Betrayed|Lena Luthor

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Summary: you are in the middle of a huge battle and you get betrayed by your girlfriend little did she know you were always 3 steps ahead.

It was a huge battle involving Supergirl and a lot of DEO agents, fighting against an army of villains.

Most of these villains were human but very heavily trained in all sorts of combat and with many weapons. They were accompanied by a few superhumans also.

Y/n had a complicated past, she had done some bad things before, but when she met Lena it all changed. She left her messy past behind to be with Lena.

Lena trusted Y/n and that she left her old life behind but Kara did not think the same. Kara still thought that Y/n is bad and that people can't change.

Kara was furious when she found out about a year ago that Lena and Y/n started dating. She eventually made peace with it because she saw how happy Lena was, but she never liked Y/n anyway.

Going into this battle Y/n was on their side, she thought they were all on the same page that these villains need to be taken down.

Little did she know that right before the battle Kara went behind her back and managed to convince Lena that Y/n was somehow involved in this.

It wasn't hard to convince Lena as she trusted Kara with her life, especially since they knew that some of their opponents have superpowers which Y/n knows how to make.

Y/n had worked years on achieving that, she succeeded and got some superpowers a few years ago. She refused to share with anyone how she did it even after she started dating Lena and left her old life behind.

She claimed that it was too dangerous for anyone to know how to do that, and how dangerous it could be if it fell into the wrong hands.

Kara convinced Lena that the only way that many people could have superpowers is if they were created and Y/n was the only one that could do that as far as they were aware.


The battle was going well and it looked like the good side will win. Y/n helped them a lot in taking down the bad guys, but Kara was convinced it was just a cover to get their guard down.

They were going to ambush her after the battle was won. Although Y/n didn't know of the plan Lena and Kara made, she could sense that something was wrong.

As much as Lena tried not to reveal that anything is wrong, Y/n could read her too well. She saw how the look in her eyes changed from the once warm and loving look she gave Y/n to a cold, heartless one.

Y/n didn't want to believe it but she knew something is wrong. Y/n got in her own head thinking that maybe it was all a game all along, how can someone go from loving to hating in a matter of minutes.

This made Y/n paranoid but she was much better at hidding it.

Lena wasn't involved in the actual fighting much so Y/n started thinking why she's even there, that close to the action which just confirmed her suspicions.


As Y/n takes down the last few guys she stands over their bodies looking down trying to catch her breath. She was very tired as she had to use a lot of energy during the fight.

It was the biggest one she's fought in so far, and her powers rely on her energy so if she gets too drained her powers will stop working for a while.

It takes a lot to get to that point, and this was the closest she's gotten to it. Y/n stands there for a few seconds before she turns around and looks up.

She is faced with Lena pointing her gun right at her head a few feet away. Supergirl is not there yet, as they face off.

Y/n just smiles, mostly to herself. She was right, about Lena and even exactly how it's going to happen, she was proud of herself for being able to read the situation so well.

But that's also where her life crumbled and she was done being the good guy. She was not going to continue to be a hero when her so called friends and the love of her life turned on her.

Lena stared at her confused as to why she is smiling. Which caused Y/n to let out an audible chuckle. They stood there for a while neither of them speaking.

"What are doing?" Y/n chuckled sarcastically. "Shut up" "I know you did this" Lena says. "What makes you say that hmm?"

"I just know it, there's no other explanation." Lena says. "Ohhh I get what's going on here. Kara told you some bullshit and you believed every word. Right?" Lena stayed quiet.

"Just like you always do. Right? Because Kara is always right isn't she?" "She's been trying to break us up since day one, you know she's in love with you right." Y/n raises her voice. "And i think you love her too" Y/n says sadly as she gets flashbacks of interactions between the two that seemed a little suspicious.

"Shut up" Lena demands. "Why don't you just do it? Come on, pull the trigger." Y/n says calmly.

"I said shut up" Lena says as she switches off the safety on her gun. "Come on. DO IT!" Y/n encourages.

Lena doesn't move, so Y/n starts walking away. Y/n turns back around just as Lena presses the trigger closing her eyes. She quickly opens her eyes when she realizes nothing happened.

Y/n smirks at the look of shock on her face. "Oh, are you missing something?" Y/n says with her condescending tone as she pulls her hand out of her pocket and let's the bullets slowly fall to the ground.

Y/n had emptied her gun earlier as she predicted that's gonna happen since there was no reason for Lena to be there in the middle of everything.

"You know if you were gonna stab someone in the back or in this case shoot i guess" Y/n chuckles, "you should at least try harder not to show it" Y/n continues as she starts walking closer to Lena.

"But it's okay now. It's all ok. I know now who you really are. I know that none of this was real. You just dragged me along for the ride didn't you. You never loved me, you never cared about me. It was always her, always" Y/n rambles as reality hits her.

"It's all over now. The city is saved, you get your girl, everyone is happy right?" Y/n says as she pulls a box out of her pocket and throws it at Lena as she starts walking away.

Lena looks at the box in her hand as a tear falls down her cheek. It was a ring box, Y/n was going to propose to her.

Supergirl comes to the scene just as Y/n is walking away. Before she even has time to react to try and stop her, Y/n collapses on the ground from exhaustion.

Seems like she underestimated just how much of her power she had drained during the battle combined with her heart being ripped out and shredded to pieces by the love of her life. Her body just couldn't take it.

"Noooo!" Lena screams as she runs towards Y/n. She felt so stupid for believing Kara, she should have trusted her lover. She should have known Y/n would never betray her.

Tears run down Lena's cheeks as she reaches   Y/n, holding her in her arms. Kara joins Lena and tries to comfort her "it's okay Lena, it okay" Kara comforts. Lena lets out a sigh of relief as she finds a pulse.

"No, no this is your fault!" Lena screams as she pushes Kara away. "This is all your fault" she repeats. "Lena-" Kara says softly.

"No, no" "you were wrong, she didn't do anything. She was going to propose" Lena cries out.

"We don't know that. We don't know she wasn't involved." Kara states. "I know she wasn't. I know it. You didn't see the look on her face as she watched me pull the trigger. That look -the look of betrayal on her face will haunt me forever. And it was- it was all your fault" Lena sobbs. "The one good thing in my life is over and it's all because of you."

"I fucking hate you Kara. I don't want to see you ever again" Lena screams at Kara as she sobbs. They argue back and forth for a bit before Kara assures her that even if shes mad right now she'll always be there for her.

Lena just scoffs as an ambulance comes and she goes with you to the hospital...

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