t h i r t y - s i x

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c h a p t e r  36

3rd Person Point of View

Miso dropped herself on the yellow couch with a deep sigh. Her head toppled to the side where she prayed hard inside her head for the rain to stop. Even if Hyunjin was being separated from her by a wall, she still felt suffocated by thought of being within 10 meters from him. Her prayers of course were not answered and she could not help but think that the world was really against her.

For the mean time, she let her eyes wander all over the dormitory, wondering what her life would have been like if she allowed herself to accept the offer of staying in one- which came from being a scholar. She cringed when she failed to do so since the place was simply too messy that it distracted her from imagining. She was a little confused as to why it was so untidy because she recalled that Hyunjin's room in their mansion was literally spotless but upon seeing the neglected Math book on the floor labeled 'Yang Jeongin', she nodded to herself, seeming to come to a realisation.

Right. Roommates.

She crouched down to pick up the disregarded book but was only left appalled when her eyes found several trash lying under the couch. Empty bottles, soda cans, half-eaten bags of chips, and unknown entities littered the floor.

Miso suddenly felt more sick than she already was.

She did not want to pry but the need to tidy up the place was simply too strong so she immediately searched for their cleaning equipments. She thought that since there wasn't anything better to do, she could just clean their godforsaken dorm to pass the time. As she tied her hair up, she began to think whether waking up for that day was a good idea.

She started with picking up trash which were big enough to be handpicked. After that, she started sweeping which soon followed with mopping. She wanted so bad to use the vacuum for the carpets but she was afraid that it would make too much noise and awaken the supposedly sleeping Hyunjin.

Miso was thankful for having only found literal trash and nothing else.

Her body began to ache but she was still unsatisfied with just cleaning the floor so she began to arrange the numerous misplaced items that decorated the entire living room. Most of which are owned by Jisung. Miso gathered all of the abandoned papers and joined them with a fold back clip she found under a sock. She stacked up the poor books neatly and aligned the pens in one area whilst making sure that it was all in the same place to avoid confusion. Not that it mattered since the owners did not give two shits about those papers. Our Snow White did not know but those outputs originally belonged in the trash but the owners were just too lazy to walk two meters to chuck it in.

After an hour of furious cleaning, the aching of her body finally became too unbearable. With her cold worsening, she allowed herself to sink into the couch once again. She coughed hoarsely. Feeling sorry for her body, she decided to take a nap.

Five minutes.

Her eyes fluttered close where she soon fell into a deep sleep.

Maybe she was Snow White.


Hyunjin lied flat on the mattress with the grumpiest look ever. He hugged the plush toy with a huff. He felt like a child for being put to bed and he sure as hell was acting like one. He pouted and glared at the penguin in his arms.

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