The Comeback

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As soon as I heard footsteps approaching my door I jumped out of bed. My mom opened the door, her expression hurt and confused.

I crashed into her with a big hug, holding her tight she gave me an extremely confused glance. "Seems like someone isn't mad anymore. Your father told me to open your door when he left. He makes no sense sometimes." She shook her head.

I didn't ask any further questions which burned inside of me. Like, the attitude that my clone apparently had. I needed to get out of here.

I walked out of my room, telling her bye as I rushed out of the house. What would I do first? I questioned as the bright sun shocked my eyes since it's been a week since I've seen it. Senora Pepa must not be awake yet as the weather would expectedly be pouring because of their missing candle.

I needed something to eat, I hadn't had breakfast yet. The only thing I wanted at this point was candy, not the best breakfast, but good enough for me.

I walked into the shop and greeted my favorite shop owner. The old lady motioned me towards the counter as she made fresh Carmel. "I haven't seen you in so long, (Y/N)!" I smiled widely. "I missed you too, senora. Can I have some Carmel?" I pointed to the fresh batch she made. I pulled out several dollars and leaving her a tip. She hands me some and sneaks a little extra in. "For my favorite customer." Then her face turns sadder.

"I'm sorry about your novio, chica. Happens to the best of us." She shrugged forcing a sad smile. I looked at her confused. "What happened?" Her eyes widened and she quickly replied, "nevermind, enjoy your Carmel, (Y/N)!" As she pushed me out the door. "The poor girl is in denial." She said as she stumbled back towards her counter.

What does she mean what happened to my boyfriend? I questioned as I put a piece of Carmel in my mouth. The gooeyness melting on my tongue. It was good to be free.

I walked towards the fountain looking for somewhere to sit as I ate. As I approached, I dropped my Carmel at what I saw. Camilo was kissing (F/N).

His hand on the back of her head deepening the kiss. She broke apart and stood. "I have to go, Camilo." He whined. "Love you!" She yelled as she began to walk away, his eyes trained on her as she began to go out of view.

He turned and saw me staring, watching. Pepa must have woken up because at the perfect moment rain began to pour down. Perfectly masking the tears that fell down my face. Thanks Pepa for adding a dramatic effect, I retorted in my mind.

He gave me a look of disgust and began to walk away. I ran up to him grabbing his arm which he quickly pulled away. "What do you want?" He spat. His voice filled with fury. "What are you doing?" I was barely able to make out my words as I began to cry.

"Don't play dumb, (Y/N). Because of you and your family our candle is gone."

"I didn't do anything. It wasn't me!" Tears flowing down my face, it was getting hard to breathe.

"I saw you try to steal the candle yourself. Was it not you then? Was it not you when I came to your house and you said everything you felt for me was a lie? It was all fake so that you could help your family steal the candle? I'm done (Y/N). Don't act stupid with me. It's pathetic."

His words stung. He tried to walk away but I stopped him again. "Milo..." "Don't call me that." His tone was cold. "Listen to me." I pleaded. I'm done listening. That has gotten me no where."

"Please. This is important. If you want help finding the candle you need to listen." He froze while trying to walk away.

"It really wasn't me. I've been locked in the basement for the past 2 weeks. Ever since that dinner, I went home and didn't see the light again until today." He laughed. "That's a lie. Now you're lying right to my face." I showed him my arms. The burns of the ropes indented into my skin, making it redder than normal. Deep cuts were on my ankles because of how tight it was.

I wiped my tears, but it did not work because of the heavy rain. "Abuela lied. She can't see the future in her dreams, she makes clones. When she locked me into the basement she made a clone of me who tried to steal the candle. She called us both failures because I refused to do it and my clone failed, too." I took a deep breath because my words were jumbled in tears.

"Then the next thing I know, Isabela is in our basement with the candle, giving it to Abuela. All this time I thought Abuela was really going to help us, but she and father took the candle and ran."

Camilo stared at me with shock and horror. He began to walk closer to me, pausing in between steps as if he isn't sure of what to do. He then pulled me into a hug, holding me tight as his wet hair fell to my face. "I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry."

"I just don't want you to hate me, Camilo." The words he said to the clone still stung. I hate you. (Y/N).

"I don't, I promise. I lov.." he stopped. Remembering (F/N). He cursed under his breath. "I have to go fix this, I messed up. I really messed up, (Y/N)." He broke the hug wiping a hand down his face.

"Mami forced me to hang out with (F/N) because I needed a friend because I was so depressed after you left. I knew it wasn't you because the evil stare in the clone's wasn't like you. But she convinced me it was. I just needed to get over you everyone said, so I got with (F/N)."

"She isn't you, she could never be you." He came back closer and kissed me on the cheek. "I'm sorry." He whispered one more time near my ear. His chilling breath once again brought back the memories of my loving boyfriend. "I want to be your boyfriend, not hers."

I looked up at him, sadness in his eyes. "I forgive you, 'Milo." He continued to talk despite it. "I'd rather run away, buy a bag of candy then spill it, go bald like Ernesto, then lose you." I laughed at this last comment.

"Oh really?" I joked. A smile coming back on his face. "Yes really." He looked down at me. "Please get back with me. I missed you so much. I thought about you everyday, I tried to get over you but couldn't. It just didn't work."

He kissed me once again the ran to where (F/N) left to, going to break it off. Blowing a kiss as he left. Stepping in puddles and running quickly. At least one thing is fixed. But how will I get everyone to trust me again?

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