t w e n t y - e i g h t

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c h a p t e r 28

3rd Person Point of View

"Aren't you going to drink that?" Yeji gestured to the half filled glass of champagne that Miso had been holding for a while now.

Miso lifted the glass in a dramatic manner before shaking her head. "Not really. I just wanted to hold it because I wanted to look fancy." Miso stated bashfully.

Yeji let out a laugh so melodious that Miso couldn't help but feel ashamed of her chortles.

Her eyes scanned the ballroom, searching for a specific person. It was not an easy task given that there were a lot of guests. While doing so, she admired the people not only by their wonderful attires but also how they presented themselves. The longer she stood there, the bigger her insecurities were growing. Just as she was about to give up, her eyes landed on him. He stood not far, conversing with multiple girls.

Without noticing, Miso had grit her teeth together in annoyance. If it weren't for Yeji accompanying her, she would have been alone all night! She found it preposterous that Hyunjin had asked her to be his date but has not even returned to her side ever since he left.

Furiously debating with herself whether if she was being sensitive, Miso quickly tore her eyes away, pushing back the awful feeling of jealousy.

It was his birthday after all. He's the host. Did you really expect him to be by your side the whole night? He was free to do whatever he want. Even if it was having fun with other girls. She ranted to herself.

Without giving it much thought, she threw her head back, drinking the entirety of the glass. Yeji gasped upon seeing this.

"That's not how you drink it, darling." The latter gaped, both appalled and amused at the girl.

Miso scrunches her nose up producing a hissing sound. She ignored the dirty looks that was thrown to her by the other guests. "What other way is there? It's all going to the same place anyway." She drawled out, reaching for another glass from a passing banquet server.

On the contrary of Miso's distress, Hyunjin was in fact, not having fun at all. He had been greeting people left and right when in reality, he wanted nothing more for his birthday but to spend it with her. Just when he thinks that the formalities were over, a new group of guests approaches him. He had been forcing his smiles the whole night, his cheeks were beginning to go numb.

He couldn't exactly walk away from these people. They were powerful businessmen that each had a relationship with his parent's business. His birthday had always been liked that. His parents don't exactly throw a party for his birthday but rather for business.

Miso had not noticed but Hyunjin had been glancing at her every now and then, making sure that she was doing fine. Whilst conversing with the daughter of one of their major investor, he was a little befuddled seeing you talking to one of his friends that he was yet to introduce you to.


"What are you staring at?" Seungmin followed the boy's line of sight.

The former's head tilted to the side, a little frustrated. "I swear I've seen her before." He said, keeping his gaze on the girl.

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