The Hardships of Pax

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** Sean's perspective **

The plane ride was long. I had never felt so drained in my life. But, I cleared my throat and toughened up. I think the plane ride would have gone smoother, if Signe didn't tag along, sit next to me on the plane, ridicule me, and Nightmare woke up. All within the measures of a day. I'll start it from the beginning.

( Le time rewind )

Bright yet faded lights broke through the thin skin of my eyelids and went straight to my brain. My body anxiously stretched itself out, my muscles tightened achingly. I carefully opened my eyes and tried not to be blinded by the sun. I practically pulled myself out of bed and did the same, boring morning routine.

After that, I packed my suitcase accordingly, checked YouTube, and slipped on my shoes. I smiled at my positive note that I left for myself on my whiteboard, and shut the door behind me. 

I breathed in and out and tried to slow down my heartbeat. Pax was an exciting time, meeting fans, seeing friends, and breathing in some polluted American air. As I opened my front door with an excited smile, I saw... 


My air caught itself in my throat and lungs and clung to anything it could.

" Jack!" Signe said, leaping onto me and squeezing my body.

" Signe..." I replied, scared and disappointed.

" I knew you were just saying nonsense. So, I bought..." She let me anticipate. " A cookie cake!" Signe exclaimed as she showed me, a literal cookie cake.

" What?" I questioned, looking at it like it was a bomb.

" You like cookies, you like ice cream cake, so I had a friend make you an ice cream cookie cake!" She explained.

I took it, quickly went inside, and placed it on top of my counter. I was prepared to thank her and tell her to go. But all I really remember was that plastic slipping from my fingers and the cake being rested on the counter. 

Suddenly, my entire vision went black. I felt myself move around her, and wrap my arms around her. My mouth was like a puppet, moving without my permission. The sickening feeling returned in my gut, and suddenly, I was just a thought floating in my own head.

My voice came out of my throat, but I didn't want to speak. 

" Thank you," my voice muttered.

I felt fragile arms cling to me. " I just want us again..." She whispered into my ear.

Jack was trying to fight against me. He just auto-piloted. I tried with every aspect of myself. I tried to unravel my arms from her. I wanted to stop talking.

Imagine, you're blindfolded. Not with a thin cloth that you can see through, but a sturdy cloth. Now, if you close your eyes, it's not all necessarily dark. So, imagine a blinding blindfold. Take away the feeling of the cloth, and that's how I see.

I feel as if I'm a doll. I don't want to walk, but it's as if I'm forced. That's how I am being moved.

Have you ever gotten into a fight? Well if you have, remember the feeling of you getting punched in the gut, or having your knees blown out? For people who haven't, imagine getting all of the air knocked out of you; like you're facing the wind, and breathing in. 

Now, not everyone appreciates how much you rely on walking. Even if you don't have legs, in which case bless you, you're amazing, but you understand the fact that it's nice to have stability. 

Anyways, you're on a chair, and then, it gets knocked from underneath you, and you fall. That is how it feels when Jack takes over. 

Altogether, it makes anything and everything impossible, and it's so hard to fight against. It takes every muscle straining itself, every blood cell flowing in my head, vain to pop out, and energy burned to attempt to regain control of your own brain.

" Come with me." My mouth moved, spilling my accent quietly in her ear.

" What?" Signe whispered back.

" Come with me to Pax. It'll be fun," Nightmare purred, masking his demonic voice with mine.

" O-okay. I'll go." Signe answered, squeezing my body tighter.

( Le present )

I looked around and tried to ignore the current situation I was stuck in. He was back, and I was stuck with Cling-on. I prayed that it all would go alright. I waved down a taxi and crammed all of our luggage into the trunk. I plopped next to her in the cab and told the driver which hotel to go to.

" Hey, tinker bell! To the more important topic. Get any lately? Hit it off with Y/N? Get freaky in the sheets? Make the walls thump? Bed creak? Or did you just make videos?  " Jack asked in my head, his voice real close and personal.

I couldn't reply out loud, so I pulled out my phone, and went into a text. I started typing on the keypad, and my answer appeared into the sub-bar. " No, because Y/N isn't like that, you sicko."

That earned a chuckle from him. " You're still pissy, I see," Jack examined.

" No, just 'pissy' because you dragged Signe along," I typed, trying to show anger, but I clearly couldn't.

" Aww, come on! I'm not letting her get away that easily! And I'm not going to be here, because of your fans and stuff." Jack sympathized.

I typed, " Really?"

" Yeah, it's called being human. Ah, actually,  don't quote me on that." He corrected.

" Thank you," I typed, making sure Signe wasn't looking.

" Don't get mushy with me; I'm just being decent. Anyways, the hotel's coming up. See ya later, hotshot." Jack said and then went into the corner of my mind again.

Immediately, I pushed my phone into my pants pocket, and eagerly awaited the trip ahead.

I Don't Want to Hurt You! (Antisepticeye/Jacksepticeye X Reader) [ BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now