Dirty Work

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** Nightmare's perspective **

I blinked.

" Hahahaha!" I chuckled and looked down at our hands.

Glancing around his tiny apartment, I grinned again. I was finally released from the small ass head of his. Sean couldn't do shit. I threw the beanie all the way across the room. I didn't do cute.

" Please!" Sean pleaded.

" Alright," I said. I felt our heart flutter with hope. " I'll make sure you can see," I said.

" No!" He cried.

But it was too late.

I felt my eyesight slowly release and unstring itself from his eyeball.

Now he was forced to watch. I kept the eye open by using the remains of my eye to still control the eyelid. I clenched my fists and made my way towards the window.

 I clenched my fists and made my way towards the window

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( Credit to the artist. I just edited the picture to fit the description.)

Flinging it open, I jumped out. The wind cradled my flesh, combing through my teeth. I fell to the ground and rolled. I stood and brushed the dirt and small rocks off his sweatshirt. My eye scanned the area. I heard lifelike movement three miles away. I didn't realize how dark it actually was.

I pulled the hood up, inhaling deeply. I looked around and breathed in the damp air. Had it rained?

There were few alleys. I walked in through one, stretching my neck upward to glance at the rooftops. I hunched down and jumped. I leaped all the way on top of the building and clung to the edge with one hand. I swung our other arm up and latched on the edge. Using our muscles, I pushed us up and onto the roof.

" Now we wait," I told him.

" Take your eye back," Sean said in defeat. " I can't watch what you do."

" Oh! Well since you asked nicely... I won't do it."

" Please!" He begged. " Don't you need both?!"

" Eh. I may just keep one eye. Now you can see my work." I debated. " Plus, it'll be more of a challenge for me."

" I can't do this!" He told me. " I'll do it! I'll jump or cut or drown to get rid of you."

" Woah, buddy ol' pal," I said, pacing. " Don't do anything rash here, alright."

" You know I'll do it! Just to get you out of my head!" He threatened.

" Pretty selfish thing to do," I said, sitting down and using his arms as support for his body.

" What? No, it isn't!" He said.

" I see... Your millions of fans who depend on you so that they don't do something rash to get rid of their demons... or the problems they have to deal with every single day. Who just need to listen to you talk to them and play games for them so they can get through the day... that means nothing to you?" I asked.
" You'd throw all of the love and support you get and all your friends that you made with this job and the apartment you got and the fan art and the shirts made FOR you... you would destroy all of that and millions of lives because of what? A little voice in your head?"

He said nothing.

" That's what I thought."

He continued to stay silent. I smirked. I heard a shoe scraping on cement. I stared down upon my prey.

There was a pretty girl walking all alone. She was wearing a brown leather coat over a peach-colored dress. She had tennis shoes on, mindlessly kicking a pebble down the street. Her phone was very close to falling out of her purse.

I jumped down quietly beside her. Sneakily, I grabbed it. I waited for her to walk a little ways away from me. I unlatched from Sean's other eye, but slipped into his actual eye, dying his blue eyes black. I carefully unsharpened my fangs and let them be his regular teeth. Then, I turned his tongue normal. I prepared in an instant to change.

Running up to this girl normally, I held out her phone. " Excuse me, lassie," I said.

She turned around. " Uh, yes?" She asked. She had long, curled brown hair that seemed fried, maybe from a lack of heat protection spray. Her eyes were pools of chocolate, coated in thick, inkwell eyeliner.

" You, uh, dropped your phone," I said, holding it up to her.

" Oh, I did? Thanks!" She said, grasping it.

" While you were giving that pebble what it rightfully deserves," I started and she smiled a beautiful smile. " It fell out. I saw it and thought it might be yours."

" That's awfully sweet of you. Thank you. Most people would take it and run." She said while putting it in a pocket on the outside of her purse.

" Well, I'm not like most people," I said truthfully.

" I can see that." She said.

" I didn't quite catch your name," I asked, pulling off my hood.

" Oh, it's Cassiopeia." She said. " Just call me Cass."

" Alright, Cass. My name is Sean. But just call me Jack." I joked.

Then there was silence.

" Well, thank you, Jack." Cass appreciated.

" No problem, Cass," I said. " Hey, a pretty girl like you shouldn't be walking home alone."

" I'm plenty safe, thank you very much." She said. " Maybe I'll see ya around." And Cass started walking away from me.

" I would not be a gentleman if I let you walk home alone." I offered, running after her.

" I'm fine." She said.

" You could get robbed or kidnapped or-" I listed before she interrupted.

" I said I'm fine. I don't need anyone to walk me home like I'm on a date." Cass said, her tolerance worn thin.

" I'm serious," I said and grabbed her wrist.

She turned towards me and ripped her hand away. " I'm fine!" She shouted.

" No, you're not!" I shouted back, losing Sean's voice as a cover.

Then she reached into her purse and pulled out a spray. She aimed it at my face and sprayed. The second it reached my eyes, I screamed and recoiled.

" Get away you freak!" She screamed and started running away.

I was practically bouncing.

" Ha!" I laughed, screeching highly.

Cass started running away faster. I rubbed our eyelids harshly and took over both eyes. Standing up, I blurred past her and stood in front of her. She collided into me and fell backward.

" What the hell?!" She asked, looking up at me. She screamed but I was quick on the draw and dropped down beside her, my hand muffling her delicious screams.

" Shh, shh flower. You really shouldn't pepper spray people. That might make them mad." I whispered into her ear.

She was kicking and flailing to no avail. I wrapped our arms around her and jumped onto the nearest roof. I needed to go back to the cabin.

I Don't Want to Hurt You! (Antisepticeye/Jacksepticeye X Reader) [ BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now