The healers and harmers

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Present time :

Jungkook heard a soft sob from the side of the room. He looked around, but he couldn't see anyone. It was almost dark inside the room, and he was the only one there. Slowly, the sob began to change into a loud cry. Someone is crying, afraid, and crying for help. Jungkook moved around the room to find that person, but he couldn't find the owner of the crying sound. He felt like going crazy after hearing the sound again and again. But suddenly the sound stopped, and a light spot fell on the corner of the room, revealing a scared figure who was sitting there, holding his legs tighter to his chest and lowering his head. Jungkook came a little closer to see the person clearly, and his eye went big when he realized who it was.


He called and ran towards where Jin was. But when Jungkook was close enough to touch the figure, it disappeared suddenly in front of him. Jungkook stood there, speechless. He jumped awake from his sleep and panting, sweat drops rolling from the sides of his face.

“Kwenchahna?” Yoongi asked worriedly, coming from the kitchen, when he saw Jungkook in that condition.

Jungkook looked around and was relieved when he realized it was a dream. He turned to Yoongi and nodded his head. Yoongi then brought Jungkook a glass of water, and Jungkook drank it in one go. He looked at the time, and then, after he remembered, he fell asleep on the couch after coming from work tiredly, and it was only past 7 p.m.

“Where are you going?” Yoongi asked when he saw Jungkook wearing his jacket.

"I'm going out for a walk. I will be quick.”

“You sure? Because it's Halloween starting, and I don’t think you will get peace outside.”

“That’s why you are not going to work tonight."

“Did I even need to answer that?"


When everyone else was celebrating and partying that night, Jungkook sat on a bench near his apartment and gazed at the sky, hoping to find the solace he craved. He was so focused on the moon that he didn't notice someone approaching him and taking a seat next to him.

When someone quietly tapped his shoulder, he was interrupted from his muddled thoughts. He turned, saw someone dressed in a rabbit costume, and waved at him. Jungkook gave the rabbit a simple smile. The rabbit then tapped his own chest and pointed to the moon. Jungkook became puzzled.

“What?” he asked.

The rabbit again tapped his own chest and pointed at the moon. Jungkook, who doesn’t get what the rabbit was saying, turned to look at the moon. It took some time for Jungkook to finally get what the rabbit meant.

“Aaah! you are saying you are the rabbit in the moon?” Jungkook asked with big eyes.

The rabbit nodded and clapped when it made Jungkook understand.

“Then what are you doing here?” Jungkook asked, expressing his interest.

Then the rabbit began to show action again.

“You came here... because... I looked at the moon silently?" Jungkook asked what he got from the actions.
The rabbit nodded again and started to do action again.

“You want to... make me happy" because you feel like I am sad?”
The rabbit again nodded and clapped.

“How?” Jungkook asked.

The rabbit then stood up and came in front of Jungkook. Jungkook silently waited for the rabbit to see what it was going to do now. The rabbit suddenly began to dance, dance cutely, dance hilariously, and it fell on the ground when it tried to dive, but he didn’t stop the dance. He stood up after patting his bum, where he felt a small pain because of the fall, and continued to dance. Jungkook smiled, smiled wildly, and laughed.

The rabbit stopped the dance and suddenly took a flower from nowhere and showed it in front of Jungkook. Jungkook got shocked when he took the flower and looked at it thoroughly. It was his birth flower, the tiger lily.

“Who are you?" he asked suddenly.

The rabbit stood there silently and pointed at Jungkook's back. Jungkook looked behind him, but he didn’t see anyone there. He confusedly turned to look at the rabbit, but the rabbit was not there. He quickly stood and looked around. He can't believe how the rabbit suddenly disappeared. He wondered  for a minute if it was really the rabbit from the moon.

Jin ran to where his cycle was, stopped there, and panted for a sec. He removed the rabbit head, and now he was drenched in sweat, but a smile formed on his lips when he thought about Jungkook.


“I haven’t seen anyone put in this much effort to make their crushes pre-birthday night special. How can someone come up with the concept of a pre-birthday night? Everyone celebrates only their birthday night.” Jimin said as he helped his best friend remove the rabbit costume.

“I feel happy when I make Kookie Hyung happy.” Jin said, laying on the bed, taking a rest from the hot costume with a smile.

"So, what's the birthday present?" Jimin asked curiously.

Jin's smile fell down, and he looked at his friend with a pout.

“I don’t know, and I don’t have enough money to buy anything."

“If I was working, I could definitely give you money.”

“If you were working, then I will also be working, and then I don’t have to ask for money from you idiot.”

"Ok, smart boy, then how are you going to buy the present?”

Jin became silent and looked at the ceiling hopelessly.


It was getting dark when Namjoon returned to his house, but the first thing he noticed when he entered the gate was his garden. He stood there in pure shock for a minute and quickly made his way inside the house.

“Where have all the flowers in my garden gone, AEGI?"

Namjoon shouts from downstairs, hoping Jin will hear his question, but there is no sign of Jin in the house.

“Where did this brat go?”

Namjoon asked himself in a little frustration and picked up his phone.


Jin slowly parked his bicycle and took the flower bouquet he made himself for his kookie hyung. A smile formed on his face when he looked at the beautiful bouquet. He took a deep breath and exhaled it before going towards the apartment.

He was waiting for the lift when a familiar voice was heard. He looked in the direction where a woman was making a man slowly walk by closing his eyes with her hands behind him. Jin quickly hid from the couple. He could hear Lisa's laughter when Jungkook kept asking her where she was taking him. Jin stood there, seeing everything with a heavy heart. But he was also curious as to where they were going, so he secretly followed them. Lisa stopped their walk in the parking area and removed his hands from Jungkook's eyes.


She said when Jungkook opened his eyes and saw the latest model bike in front of them. Jungkook didn’t say anything; he stood there silently and then looked at Lisa.

“Happy birthday, Jungkookie.” Lisa said softly and hugged him.

The bouquet in Jin's hand fell to the floor when Lisa kissed Jungkook on his cheek. What broke his heart the most was that Jungkook didn’t reject the kiss. When the first tears flowed down from Jin's eyes, he quickly wiped them and ran away from there.

It was raining outside, but Jin didn’t want to stay there. He doesn’t care about getting wet and ran into the rain, but a pair of hands pulled him inside the lot.

Jin was startled for a minute when he saw Teahyung suddenly there in front of him.

“Did you put the gas on in your house? Why are you running into the rain?” Teahyung asked angrily.

Jin didn’t say anything; his mind was full of the scene he saw earlier, and he couldn't bear the pain it caused.
Teahyung sighed when Jin didn’t give him any response.

“Stay here; I will bring the towel from my car.”

Teahyung said and went towards his car, which was parked in the parking lot, and came back with the towel. Jin was still standing in the same position where Teahyung left him earlier.

Teahyung came closer and slowly started to dry Jin's hair. Jin, without rejecting it, lowered his head for him. Teahyung continued to dry the hair with a smile when Jin didn’t oppose it, but he stopped his action when Jin slowly leaned into Teahyung and put his head on Teahyung's chest. They stood there like that for a minute. Teahyung slowly placed his hand on Jin's back and patted him.

But Jin suddenly pulled away from Teahyung when a little thunder alerted him to their position.
Jin felt embarrassed because of his action. He shouldn’t have leaned into Teahyung. It became awkward for him to look at Teahyung’s face, who was smiling at him, and he looked away.

"Whatever you are going through, remember that you can share it with me. I will be with you always."

Teahyung said, which made Jin suddenly look at Teahyung.

“As a friend?”

Jin gave a small smile when he heard the last word.


After his encounter with Teahyung, Jin slowly made his way to Jimin's house. As he was nearing the gate, he heard a woman and a man's loud sound. It looks like they are having a big argument. Jin stopped in front of the gate and decided to go back since it was not the best time to see his best friend. But just before he turned to go away from there, Jimin came outside the house, putting an earphone in his ears with teary eyes. Jimin quickly wiped away the tears when he saw his best friend at the gate.

The Jinmin buddy was silent when they took a seat on the nearby platform. Jin slowly looked at Jimin, who was now looking at his phone and changing the song. He put one piece of the earphone in Jin's ear.

“Yah, I forgot to ask you. Did you give the present?” Jimin asked, suddenly stopping the music.

Jin slowly shook his head negatively and explained today's incident.

“Are they really friends or not?” Jimin asked curiously when Jin stopped. But he regretted asking it when he saw the tears forming in Jin's eyes.

“Aiiish, friends also kiss on their cheeks. They are best friends from school days. I think it's normal between them.” Jimin said. But Jin was still silent.

“Don’t be like this. Do you think that if you cry, everything will be alright? Just don’t let your heart break for these silly things."

But Jin is still silently looking at Jimin.

“I think I have an idea to make your mood better.”

Jimin then removed the earphone from his phone, put their favorite song in full volume, and began to dance hilariously in front of his best friend. Jin, who was feeling sorrow a moment ago, began to laugh at his best friend's attempts.

When Jin Remember end seeing Jimin with teary eyes before, his laughter  turned into a living warm smile.

Some people are both healers and harmers. They try to fix everyone they can, but in the end, have no strength to heal their own selves.

A/N : Iam sorry for the late updates.

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