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c h a p t e r  7

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c h a p t e r 7

I flipped through the pages of flyers in my hand. I sighed, already tired. I still had a lot in my hands and it was nearing 8 PM. I started at 4:30. I needed to hand all of it out before I could go home.

Given that it's Friday, you'd think that many people are roaming around. It seems that they are. Only at a different location. It doesn't help that the restaurant is within an alleyway, preventing it from getting much exposure.

I rolled my tense shoulder and stretched my worn out legs. Standing at long periods of time came with the job description.

"You alright, there?" The restaurant's door jingled open and the owner peeped out with a smile.

I spun around completely to face him. "Never better." I faked a smile.

No. I am very much tired. Add to the list of misfortunes, that is my life, the fact that my P.E. schedule is also Fridays.

The flyers were suddenly snatched out of my hands. "Let me try." Hyunjin scanned the area.

I glanced at the owner nervously. "Give that back!" I hissed, afraid that the owner would think that I'm passing my job to other people and fire me.

I don't know why these boys were still here. It was already dark out and yet they're still bickering with each other at the table, not leaving anytime soon.

After exchanging insults with one another for a good 15 minutes, we came to an agreement for them to quit bothering me while working. They came to a decision to pester me after.

Hyunjin waved me off dismissively as he handed out a flyer to two girls. They giggled and sneaked a glance at him while walking away. "Sit down. You look miserable." The side of his nose crinkled. "I'd hate it if the restaurant closed down due to your marketing skills- or lack thereof!" He stuck his tongue out.

I huffed, offended. "My marketing skills are just fine." I defended and attempted to snatch the flyers back only for him to lift it up in the air. With his long limbs, I couldn't possibly reach that.

Before I could give him another bruising cheek, the owner approached us. "It's fine, Miso. Take a break." He smiled as he exchanged greetings with Hyunjin.

I hope to God I still have this job by next week.

"Don't worry, I won't fire you." He seemed to read my mind. "Just try to bring him every once in a while, yeah?" He whispered as we eyed Hyunjin who was being surrounded by a group of girls.

I nodded hesitantly. I didn't think Hyunjin and I were close enough for me to ask him to hang out with me. Hell, I didn't think we'd be talking to each other after the skirt lifting incident.

Bang Chan welcomed me to their table, pulling Hyunjin's former seat out for me. I gave in and sat down, my feet killing me. "Is he always this pretentious?" I rest my face on my palm as we all glanced at a crouched Hyunjin who had a child playing with his long hair. His laugh echoed.

Dare I say it but he looked cute. Handsome even.

"Only to those he find interesting." Jisung smirked, stealing a fry from Felix.

These boys' appetites are kind of concerning.


10 minutes later, the flyers were gone, and the restaurant was packed.

I didn't realize that my mouth hung open until Hyunjin shut it for me. "You were saying?" He teased, his hand resting on the chair's back rail.

I also realized that I was taking his seat but before I could stand up he put his hand on my shoulder, preventing me from standing up. "It's fine." He murmured. "So, what are we doing tomorrow?" He inquired the table, excitedly.

"Seungmin just texted me. He invited us over for a pool party." Felix read from his cellphone.

Pool, huh? Didn't they have to study? It's finals week.

They let out a chorus of agreements. I pursed my lips, feeling left out. I shouldn't be sitting with them in the first place. I didn't belong here. I still couldn't stop the feeling of envy, crawl its way up. I wish hanging out with friends was this easy for me.

"So, what time should we pick you up?" Hyunjin nudged me by the shoulder.

I shot him a confused look. "What?"

"Do you already know Seungmin's address?" Bang Chan asked.


I didn't even know who Seungmin is.

"So, what time?" Hyunjin repeated.

They all whipped their heads towards me, waiting for an answer.

I blinked thrice, still processing their words. Am I getting invited?

"Just a few reminders," I opened up, shrugging nonchalantly. "I just met you guys." I pointed out with raised brows.

"I've been your classmate for 2 years." Bang Chan pouted.

"Yeah, but we never really hung out." I exclaimed. "I don't know the rest of you." I scanned the table. "Plus! Two of you looked up my skirt." I added with gritted teeth.

"Yeah, I guess that is concerning." Jisung laughed loudly.

"How will you get to know us if you don't agree to hang out?" Felix shrugged.

They agreed with a nod.

"Stranger-danger aside, I can't." I sighed. Having a dip in a pool sounded nice.

"Why not?" Jeongin who had been silent all this time, chimed in. He turned red after a few seconds when the attention went to him.

"I have work tomorrow."

"Again?" Hyunjin asked, surprised. "How many jobs do you have?" He poked my arm.

I slapped his hand away. "Just two. I'm still looking for more." I shrugged. "So, contact me if you happen to know any openings." I added, only half kidding.


"I need money." I gave it to them flat out. I didn't feel the need to sugar coat it since it was the truth. I wasn't embarrassed either since it was life. A hustle.

I didn't really picture them as judgemental people yet it still surprised me that they only nodded in understanding. Without those dreaded pitiful looks. Rather, they looked even amazed.

"It's impressive how you can juggle all of it at once." Hyunjin messed up my hair.

"Highly admirable." Bang Chan gave me a thumbs up.

The other three nodded, giving an applause.

I've never been acknowledged for my hard work so it was flattering to be given credit.

I coughed awkwardly, attempting to hide the blush that threatened to come out.

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