Crumbling Inside and Out

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The other Madrigals ran from their rooms. The noise of the crumbling basement echoed throughout the Casita.

Pepa ran over to Camilo putting his face in her hands.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" She turned to Alma, and her eyes widened.

"Bruno?!" She ran over and hesitantly hugged him. Julieta joined them seconds later. He was suffocated in hugs.

Suddenly, Pepa slapped him. The side of his face reddened. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" After the slap she hugged him one more time. He rubbed the side of his cheek. "I..."

"He's been hiding all this time! He knew these things would happen, but he chose to watch us suffer." Alma spat.

"Mama, I'm sure that's not what he meant." Julieta replied while handing Bruno one of her spare arepas to help with his face.

"Then why are the visions of these exact things happening in his room? Why did the kids know all of this before we did?"

"You told the kids?" Agustin joined in. Bruno froze on the spot, unsure what to say.

"Yeah... they came to me they wanted to help." He choked out. The words seemed to clog his throat as he spoke with fear. Alma's firey eyes flared at him.

"They're kids, Bruno! They broke the Miracle for goodness sake!" Agustin argued back. Camilo put his head in his hands.

"He didn't do it on purpose!" Pepa shouted back, supporting her son. "Mi vida, he tripped. He still dropped it." Felix sympathetically added.

"Bruno, don't you understand that this could have all be prevented if you told an adult and stopped talking to the kids?" Alma paused and looked over at us.

"Why didn't any of you tell us anything? Mirabel, if you wanted to help with something this is what you could have done. Always wanting to do something that was made for people with gifts."

Everyone went silent. Mirabel stood and ran to the nursery. I got up to follow her grabbing Camilo's hand, dragging him along. Isabela pushed past us towards her grandmother. Her face no longer seemed perfect, it told more emotion than happiness. It was a mix of anger and sadness.

"I know me and Mirabel fight, but you should have never said that." "Isa, it needed to be done." "At least she tried! You try to cover this up everytime and lie to the village that "the miracle is strong". It's not strong, and you aren't either. She can't be doing anything bad if she put an effort in to help! When the Miracle was stolen, you hid in your room. If anything, you're the coward Abuela." She ran back towards the nursery.

Alma was quiet in shock.

Julieta shook her head and walked downstairs. "Dinner will be ready in 10." She mumbled.

Pepa looked over at Felix. "I'm going to find Camilo. I suggest you come along."

Pepa opened the door and immediately walked over to the blank Camilo who sat on the bed. I sat by his side holding his hand.

She grabbed his face in her hands. "It's not your fault, hijo. You fell. You fell." Her voice cracked on the last one, trying to make it true.

"Tia Pepa?" Mirabel asked. Pepa turned to face her, releasing Camilo. "Do you think the Encanto will break?" Mirabel asked in a saddened tone, tears stained her face. "I would ask Bruno, but." She stoped talking and nodded.

"Don't think like that..." Pepa stopped, unsure what else to say. "We need to think positive." Felix added. Isabela brushed through Mirabel's messy hair. "Whatever happens, we will stick together."

"DINNER!" We all heard Julieta yell from the kitchen.

As we sat at the table, it was all silent. The only noise we heard was the clinking of silverware against plates. A couple of people, like Alma, Camilo, and Mirabel, barely ate anything.

Alma took a deep breath. "What do you know, Bruno?" She readied herself for a reply.

"I... I know that they..." he stuttered, he was scared of her. I noticed.

"Who are they?" She replied.

"They, the..." he was interrupted as a group of villagers ran in.

"OUR HOUSES CRUMBLED!" Their voices were panicked. "And mi mama is still inside!" Tears ran down his face. "Luisa help us!" She gave Alma a worried glance. "What should I do?" She whispered.

"Just go. Felix, Agustin, go with her." They nodded and stood. As they walked out Alma excused herself from the table.

We took it as our time to sneak off. "Don't you think I should stop helping?" Camilo asked.

"Shut up, Camilo." I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the chair. "You're not gonna be depressed while I'm here." A smile managed to creep onto his face. "Stay safe!" Julieta yelled back.

As we were running down to the village we kept a little ways behind Luisa, Agustin, and Felix so that they wouldn't notice us. "We need a team name." I smiled. "C, (your first letter), M! Boom."

Mirabel rolled her eyes jokingly. If all of these bad things were happening, we needed to stay positive or else it would all happen sooner.

As we made it into the village, 3 houses were totaled. They no longer had color, like all of the other bright houses nearby. They were grey and matched the color of the dull sky above us. The house that they gathered at was the least broken.

I was able to hear them yell, "in here! She's in here!" And they all gathered around the door, trying to remove some rubble that surrounded it so that they could get in.

Pushing open the door, they ran in. Looking for the mother who was stuck inside.

As they managed to get deep inside, the roof above began to crumble. "NO!" I yelled running towards it. Camilo and Mirabel chased me.

Before I reached the doorframe, they grabbed my arms stopping me and the house crumbled right in front of me.

"They're inside!" The boiling heat of tears grew in my eyes. Did they just... die?

(A/N) Sorry for not updating yesterday! I took it as a plot development day to help gather more ideas! ❤️

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