they will just sit in their father's position once they complete their studies.” The other employee agreed by nodding.

"Everyone, our boss is here.” The security guard alerted everyone.

After a few minutes, a long-waited car stopped in front of the entrance, and everyone was prepared to welcome the one who was inside the car.
A fine, handsome man gets outside of the car in an expensive black suit, and everyone is amazed by the perfect aura of that man.

Namjoon and Jungkook came forward and bowed respectfully.

“Welcome to KTH Corporation, sir. I am Kim Namjoon, the head of the finance department, and this is Jeon Jungkook, the executive officer.”

Namjoon said politely, and Jungkook gave the bouquet he was holding to their boss.

Their boss took the bouquet, gave it to his assistant, and made his way inside without greeting anyone in return.


When office time finished, Namjoon and Jungkook came to the parking area to get their bikes. They stopped in the middle when they saw their boss leaning against his expensive car in front of them. Jungkook and Namjoon slowly made their way to their boss and stopped in front of him. The man who was staring blankly at them slowly began to smile, and Namkook also smiled, and quickly they jumped into a group hug.

“Welcome to our company boss.” Jungkook said, giving a puch in Teahyung's stomach, playfully.

"Yaaah, are you still practicing boxing?” Teahyung asked, holding his stomach, once they released the hug.

“Yahh, punk, when did you become this cold?” Namjoon’s asked.

“Business and friendship are different, man.”


"I can't believe he forgot to bring the lunch box with him again.”

Jin said in annoyance and took the box with him. Since he only had class in the afternoon, he decided to stop at his hyung’s company to deliver the lunch box.

When Namjoon heard someone knocking on his office door, he quickly said, Come in without taking his eyes off the laptop. He heard the sound of something being placed on his table, but he didn’t divert his focus.

“Bon appetite”

Jin said and quickly turned to walk back in annoyance, only to be stopped by Jungkook, who just came inside, and only after hearing that Namjoon noticed it was Jin.

Jungkook stopped in front of Jin when their eyes met. Jin was just happy and nervous to see Jungkook.

The atmosphere becomes awful for them. But

“When did you come?" NJ asked from behind, getting Jin's attention.

“Just now, why did you forget to take the lunch box?” Jin asked in a mad voice.

“I was in a hurry today. But thank you. My aegi is the best.”

Namjoon said and punched Jin's bread cheeck, who got annoyed at getting the baby treatment.

“Your Aegi is all grown up and going to attend his lecture class. Bye.”

Jin said, and side-eyed Jungkook, though he was also saying the same to him, left the office in annoyance.

Every time I started to act mature, this hyung spoil everything.

Jin murmured and got inside the lift without noticing that it was for authorized people only. He casually stood inside and was about to press the button when two men, one in an elegant suit and the other looking like his assistant, came to get inside the lift.

“Excuse me, but this is not for ordinary people." The assistant warned Jin. Only after that did Jin realize it.

"I am really sorry.” He quickly apologized and was about to exit the lift but

“Its Ok.” The man in the suit said which stopped Jin.

He then said something to the assistant, who just nodded before leaving them. The man got inside and stood near Jin, keeping a little distance.

“Thank you.” Jin said politely.

“Which floor?”

“First one," Jin said.

The lift journey was really awkward because the man kept glancing at Jin from time to time. And once the lift reached the first floor, Jin quickly got out and started to walk away, but the man stopped.


Jin turned back with a confused expression.

“How do you know my name?”

“You don’t remember me? I am Namjoon’s friend, Kim Teahyung.” Jin still doesn’t get him.

“You were little when I last saw you at the party."

Jin still stood there, furrowing his forehead and processing where he met him.

“Don’t you remember Namjoon's graduation party?"

That question caught Jin off guard; his eyes went wide, and his heart began to beat fast.

“I didn’t see you after that party."
Teahyung then came closer to Jin And

"Did something happen that day?” he asked curiously in a low, husky tone.

Jin began to breathe heavily. He tightened his hold on his shoulder bag. He found it difficult to breathe suddenly. The sound of people's loud shouts and cheers echoed in his ears. Some scenes from the party flashed through his memory. He quickly shut his eyes to stop remembering what he was trying to forget.

“Are you ok?” Teahyung's question helped him come out of the memories.

He quickly nodded.

"I-I have to go.” He said that in a rush and didn’t wait to walk, he ran way from there.

“You are still the same.” Teahyung said, looking at Jin, who was running towards the entrance.


Namjoon heard someone mumbling, and it woke him up from sleep. He looked around, and there was no one in his room. He quietly closed his eyes again.

Jin tightly holds his sheet and breathes heavily in his sleep.

“No, no, no." He kept saying this.

He cannot move his hands and legs, as though someone has tightly held them.

He began to sweat more, and his mumbling became louder as the person in his dream came closer to him.


Namjoon shot open his eyes, hearing the loud cry from Jin's room.


Namjoon quickly got out of bed and ran towards Jin's room in panic. Once he opened the door, all he saw was Jin shouting and crying, closing his eyes, and the tears flowing from it.


Namjoon ran to wake Jin up from the nightmare. He held Jin's body and shook him.

“It’s a dream.
Wake up.
Nothing happened.
Look, Hyung is with you."

It took a long time for Namjoon to wake the crying Jin up. He hugged Jin tightly when he finally calmed down.


Jungkook stared at Namjoon, who was just stirring his lunch with the spoon instead of eating it.He placed his spoon on the table before speaking.

“What happened to you?"
Namjoon's attention shifted to Jungkook as he began.

“You are not paying attention to things. I noticed this this morning. Even you zone out of the meeting. Did something bother you?”

“Jin cried again in his sleep.” Namjoon said it in a serious tone.

“Did something happen?" Jungkook asked quickly.

“I don’t know. Something or someone has surely triggered him.”

Namjoon held the spoon tighter to control the anger building inside him.

Jungkook was silent after that. His memories traveled to that day, when Namjoon graduated with the first rank. He wishes he could go back in time and save Jin from that incident.

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