Dinner Disaster?

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We began to set up the table. Casita helped bring us extra chairs to for the extra guests. We decided to eat outside with the beautiful weather Pepa luckily gave us.

"I'm so not looking forward to this." Camilo sighed as he placed the final plate from his hand onto the table. Julieta began to bring food items out onto the snack bar.

"Camilo, (Y/N), can you come help me in here?" Julieta called from the kitchen. The kitchen was filled with the smell of delicious food.

"I have to go help with decorations after I finish these arepas, can you all bake the cake we need? I'm trusting you, don't burn down the Casita!" She called as she brought another tray outside.

Me and Camilo exchanged smirking glances. "I call decorating!" Camilo burst out. "No fair, I wanna decorate." You glared. "What if we do half, and see who's half is better?"

Camilo pondered the thought for a second. "Deal. Just don't make your half too bad, we need it to look semi-decent." I rolled my eyes. "Alright, Madrigal."

You began to take out materials from the cabinets. Camilo opened a cook book. "What kind of cake do you want?" "Julieta left us the materials for a (flavor) cake, so I guess this one." You pointed into the book.

"Okay," he started. "Take that." You pointed to the flour. "No, not that the other package." You pointed at the sugar. "No, that." He grabbed the baking soda. You sighed. "Camilo, you're so bad at this." "What do you expect it's only in pictures! And it looks like it was from when Abuela was young." You laughed.

"This doesn't even look like eggs." He pointed at a picture. "Let's just wing it." You took the book from him and closed it, placing it back on the shelf.

As Camilo dumped flour into the bowl, some of it spilled making your faces turn powdery white. Coughing, flour blew out of his mouth.

(A/N) think the Isabela flower scene when Camilo shifted to Mariano outside at breakfast.

"You suck at this."

*Time Skip*

When the cake was finished and the kitchen was a mess, you were left with Camilo's decorated half looking like it was made by a six year old. While yours looked like it was made by a slightly better six year old.

"I win." You smiled proudly. "Because you used more of the fondant." He rolled his eyes. "No!" You objected. "You just only used yellow and orange."

"No, there's white and black right there." He pointed to a smiley face in the corner and a white heart, that you sneakily added on his side.

Julieta came back into the kitchen. "This is a mess." She paused looking at you guy's cake. Her jaw dropped for a second. She quickly shook her head to regain herself. "It's, wonderful." A fake smile was on her face.

"I know right!" You joked. "We should make a bakery. (Y/N) and Camilo's Eatery." You had jazz hands and Camilo nodded in agreement. "Yesss, perfect." You both walked the cake out to the table.

As you came out, everyone was at the table. Your Abuela, Camilo's Abuela, your parents, his parents, and Julieta passed you guys and sat down as well. Here we go, you thought. Camilo placed the cake in the middle.

To lighten the mood Camilo explained the cake you guys made. "And if it tastes bad, blame (Y/N)." "No, don't blame me, Camilo's side made it ugly. And ugly cakes make for gross cakes." You joked.

As the dinner went on, the Madrigals and your mom were all talking lightly. Isabela made your mom a flower crown and she took it happily.

Your brother began to start a conversation with Luisa and her workout routine. "Just maybe like 13 donkeys a day, every hour." "Wow!" He was intrigued.

Your father and Abuela sat casually. Eating their meal. Alma also sat calmly, watching your Abuela intently.

The dinner was going well so far. Julieta began to cut the cake and give everyone a slice. "Let's see how good this cake is, shall we?"

Everyone took a bite into their slices, anticipation building up in your hearts, you moved to the end of your seat. "Its chewy, but has a good flavor." Dolores admitted.

Alma swept a whole glop of icing off of her slice that came from Camilo's side. "Nieto, your aunt is an amazing cook. What possessed you to put this much icing on it. Props to you (Y/N)." She smiled. "Your half isn't trying to make me get diabetes!"

Everyone laughed, except your grandma and father.  Why is Abuela so distant? I thought her whole goal was to be friends with Alma again and join our families together. But this whole time she's being giving Alma bad looks while glancing at the candle.

(A/N) thanks for reading and sorry this is such a small chapter! I may try to make the next one a bit longer, I'm just falling asleep. I love you guys and I hope you continue to enjoy the story!! ❤️

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