Boyfriend material

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** Y/N's perspective **

I felt so alive. I felt like running a marathon was the easiest thing. I felt like jumping from a tall building, and landing perfectly fine. I was dating jacksepticeye. And he was dating me. We were dating. That morning, there was nothing really to it. We just sat on the couch, in each other's arms, and watched YouTube for a while. Sean called for a pizza, and refused to move too much. Eventually, being a human and all, I had to go to the bathroom. The second I shut and locked the door, a knock echoed through.

" I'll get it!" Sean shouted.

" Okay! " I shouted back, straining my throat.

** Sean's perspective **

I opened the door, and saw Gi. Her blonde hair and blank blue eyes brought back memories.

" Oh, hello!" I said.

Gi stepped a bit back, hoping I wouldn't notice, but I did. " Hey. Is Y/N here?" Gi questioned duly.

" They're in the back..." I explained.

" Ah... okay... Well, uh, I messaged them and like they didn't reply and I was kind of worried," Gi said, worried.

I awkwardly stood at the door, staring at the girl who kicked out my poor little Y/N. I was both angry and thankful.

" So... How's Frank?" I asked, buying time.

" Good!" Gi excitedly said, but clearly faking it. " He left like a day ago for some big trip and all."

" Nice!" I replied, leaning against the door frame.

Clearing her throat, she looked past me and into the apartment. I frowned as I moved even more out of her way. She blushed, and looked down at her feet.

" And also, Y/N took my money," Gi said.

" Money?" I asked, confused.

" Yeah, like a lot," Gi snarked, being really rude all of the sudden.

I replied honestly, " I could pay for whatever Y/N owes you..."

" They stole from me!" Gi complained.

" I don't believe you really," I said, hearing my Irish tone.

She scoffed at me. " That piggy bank-"

" Y/N didn't steal shit and you know it. How dare you come over here and start drama even after you kicked them out!" I declared, standing up straight.

Gi looked up at me. " I want the money that whore took!"

Cracking my knuckles, I slammed the door shut. Gi pounded at the door, but I ignored her as I turned around. I saw a smiling Y/N. They dashed to me, and hugged me tightly and fast. I wrapped my arms around them quickly this time. We slowly waddled to the couch, and started watching shows again.

" You're perfect," Y/N muttered while we watched together.

I smiled. Was I perfect? I mean, there was Jett... but he's out of the picture now. And all that mattered was Y/N being safe.

I Don't Want to Hurt You! (Antisepticeye/Jacksepticeye X Reader) [ BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now