Don't worry, its just love

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A/N : We are still in the past.

“Who could it be? Who could it be?

NJ paced around the living room restlessly, asking his best friend, who was now seriously focusing on the paper in his hand.

“I don’t think I have ever seen this tatoo in anyone among our batch.” Jungkook expressed his opinion.

“That’s what I also thought when I first saw this. I don’t know a person who has this tattoo in our class. But.” Namjoon stopped, causing Jungkook to shift his focus from the paper to his best friend.

"I am going to find him out with this tattoo. I have asked for help with a person I know whom I trust will definitely help me in this.” Namjoon said it in a determined voice.

“Who?” Jungkook asked curiously.

“Yoongi.” Namjoon paused and made eye contact with Jungkook.

“You know he worked as a tattoo artist part-time. I am sure he will help me find that bastard.”


Jin tightened the towel around him before entering the bathroom. He closed the door and slowly made his way to the bath tub. The water was really cold when he checked the temperature. So he decided to turn on the heater since he likes to bathe in warm water more. But when he touched the switch on the heater, he felt an electric shock suddenly, and he screamed, pulling his hand from it, and instantly collapsed on the floor.


Jungkook came running inside Jin’s room after hearing the scream in shock. He looked around to find Jin, and when he didn’t see him, he quickly made his way to the bathroom after noticing it was locked inside.

"Jin, are you there?” Jungkook asked, knocking on the door several times.

“Jin, are you okay? Can you hear me open the door?" Jungkook asked again and waited for a few seconds patiently for the reply from inside.

He panicked when he didn't get any response from inside. He gathered all his strength and began to kick the door forcefully. After some effort, the door's lock broke from the force, and he got inside and stood there in shock when he saw Jin lying unconsciously on the floor.


Jungkook pulled Jin's body into his arms and began to wake him up, but there was no response from Jin. He took him in his arms and brought him to his bed. He pulled over the bedsheet above Jin, covering Jin's body after slowly laying him in the bed.

He brought water and sprayed it over his face. Jin slowly began to open his eyes when the water drops fell on his face. Jungkook relaxed and waited for Jin to fully open his eyes.

When Jin came to complete consciousness, Jungkook came closer to him worriedly.

"Kwenchahna?" he asked softly.

Jin got confused for a sec and looked around. When he noticed he was only on his towel under the bedsheet, his eyes went wide, and he quickly pulled the sheet over his shoulder and slowly moved backward, scared and with almost teary eyes looking at Jungkook.

Jungkook understood why Jin got afraid of seeing him, so he quickly moved away from Jin and stood there.

““Kwenchanha?” he asked, looking now away at Jin.

"Hyung,” Jin called, expecting his hyung to come there as quickly as possible.

“Namjoon is not here. He went outside and told me to look after you without his presence. He said he would be late.” Jungkook said softly, trying to make Jin understand that he doesn’t have any bad intentions in coming inside his room.

But Jin is still silent and scared. Jungkook understood Jin was still uncomfortable with his presence, so he decided to leave, but he stopped at the door.

"I am sorry; I don’t have any bad intentions coming into your room. I came to check on you when I heard your screaming. I think you are now okay. I am sorry again if I make you uncomfortable.”
Jungkook said leaving the room and closing the door behind him without looking at Jin.

Jin slowly peeked at the door, and when he ensured that Jungkook left, he quickly closed the door from inside.


Whenever Jin changed into his dress and sat in the bed, he was afraid to go down stairs. He heard a knock on the door, and he contemplated whether to open it or not. After a few minutes, when Jin hadn't given him a response, Jungkook decided to speak from outside.

“I have cooked breakfast for you, and I am leaving it here.”

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