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Camilo's Persepctive:

I woke up and couldn't stop thinking about yesterday. The look in her eyes as she met mine and the anger I felt. I've never felt so hurt in my life. What happened to her? What happened to my (Y/N)?

This was the question that was now leading me into the village and into her house. I don't know what I'm doing but I know it's wrong. Mami said don't talk or see her and I'm scared for what Abuela has planned. I just need an answer.

Around this time I remember her parents would leave to go to the village, and her Abuela in the basement doesn't that good of hearing. I opened her pink front door. I stood in the open frame. What am I thinking?

I walked into the room that I remember being hers. She sat on her bed looking at the direction of the door, almost expecting me to walk in.

"(Y/N)," I started while staring into her cold eyes.  Her eyes were never like this. She has the sweetest face. "I- why did you do it?" I questioned, looking at her expression slowly change. A smile emerged on her face.

"You really believed I loved you? You're pathetic. I used you to help my family. I'm a (Y/L/N). I don't like you, or any of you. And it's stupid if you to assume that."

I wanted to run out and leave. "I did love you (Y/N) and if I'm pathetic for it, so be it. I'm the traitor to my family for believing you and letting you in. I really thought you were on our side and wanted to save the Miracle but you and your family just wanted it for yourself. I hate you, (Y/N). I really do. I trusted you." I walked out of the room.

Our short interaction would have a lasting impact on me. The girl I loved most in this village, that finally made me happy used me.

(Y/N)'s Perspective:

I don't have Dolores' hearing but I can hear the sound of my boyfriends voice anywhere. He was in my house. I began to scream his name, please hear me. I screamed until I couldn't anymore. The front door slammed. Leaving me with the last thing I heard was "I hate you, (Y/N)." He'd found out. Tears began to form, but I'm getting tired of crying. But Abuela had ruined my life.

*Time Skip and Camilo's Persepctive*

I walked into the Casita. Ignoring everyone. I pushed into my room and sat in my bed. Everything, everything has been a lie this entire time and I don't know how to feel.

I've been in here for hours. Only leaving to eat and use the bathroom. I wish (Y/N) was here but at the same time I wish I never met her.

As dinner was made, the family gathered at the table and sat in silence. "He's heartbroken!" Pepa broke the silence. "It hurts seeing him like this." Motioning towards Camilo's empty seat. He didn't come down to eat this time. "There's nothing we can do, Pepa." Abuela said with a stricter tone. "Can we set him up with someone? Or anything he needs a friend."

"He wouldn't want anyone else, my vida." Felix added, looking back at his plate.

"Dolores," Abuela looked at her. "What is he doing now?" She sighed, annoyed and frustrated with all the events that are going on.

"I'm sorry, Abuela." She looked genuinely concerned. "My hearing is beginning to fade, I can't hear him. It started this morning, I didn't want to tell you because..."

"GREAT! SHE RUINED THE CANDLE." Abuela stood angrily and walked away from the table. "NOW DOLORES, LUISA, AND MY TONITO ARE WITHOUT GIFTS." Everyone heard her yell and flinched with the loud slam of her door.

Mirabel looked at the growing cracks and excused herself from dinner. Isabela stood and walked with her. "I don't know why I trusted her." Mirabel shook her head in disbelief. The whole family had found out during breakfast and Abuela has been furious since.

"I'm going to set him up with that (F/N) girl." Pepa started. Felix grabbed her arm while she tried to leave. "He needs a friend, Pepa. He's not going to replace (Y/N) like that. You're trying to get him a new girlfriend, and that's not what he needs." She shook her head and walked up anyways. Disregarding Felix's help.

*Time Skip and (Y/N)'s Perspective*

Day two I've been locked in this basement. I noted to myself. Yesterday it was made clear that my boyfriend hates me. And I now hate my grandmother. I looked over at the snoring figure across from me. And now I'm so hungry, when is breakfast?

Camilo's Perspective:

"Up, up, up!" My mom walked in. Opening the blinds of my room and letting the bright light in. "You have someone you are meeting up with today! Hopefully she will help you be happier or something, because you look depressed, hijo."

I turned to face one of the many mirrors in my room. My hair was a mess. I thought of how (Y/N) used to fix it and fell back into bed, whining.

"Don't keep her waiting, Camilo. Get up and meet me in town." She walked out the room giving me time to change.

"Her?" I questioned back, but the door shut behind her. I grunted in frustration. I don't need anyone else. I placed my head in my hands and sat for a moment.

I walked into the center where my mom was talking to (F/N). Oh gosh no. "Mami..." I pleaded. I was not about to spend an entire day with my ex-girlfriend's best friend.

She shook her head no. "You need a friend Camilo, talk to (F/N)." She motioned her towards me. Were there not anyone else she could have had me talk to? "Have fun!!" She said with a rainbow on her head.

"Sooo. Where to?" She seemed much happier to be here than me. I stood silently following her. She led me to the candy shop. "I can't go in." I stopped. She looked at me confused. "The owner loves (Y/N), and I don't want her to see me without her." I looked at the floor.

"I'll get us something, but you have to get over her. She's holding you back. You can't sit in your room all day. You have to have fun sometimes." She smiled and walked in.

I don't want to forget, (Y/N). I thought sadly.

(F/N) handed me a bag of candy. "Cheer up." She rolled her eyes and grabbed my arm. Leading me to the fountain at the center.

"You know you're not as funny as you used to be." She laughed as she sat down, motioning me to sit next to her. "I am still very funny." I smiled a bit. "Well show it! It's not funny acting depressed, Camilo." I rolled my eyes. "What's not funny is the fact that you actually like those." I pointed at the (type of candy) (F/N) was eating.

"What do you mean? These are the best." She laughed. We continued to joke on for a while. Not just about candy, but a lot of things.

Pepa must have stuck around because the duller weather became bright as she heard our laughs. I hope she doesn't think this is a success.

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