New Things

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** Y/N's perspective **

Now to say I was surprised would be the understatement of the century.I just got asked to move in with my angel in disguise. Sean was the one person who had been there through thick and thin, without even knowing he did so. One of the most important people in my life was asking me to move in with him.

I could tell that he was very scared when I didn't reply right off the bat, as his glance was nervous and his hands were fidgeting. But I couldn't respond immediately. Part of me couldn't even process it. Most of me was screaming. What was I waiting for?! I shakily stood from my chair.

" Yes," I FINALLY coughed out.

Sean's face lit up with absolute happiness.

" Really?!" He asked me, beaming.

" Yeah! I, uh, really have nowhere else to go..." I explained.

Sean stood up, walked around the table and wrapped his long, pale arms around my body. I hugged his lower back tightly. We stood there, in the restaurant, hugging each other, like we were scared to let go. As if one of us let go for even a second, we would fall apart.

Reluctantly, we let go. He was still smiling the proud smile he would show for the millions of fans at home. It wasn't for the camera anymore. It was for me.

Slowly, we made our way to the apartment complex. It was a mild night. No sirens. No cold temperatures. It was perfect. Sean and I walked in jagged lines while we talked about our lives and anything that came to mind. I pushed open the door, but Sean insisted that he let me go inside first.

I smiled at his gesture and went inside before he could see my blush. I looked at the same stairs that I always had when I walked inside this building. But tonight, they seemed welcoming. The walls that I would walk down to mine and Gi's apartment were brighter. Sean kept smiling at me. Like I was something worth smiling about.

He opened the door, and let me enter first. The apartment was open and free. The wooden floors reminded me of a homely feeling. Everything I was seeing was glowing in this perfect light. Nothing to be wrong or off. Sean smiled at me, while I looked around the apartment like I had the first time I was over. Now, it was going to be a new home. A new beginning of sorts.

Sean excused himself to his room.

" Stomach cramps," he claimed.

I shrugged at the little detail, and slowly went around his apartment. I went through the kitchen, running my hand over the couches. I walked past the bathroom and wound up in Sean's recording room.

It was so much bigger than what we see on the screens. The sound pads were bigger than my head, and his standing desk was wide. It was too good to be true. I turned around and expected Sean to be leaning in the doorway.

He wasn't.

I awkwardly made my way over to his room. The door was shut. I frowned and knocked on the door.

" Uh, hi!" Sean shouted. " I need like three minutes! Just... unpack!"

" Okay..." I said shyly.

I walked into his living room and saw my one of my bags rested on the couch. I opened it and saw a clump of my shirts. All crumpled into a giant ball knot thing inside a bag. I sighed and tried to fold my wrinkled shirts. After I tried my best, I went into another bag.

That one had my pants in it. I slowly unpacked those and made my best effort to straighten my pant legs. After I put my clothes in neat little stacks and piles, Sean had still not come out of his room. My arms and legs suddenly felt tired. It was like I hit a wall. My brain and my eyes weren't tired, but I felt like I couldn't even move.

Slowly, I reached down into my pocket and tried to reach my phone. When I felt that it wasn't there, my heart raced miles at a time. I scrambled through my pockets, eagerly needing to find my phone. I looked around and saw it laying innocently on the countertop.

I groaned as I sat up, walked over to the kitchen, and grabbed it. I then flopped down on the couch and turned on my phone. It was just when I was comfortable scrolling, that Sean exited out of his room. He walked closer to me and shot me an awkward grin. I smiled back politely, and put my phone down on the arm of the couch.

I Don't Want to Hurt You! (Antisepticeye/Jacksepticeye X Reader) [ BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now