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He was finally able to get the words out of his mouth. "(Y/N), I dropped the candle." His breathing quickened. The adrenaline that that statement brought me gave me the strength to quickly hoist him up from the edge of the roof.

Everyone watched in shock as the candle fell from his hands and onto the hard tiles below. I looked down just in time to see the it hit the ground. Cracking into several smaller pieces while the wet wax at the top spilled, making the candle's thinning flame fade away.

Abuela began rushing down the stairs. "No, no no. The Miracle!" Her voice was hurt. The sound of her cries pierced my heart.  Camilo stood frozen. "The candle." His voice cracked as a tear fell.

"Camilo..." I walked over to him to give him a hug. He didn't hug me back, he just stood in shock. "It's my fault. (Y/N), I broke the Miracle." He mumbled, tears now silently streamed down his face.

He didn't stop me as I went to wipe them using my sleeve. I guided him to sit down and adjusted his head to lay on my shoulder, locking our hands in my lap. "It's okay, Camilo. It wasn't your fault. Casita tripped you." I choked. Could I really blame a house for this?

Pepa began to cry from down below, the weather became dull, but no cloud appeared above her head and a loud roar erupted from Antonio's blocked off room. When the Miracle was broken, all of the gifts are gone officially.

No more Healing from Julieta's cooking. Maybe the ones she already prepared could help?

No more weather from Pepa, the sky would be frozen on this dull grey color.

No more flowers and fresh crops from Isabela. How would we quickly grow food to feed the growing amount of villagers?

Everyone's gifts were gone, including the gift of the one I loved most, who worked to make kids smile every day. And he blames himself.

Mirabel ran out of her room, the only one who didn't witness it happening. "Abuela, what's going on..." a large gasp was emitted from her lips as she saw the shards of the candle spilled in the floor. "The Miracle..."

She began running down the main staircase in the Casita, rushing to Abuela's side. But as she reached the steps in the middle, the staircase disassembled. The wooden planks and nails fell beneath her. She fell on her butt against the hard tile. A loud Humph was heard. "Ouch." She winced as she tried to stand.

Abuela paid her no attention as she held the candle shards in her hand. "What will happen to the Encanto now?" She cried, looking at the locket around her neck.

"I can't leave, again." She looked up at Julieta, who rushed down the back staircase to her side. "Hija, I can't start running again. What if they find us?" A tear falls from her eye, followed by many more.

"They won't, mama. We'll fix this, we always do." She looked up at Agustin, a hurt look on her face.

I led Camilo off the roof, holding his hand tightly as I walked into this room.

We sat on his bed and I brushed his hair out of his face. "(Y/N), it's my fault. I did this. I broke the Miracle, we lost our gifts, and now the Encanto will be in danger, I don't know!" He was panicking.

I grabbed his face. "Camilo, please stop. This isn't your fault. It hurts to see you putting the blame on yourself. Well fix this, we'll find a way."

I lied. I wasn't sure if this could be fixed, or how it would be fixed. Alma was one of the most fearless people I knew. what did she mean that the Encanto could be in danger, that she was tired of running, what was out there that she was running from?

(A/N) Sorry for a shorter chapter! A longer one will be posted tomorrow! Thank you all for reading! Have a good day/night ❤️

Shifting To You | Camilo x (Y/N)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora