The Battle of the Centuries

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( Yay cover art! I had a lot of fun making this chapter and this photo, and this has been longly anticipated

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( Yay cover art! I had a lot of fun making this chapter and this photo, and this has been longly anticipated. Enjoy! ) 

** Y/N's perspective **

A lot was going through my head. Maybe I could stab him, and then break down the door with a chair or something. Or maybe I could smother him in his sleep, and then find another way to escape. What if I hadn't talked to him. What if I didn't come today. I could have stayed with Sean and not been in this mess. All of these " what if's" or " maybe's" infested my head while I sat in his living room. 

I wanted to see Sean again.

But I couldn't. I was never going to see him again. I didn't appreciate what I had when I had it. Sean was going to die, and I would be forced to tell his audience that I found his body. I couldn't even look in a certain direction without being reminded of his sweet smile, or his adorable laugh. I wouldn't want to hear anything, because all I'd want to hear was his bubbly voice. I almost started crying.

" Y/N?" Flynn asked, carrying that same stupid plastered on smirk since I came out of the bathroom. " I asked if you wanted something to eat."

I was outraged. I wanted his head on a pike. I wanted Sean. I was resting my head in my heads, ignoring the stinging behind my eyes. So, I simply replied, " Go fuck a meat grinder."

That made Flynn gasp in awe. " That would hurt a lot... But only if you want me to!" He chirped.

What the hell was wrong with this guy? I didn't understand-


I whipped my head towards the loud noise. The window I threw the music box at was now in shards on the carpet. I saw the oh so familiar face poke his head into Flynn's broke window frame. 

" Y/N!" Sean called out, maneuvering himself through the window, and eventually standing by the door.

" Sean!" I called back, standing up and running towards Sean.

We hugged, his strong arms like a blissful cage around me. He reached his hands to my face, pulled me in, and kissed me, our lips interwoven.

" I guess me friend didn't handle you," Flynn said.

I broke the kiss and looked back. Flynn had stood up, and was glaring at Sean. 

" Y/N, you need to go," Sean demanded.

" No, let me help," I said, being stubborn.

" I'm serious," Sean said.

" I am too!" I replied. 

Suddenly, Flynn lunged at Sean. I managed to jump back as I saw Flynn tackle him to the ground. He pulled something metal out from his pocket and pressed a button. I couldn't move. Every fiber of me was screaming to move, but I couldn't. I was frozen. 

" Leave!" Sean shouted to me, kicking Flynn in his chest and rolling away.

I just couldn't. I was frozen. I couldn't even talk. I was paralyzed. 

" Let them watch you turn, ya demon from hell!" Flynn screamed, standing up with his knife in hand. 

Sean ran towards Flynn at full speed, pivoted on his right foot, then used his left foot to kick him in his chest. Flynn stumbled backward but grabbed the edge of his couch so he didn't hit the ground. 

" I can't," Sean mumbled. " They're here..."

Who the hell was he talking to?

" Come on, you fucking monster. Show Y/N your true colors!" Flynn said as he charged at Sean.

This time, he slashed at Sean, and cut through his shirt, and nicked Sean's chest. Sean ducked his head and tackled Flynn to the ground. He sat on his chest, and angrily pounded Flynn's fist onto the ground until he let go of the knife. Then, he raised his arm and started punching Flynn's face. Hard. I watched, still in fear, as Sean let every ounce of anger into Flynn's face. 

I watched Flynn raise his hands. He firmly gripped Sean's pasty neck and flipped over, so he was on top. As he choked him, he felt so confident as to let go and grab the knife on the ground, then return to strangle him.

" Come on," Flynn grunted. " Come out ya coward!"

Sean was coughing and choking. I started preparing to tackle Flynn and knock him out cold. I was regaining movement. But Sean sputtered something.

" ... Now..." Sean coughed out weakly. 

Then... well I don't know how to describe it. Sean's eyes turned black. But this time I couldn't have imagined it. He grunted as if he got kicked in the ribs by an invisible ghost. Sean's skin turned paler, and suddenly, he smiled. His mouth was suddenly full of sharp, shark-like teeth. And a long disgusting pink tongue. Sean simply took Flynn's arm, threw him across the room, then raised himself off the ground, and looked at his wound. Instead of blood, a strange, black liquid slowly leaked out. And on top of this; he spoke. But it wasn't Sean. It was like he was a demon... 

" I don't feel 'pain', Flynn; but I know you're going to feel a lot of it," This deep, dark menacing voice said from Sean's body.

I stumbled backwards, and felt the countertop against my lower back. I tried not to breathe loudly to draw attention to myself

" There you are, Jackie," Flynn said, grinning.

" My name is Jack, dumbass. But I prefer my stage name: Nightmare. 'Cause that's what I'm gonna be real soon."

Flynn grinned again and then leaped towards Sean. He managed to drag his knife along Sean's arm, causing it to slowly bead out black. " Nightmare" rolled his eyes and smiled. I blinked and suddenly Nightmare was right next to Flynn. Nightmare snapped his arm forward and took the knife from Flynn's hand. Flynn had a small glint of terror in his eyes but played it off normally. 

Again, Nightmare somehow flashed over to Flynn in a blink of an eye and knocked him on the floor. Nightmare managed to pin him on the floor along with Flynn's arms. Nightmare then brutally slammed his fist into the psycho's face. Sean's arm and chest were still bleeding black. Then, he... he started doing something. It looked like he was... eating him... but that wasn't possible. I had to look away, but I still heard Flynn's painful grunts through his teeth. I slowly made my way into the kitchen, and sat down behind a counter, away from the madness.

" You're weak, Yandere," Nightmare said.

I shivered at the dark voice. This wasn't Sean... it couldn't be. This was a nightmare. I softly banged my head against the counter behind me and tried not to cry as I shook in terror. 

" You're a lot less scary than the stories I've heard, Jackie," Flynn muttered back.


I hated Flynn. I really did after this. But this was wrong. This was murder! I build up the little courage I had and ran out of the kitchen and over to " Jack " or Sean. I grabbed their shoulder firmly, and yanked them back, only to be sprayed in something. I gasped, as I looked down to see my clothes and my body covered in a thin layer of blood. Glancing over, I saw Sean's face red with blood, and his teeth coated in red. I was useless. I stood there like a statue, wanting to run away; to puke...

Then, Jack smiled at me, and said, " Tell me, darling, are you afraid?" 

I Don't Want to Hurt You! (Antisepticeye/Jacksepticeye X Reader) [ BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now