Moving On

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Camilo's Perspective:

I got up to leave. "Thanks, (F/N). It was nice talking to you." "You're welcome, Camilo. See you tomorrow!" She waved beginning to walk away. "Tomorrow?" I questioned. "Yes, silly. This is a week long thing. I'm gonna be your best friend." She nudged me laughing. "Sure..." I teased. She rolled her eyes walking away.

The next day we met back at the same place. Talked then left. Nothing eventful. She's a really nice person and fun to talk to. "See you tomorrow." I let a small grin show. "Bye, Camilo." She said handing me a gift. I looked down to see a bag if candy. "I see you finally learned my favorite." "I would have gotten my favorite so that you would give it back to me, but that wouldn't be too nice." She teased.

The next day, was a lot more eventful. I sat at the fountain waiting for (F/N) to show up. She came wearing a strangely fancier outfit. "What's with the dress up?" I questioned, genuinely confused. "Um, nothing. I- I just came from a breakfast with a relative." "Oh." I replied nodding my head.

(F/N)'s Perspective:

I had to wait for the perfect moment. As our conversation continued, I stared at him. Boy, was I nervous. "We talk about candy a lot." I noted as he started talking about his favorite foods. He laughed. "We do."

As we were about to leave I scooted a bit closer. Leaning in and kissing his cheek. "Bye, Camilo." I said it this time in a flirtatious tone. Leaving him stunned, in a good way, I hope. As I walked off I didn't look back.

*Time Skip and Camilo's Perspective*

"I don't know what to say, it was unexpected." I admitted to Mirabel. "We'll do you like her?" She asked catching me off guard. "I don't know." I replied. "I don't think I want to move on that fast, if it were (Y/N) she probably wouldn't have!"

"Well if it was her, I hope she would. It's not good to stay on someone for so long, especially if they tried to steal the candle, Camilo." I nodded. Still not completely convinced.

"Thanks 'Bel, you're a life saver." I started to walk out, tired from all the action of today. "TELL HER HOW YOU FEEL!" She yelled after me as I left. I did a quick salute then walked into my room.

The next day. I walked to our normal spot and (F/N) arrived too. "Camilo, I'm sorry it was a little quick... if you want to-." I stopped her and kissed her quickly back. "I like you (F/N). I talked to Mirabel and I didn't know how I felt about it I really just needed to explain myself and now I'm here and I like you too, and I learned that I was just to scared to move on but she taught me that it was good for me and okay. But, my gosh." I rambled. She probably didn't understand any of that.

But before I could say anything else she kissed me back. "If you couldn't notice, I've liked you from day one, Camilo. When Pepa asked me to be your friend I was ecstatic." I felt so relieved.

"And if you don't mind, can we call ourselves something?" I froze tilting my head in confusion. "A title..." she paused. "As in dating." I hesitated for a second. I'm moving on too fast, was I really over (Y/N)? No, I have to be. Even Mirabel says so. I licked my lips, debating.

"If you don't want to then..." I cut her off. "Sure." "Wait really?" Her face lit up. She kissed me again. "Well, I'll see you later, Madrigal." She kissed my cheek as she stood up and left. I smiled. This is what I deserve. I don't need to be stuck on (Y/N). Time to be happy again.

*Time Skip A Week Later*

(Y/N)'s Perspective:

It's been a week. I couldn't stand this basement any longer. I've thought of every possible scenario where I could escape. But none have worked.

But suspiciously today, Abuela hasn't been down here at all, only to drop off snacks. As if reading my mind, suddenly, the oh too familiar creaks on the steps was approaching. "Good news, Nieta." I pushed out a fake smile. "Today is your last day down here! Tonight, we'll have the candle. I have a new plan, which I won't disclose." She said smirking at me. "But when me and your father hide, we will let you out of this basement!" Her good news wasn't good news at all.

All the work and effort I made to save the candle, she wanted to steal it. I changed the topic. "How have mama and (B/N) been? Why haven't they looked for me?" "They think your clone is you, silly. They just thing you're in a big attitude fit. I'm not sure why all my clones have attitude issues, but yours sure does." She walked upstairs slowly calling for my father. Leaving me in the dark, again.

"Dolores." I whispered. "If you can hear this, please warn everyone. They are coming for the candle, again. Today or tomorrow."

Camilo's Perspective:

I couldn't sleep, again. But this time it was for a good reason. I'd finally gotten over (Y/N) and have a new girlfriend now. It's news all over the town.

I walked downstairs, yet again for a drink. Pouring orange juice instead of milk this time. Casita opened the shutters in question. "Today was a good day, Casita. I have to celebrate somehow." It raised banners in the kitchen that were from Antonio's ceremony that were never taken down. "That's the spirit." I clinked the glass against the wall. "Cheers."

I walked back towards my room, gazing at the candle. I dropped my cup, and it shattered on the floor. It was gone. A familiar purple dress dashed from the candle. A trail of vines hoisting her off the Casita and into the town.

"ABUELA!" I yelled waking the whole house. They stormed downstairs. I pointed upwards. Unable to speak. Her eyes grew large. With the candle gone, we all could see the cracks that Mirabel noticed. They lined the walls creating a pattern around the candle's former resting spot.

"Do you know who took it?!" Abuela asked worriedly. Her voice whimpering.

Isabela walked out of her room last, eyes heavy and filled with sleep. I pointed towards her. "Camilo stop fooling around." Felix ordered. "It can't be Isabela."

"The last thing I saw was the purple dress and vines leading her off the Casita and into town." It had to have been, I saw correctly. Abuela sat on the ground head in her hands. "He's tired and doesn't know, our Miracle is gone." She began to cry. We just left her there and watched, scared to be involved.

"Does everyone still have their gifts if they weren't already lost?" Julieta looked around worriedly. Isabela made a flower, I shifted, and Pepa made a storm. She nodded. "What do we do now?" Pepa's storm began to grow. Causing the whole town to feel her rain.

"I don't know." Julieta brought her into a hug. Closing her eyes in fear.

(Y/N)'s Perspective:

I slept knowing it was my last night down here, but still panicking. They were going to steal the candle. Abuela came down the stairs smiling wide, it was scary. Her laughter filled the room and Isabela showed her the candle. "Isa?" I questioned, waking from all the noise. She didn't respond, and continued to place the candle into a glass jar.

My dad came downstairs and untied me. Grabbing my arm and sending me upstairs. Locking me in my room. "Your mother will open this door tomorrow when we are gone. We are about to bond the candle and unleash our gifts." He laughed through the door. I imagined his smile as wide as Abuela's and shivered. What's going on. I questioned, pulling myself under the covers.

They may never believe me now, their candle is gone, the Casita is probably cracking, and Camilo hates me. What else is going to happen now? I'm scared to visit the town tomorrow, what if everyone hates me?

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