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** Sean's perspective **

" Y/N?" I called out. There wasn't a reply. " Y/N? Who's there?"

No answer again. Was it Gi? Or was it Frank...? Or... Jett...? I put down my batter covered whisk and started walking towards the door. It was open, but no sign of the mystery knocker or of Y/N. My heart froze. What if someone just came up and snatched them?! Is that even a thing? They couldn't have gotten far since it's a busy building and it's on the second floor. Could they have been kidnapped? As if they needed that on their plate after all that has happened. As if I needed it too.

Then, I heard hushed words.

" He's dangerous, Y/N," A smooth British voice muttered.

There was no time to overhear a conversation like a spy. I walked out the door and looked to the right of me. Jett. He had both arms against the wall, trapping Y/N.

" The fuck are you doing?" I called out, walking towards him.

Jett growled and said, " Stay away from Y/N, you Irish freak."

Y/N looked at me in slight fear and confusion.

" Get off of them now!" I snarled.

Jett removed his arms and looked right at me in hatred. I returned the glare. Jett turned to Y/N, and held their chin between his index finger and thumb. He looked at them, in their E/C eyes, like he was in love.

Before I could slap his hand off, he told Y/N, " Don't worry, darling. I'll protect you."

Y/N slapped his hand and shoved him away.

" Stay away, Jett, I'm done with you lying to me," Y/N said.

Jett looked hurt.

" Y/N," I ordered. " go inside for a quick bit, please?"

Unsure, Y/N went back inside. I could tell they didn't want to leave.

" You can't kill me, Satan. Not in front of them. But listen here-"

I pushed him against the wall and put my arm against his throat.

" No, you listen," Then, my eyes went black, and I felt like I got sucker punched. " Leave Y/N the hell alone. Y/N was never yours. Y/N is mine," Jack purred, not bothering to hide his voice.

Jett shoved me off, and that kicked Jack out of control and back into my mind. Jett just stood there as I swayed and headed back. I started walking to my apartment and wanted Jett to leave us the hell alone. Then, I felt a hand grasp on my shoulder and yank me around. A fist came at me, but I ducked and charged Jett by tackling him to the ground. Y/N ran out of the apartment to check out the commotion. I rolled off of him, but he rolled on me and tried again to hit me in my face. Y/N ran and kicked Jett in the ribs. He moaned in pain as he fell off of me. I scrambled to get up and off the floor. Jett grunted as he struggled to stand.

" Y/N, run. I'll handle him," Jett demanded.

I chuckled cockily and replied, " Y/N is independent, not your lap dog. You need to leave. Now," I threatened.

Y/N was uneasy. I could tell. But, Jett wasn't moving. He was still staring at me with dead eyes, and clenched and unclenched his hands. I was done and tired. I looked back at Y/N. They were tired too.

" That's it Jett. You're leaving or I'll call the police," Y/N threatened.

" You wouldn't do that, darling," Jett said to her.

They looked at him coldly. " Try me," Y/N said, wanting him to test their limits.

Jett looked at them seriously. Then, Jett left in defeat. His feet hit the stairs loudly as he made his way down. Y/N looked at me, and smiled. I looked at them, and couldn't help but to smile. I wrapped my arm around them, and started walking inside. They looked up at me, and smiled. Y/N started walking towards the counter, and went to sit on it again. I smiled.

" What you so happy about? Almost getting your ass kicked?" Y/N asked sarcastically.

" Pancakes, of course! And, because I didn't die, pick a show to watch," I said, picking up the whisk again.

They laughed and said, " I see, so no sitting at a table and talking about what we are gonna do today?"

" Well, what are you going to do today?" I asked. Y/N didn't reply. " Just put on a video or show ya doof," I said, smiling.

They hopped off the counter and went to grab the remote. I walked over to the pan, oiled it, and started to pour the batter into the pan. There was a comfortable silence. Then, Y/N broke it.

" Did... Jett lie to me?" They asked, looking over their shoulder.

I looked at them and questioned, " What did he say?"

" He said, you were going to kill him when I wasn't answering or something like that... I-I don't believe that. At all... But is he lying?" Y/N asked, turning and looking at me.

I chuckled and lied, " Why in Sam's name would I do that? I literally have no reason to lay a hand on him. Unless he messes with you or me. But, I guess he wants you away from all of the Green candy."

They laughed at my stupidity and went to YouTube on my tv.

" I guess you're right. You are very cute," They said, smiling.

I blushed at Y/N's comment. I grabbed the handle of the spatula and slid it under the bottom of the pancake. In a swift movement, I flipped it onto the soft gooey side.

" I don't want to hurt you, Y/N..." I whispered to myself. " I'd never forgive myself if I did..."

" Sean?" Y/N asked.

I replied, " Uh, yeah?"

" I may need your help turning it on, audio wise," They called out, stretching their arms and back.

I breathed out slowly, smiled, and replied sweetly, " Ya, I'll be there once this pancake is done."

" Okay, cool!" They replied.

I poked at the pancake with the spatula.

" I'll hurt Y/N for ya, Sean, but it'll still be all on you," Jack said inside my head.

Closing my eyes tightly, I responded quietly, " I will NEVER let you touch them."

" I'd love to touch them!" Jack purred right into my ear. " I'd love to run our hands over their body and make every part of them hurt."

" You wouldn't fucking dare," I said, calling his bluff as I peeked to look under the pancake to see if it was cooked.

" Try me," He said, mimicking Y/N. " Watch what will happen, when you lose control. See ya later, Jack. Bye!"

I breathed out slowly, and prayed that I could remain in control, for as long as possible. I checked under the pancake, and when I saw it was done, flipped it over onto the plate.

I Don't Want to Hurt You! (Antisepticeye/Jacksepticeye X Reader) [ BEING EDITED]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin