n i n e

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c h a p t e r 9

"So, out of the many things that Chan told me about you, I find out that you're a scholar." Hyunjin leaned on the desk beside me, observing as I insert the borrower's cards back to their respective places. "That's surprising." He teased with smirk.

"I'm even more surprised you'd talk about me." I shot back, ignoring his comment.

He shrugged. "Yeah, well if a stranger punches you, I assumed that the most reasonable action to take is research about them." He picked up the cards and helped me again. "And sue." He added, letting out an evil laugh.

I shook my head at his words. He didn't even deny the fact that he did ask about me.

"Anyway, you told us to contact you if ever we knew any job openings, right?" He glanced at me.

My hands suddenly stopped moving. I finally looked at him with a raised brow, feeling hopeful. "Yeah?" I drawled.

"I need a tutor." He smiled. "Calculus."

"Really? For who?"


I did a double take. "What?" I asked, confused. "Why?"

"Why else do people hire tutors?" He asked back.

"I thought you meant your sister or something." I answered, getting back to my task.

"I said I need a tutor." He rolled his eyes like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

My mouth curled at his attitude, wanting to shove a dictionary down his pretty boy throat.

"So, what do you say?" He leaned on a desk, his lips pursed, already finished with what was supposed to be my second pile of cards.

Me? Tutoring Hyunjin? It seemed like those words can never go together without it combusting.

I bit the inside of my mouth. "I don't know." I muttered, avoiding his eyes.

After hearing those girls talk about me as if I didn't deserve to talk, more so, even be in Hyunjin's circle, had made my insecurities surface. I was capable of exchanging greetings with him, but to spend time with him? Possibly become closer to him? That's where I draw the line. I didn't want to expect anything of him and end up being disappointed when I find out that I was more into our friendship than he was.

"Why not?" He whined. "I badly need one, considering it's exam week next week." He pouted while looking at me with what I think is a look that will make me give in.

"You look constipated." I deadpanned.

He most certainly did not.

He immediately stopped, lips curled in annoyance. "Come on! Please!" He clasped his hands together.

"Why don't you ask Bang Chan instead?" I offered since I know he was as capable as me when it comes to academics.

"He's already tutoring Jeongin and Jisung and wouldn't take me in." He pouted. "Come on, I failed the pop up quizzes. This is my only chance to not get a failing mark." He tugged on my arm repeatedly.

"I promise, no skirt lifting." He added with a shake of his head.

I took a deep breath, carefully choosing my next words.



"Two hours."

"What?" He stopped bouncing.

I crossed my arms over my chest. "I'm gonna tutor you for only two hours. If you still don't understand it after that, I'm gone." I shrugged.

"Two hours is not enough!" He whined incredulously.

"It is for me." I shrugged. "Take it or leave it."

Two hours is indeed short. I don't think we'd be able to have fun in that span of time. After this arrangement, I promise that I won't be involving myself with them anymore.

He groaned exasperated, muttering something under his breath. He ran his fingers through his hair. "What's your fee?" He asked, giving up.

I shook my head. "It's fine. You don't need to pay me." I stacked up the books before carrying them to place them on the cart.

"But it's supposed to be a job." He pointed out, taking the books from me and doing it himself.

"You can't put a price on education." I looked him in the eye. "As long as I help you understand, that's good enough for me." I shrugged.

He stared at me for a while not saying a word. Having all his attention made my cheeks heat up. "'Gee, Miso. You're such a kind soul. Thank you so much, what will I ever do without you?'" I joked, faking a deep voice to break the silence wrapping around us.

He chuckled lightly and approached me. He took the hood of my hoodie and placed it over my head. I looked up at him still with flushed cheeks.

"Thank you," He whispered.

Quickly, he took the front strings of my hoodie and tightened it making the hood close over my face.

"Pororo." He ended with a soft smile.

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