Truth Be Told

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It's been a day since Abuela left her room after the incident. The Casita was quiet. Mirabel and Camilo stayed in the nursery, in case anything worth noting was seen.

"I'm going to town to tell (Y/N)." Camilo stood up from sitting on the nursery bed. "Be careful." Mirabel said looking up from the book she was reading. Camilo walked towards the door and peeked around the corners. "Casita, a staircase please?" He pleaded. Casita formed a staircase that disappeared as he walked down each step. He walked out the door and into the center.

You were walking past the water fountain headed towards home. The sky grey and dull. Ernesto approached you and you giggled, "I like your toupee today, Ernesto." He had a black toupee, unlike his normal brunette one. He looked at you for a second then grabbed your arm, pulling you into the alley between the houses. The space was tight.

"WHAT ARE YOU-" You began to yell. Quickly being silenced as Camilo shifted to himself and kissed you. You immediately calmed down and fell into his embrace.

He released you and placed you into a hug with his head laying on your shoulder. "We need to talk." He sighed. "Abuela says we can't talk to you anymore," he mumbled into your shoulder. Looking up he asked, "who are you? She says your a (Y/L/N) and only bad news. You were in the vision. Me, you, and Mirabel. My family on the left and apparently yours on the right. Everyone was smiling and you had the Miracle candle in your hand, it was so bright." He stood straight up and looked in your eyes. "Why don't our families get along?" His voice sounded hurt.

"They don't tell me anything. I came downstairs one day and they were all talking about your Abuela and the Miracle. They stopped when they saw me." He kissed you on the cheek. "Tell me when you find out? I have to get back home, Abuela is furious and hasn't left her room. I'm honestly scared."

He peeked around the corner of the alley and shifted back into Ernesto turning to face you once more to blow a kiss and he began running home. What really is wrong with our families? I need to know tonight.

*Time Skip*

I opened the door to find everyone at the table. "Family meeting, now." I demanded. Everyone turned to face me. "I'm tired of the secrets. You're ruining MY life because you don't tell me things. Why do you hate the Madrigals so much. They are honestly so nice and-" You stopped as you realize you said too much.

"How do you know if they're nice? Are you talking to them? Cause if you-" My father stood up. "No, I'm tired of this. It doesn't matter if I'm talking to them. Everyone else here knows the story... why can't I?"

Your father was about to say something when your mother joined in. "I'll tell you." Everyone turned to face her.

"Before Abuela died," she began, "our families were really close. Alma and Abuela were best friends. When fleeing, they were both given the candle, to share, and to create the Encanto. But Alma didn't want to share it." She took a breath.

"They both grabbed the candle at once, ripping a chunk out of the back corner." She walked over to a drawer and pulled out the corner of the Miracle candle. "We were supposed to have gifts too."

I looked at mom while she studied the candle. "Mama..." I said as I rubbed her back. "Years later, Bruno had a vision about our families coming together and something about the candle." The vision Camilo told me about... "But it was hidden and destroyed if I remember correctly, Abuela died a couple months after."

"Thank you." I said before walking up to my room. The news barely registering in my mind. We were supposed to have gifts? I need to tell Camilo, Mirabel, and (F/N).

Living in a one story house always came in luck for sneaking out. As everyone else was asleep, I walked out of my window and up to (F/N)'s across the road.

I knocked on her window with our secret knock. 3 hits, stop, and 2 more. She opened the window, rubbing her eyes. "We need to talk." I whispered. Without question she climbed out of her window with her red fuzzy socks, shoving on some boots.

Together, we walked to the Madrigal's house. "How are we gonna get in?" She asked looking up at the multi-storied home. I tapped on the walls of the house and bricks emerged in a stair like pattern. Thank you, Casita, I thought. I motioned for her to follow as we walked into the open second floor window.

As we snuck in, we saw Camilo leaving the nursery. I ran up behind him and grabbed his arm. Confused, he asked, "what are we-" "SH!" (F/N) and I said in unison. We lead him back inside. Mirabel's eyes lit up as she saw us. We sat down on the bed.

"There's more to this story that we don't know. I don't know if anyone has told you all, but I'm going to tell you the truth."

(A/N) I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far!! I just find it funny how I saw somewhere that Camilo is 5'4. ❤️

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