Dinner Fiasco

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We stared in disbelief. "Maybe it's just nerves for the dinner today. You guys told your parents right?" Mirabel and Camilo nodded. "They're ready, I'm just not sure if Abuela is."

"Maybe it has to do with whatever Mirabel keeps seeing? I just want my gift backkkkkkkk." Luisa walked away crying.

"There isn't much we can do now, except wait for dinner." Camilo shrugged. "Mirabel, do you see anything going on with the candle?" She took a peek out of the room and saw the candle a little less bright. "It's fading... I think it may start going down the line and taking gifts!" Mirabel worried. "I sun have a gift to worry about but..."

"We're fine, we're fine." You assured. "Let's just hope this dinner goes well and we can prove Bruno's vision true. If our families get along, then the Miracle is saved!"

*Time Skip*

You stood by the door, waiting for your parents to enter. All of the Madrigals were seated at the dining table, except Abuela. She came down the stairs, noticing you. "What are you doing here?!" She said furiously. Dolores came running in. "Abuela, we have guests. We will explain later, please, take a seat." Alma glared your way. You shivered. Her icy cold and managing glare staring into you.

Your family walks in. Your mother ecstatic while your dad and brother had frowns and glares. They walked to the table, Abuela's eyes growing big.

You and Camilo interlocked hands under the table. Abuela was terrifying. To lighten the mood, Pepa stood and gave your mother a hug, a rainbow floating above her head. Introducing her to the group as the mother of Camilo's girlfriend.

Everyone at the table gave surprised glances towards you two except your mom and Pepa, Felix, Dolores, and Luisa who was on the verge of tears.

Your father began glaring at you. Julieta started to pass out the plates as everyone stood in silence. The players sitting in front of everyone beginning to get cold.

Camilo's POV:

The silence was loud. It was obvious no one liked each other. I gripped (Y/N)'s hand tightly as we watched in silence. Her father was giving us a death stare. He was more than mad.

Suddenly, Abuela stood. Oh no. "I don't even know why we invited them." She said rudely. "She's forced my grandson to date her," "Abuela," I cut her off. "She isn't forcing me to date her, I asked her to be my-" she continued anyway. "They ruined the Miracle-"

"We ruined the Miracle?!" (Y/N)'s father stood angrily. "You were selfish and took it all, leaving Rosa a small corner of it!" They began to argue. Luisa ran off and cried, Isabela used her swing and went back to her room, and Dolores covered her ears from all of the noise.

I tried to grab (Y/N) to lead her to my room. "Don't take her anywhere, Madrigal." Her dad stopped us. I froze. "Don't you tell him what to do, you are on MY Casita!" Abuela shouted. As Pepa and (Y/N)'s mom tried to stop the fight, we snuck off anyway.

I heard as Abuela yelling from downstairs. "I don't care what gifts are lost, I'm not sharing the Miracle with you."

We sat on my bed and (Y/N) hugged me and cried. I just held her there, a small tear leaving my eyes, too.

(Y/N)'s POV:

"You know 'Milo," you sniffled. "I really just wish we all could get along. This may have been our only chance to save the Miracle."

"Shhh." Camilo said, softly brushing his fingers through may hair. "We'll find another way." He assured leaving a kiss on my head.

I heard my father called me down stairs. "I have to go, but 'Milo, sneak in tonight? I don't want to me there alone." He nodded sending me off. I walked downstairs to see Pepa and my mom hugging goodbye. My dad and brother continued to be angry as they slammed the Casita door. On my way out I patted the door, whispering, "Sorry Casita." It opened a shutter in acceptance.

*Time Skip to your House*

I sat in my room. My dad coming in. "I don't want you to see that boy again, so you hear me?" I nodded, knowing good and well I was going to disobey him in a couple of minutes.

As the lights of my house died down, Camilo used the window to enter my small room. He plopped onto my bed like it was his own.

"But please, (Y/N), don't be worried. We'll find a way. If we were able to get our moms along, especially mine, then we have many options." He beckoned me to join him on my bed. He handed me one of the arepas that he brought from Julieta. He wrapped his arm around my waist, causing my head to rest on his shoulder. He was wearing a satchel and pulled out a book from it.

"Can you read this to me?" "I'm guessing you noticed I'm a reader from the books lining my shelves." You said while he smiled. "I've never been that much into reading, but hearing your voice read this book, makes it so much better." He scooted even closer so the words of the book were in his view. You blushed.

"This isn't a romance book, mi amor." He looked at you. "You should not be blushing her dad just died." He stared back at the book. I nudged him and laughed.

*Time Skip*

As Camilo began to doze off, you watched as his beautiful face relaxed. You allowed him to lay in your bed and covered him so that it looked like he wasn't there in case someone came.

As you finally were beginning to fall asleep, footsteps and arguing from outside the door caught your attention.

"She can't keep the Miracle from us, (Y/M/N)." He said to your mom. "I'm going to tell (Y/N) that if she wants a gift then she better help us." You heard your brothers familiar voice and his semi-loud footsteps walking towards your room.

You placed a pillow in between you and Camilo so it looked like no one was there. I hope he doesn't sleep walk, talk, snore... the list goes on as your mind was panicking. You pretended to sleep.

He walked over to your bed and tapped you. "Wake up, already." You opened your eyes. "What do you want?" You noticed Camilo start to turn around as he slept from the motion on the pillow between you. You made random movements so that the sound was masked.

"Do you want a gift or not?" Your brother ignored. "Of course I do?" You questioned. "Now can you get out?"

Your brother pulled you out of the bed. "Why are you rushing me out-" He saw the pillow between you and Camilo fall. The sleeping boy was exposed. "You're so dead. You're dead." He said as he started to walk towards the door, a yell forming in his mouth. You didn't know what to do, except the book in your hands decided for you as it hit the back of his head. He fell and was passed out.

You shook Camilo awake. "(Y/B/N)!  Hurry up did she respond or not?!" "Camilo, shift to my brother now and yell downstairs 'yeah'!" He did, luckily after shifting the tiredness in his voice disappeared. He looked at you then saw your brothers unconscious body on the floor. "What did you..." he questioned. "You know what? Don't tell me." "Good idea." you said nodding.

"Come down here already we aren't done talking." Your father said. Camilo already assumed what you wanted. He shifted to your brother. "What should I say?" Make a bad suggestion on what to do or something, they are talking about the Miracle. I can hear them yelling. Tell them I was asleep too." He nodded.

Minutes later you heard your father pat your brother, that wasn't your brother, on the back. "Great idea, hijo." You heard Camilo shakily mumble. "I'll go tell (Y/N)." Your father send him off. With wide eyes he admitted. "I didn't mean it! I just said the first thing that came into mind thinking he wouldn't be that bold, but I said.. break into the Casita and he agreed."

Shifting To You | Camilo x (Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now