Best friend | Cat Grant

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You could hear your best friend freaking out in her office thanks to your super hearing as she was frantically looking for some paper work.

You came into her office to help her find it. "Hey" you say as you enter her office. "Y/n please, not right now. I'm busy" she says dismissing you.

You were not thrilled with the way she shooed you away but you didn't take it to heart as she is clearly stressed. Cat was always very organized you could only assume that was because of her assistant Kara because as soon as she's gone for a few days Cat loses her shit.

She desperately needed to find these documents as she was already late to a meeting in which she needed to have them.

"Looking for this?" You ask as you pull out a small folder wedged between two bigger ones on her shelf.

She immediately recognized the folder and her eyes lit up. "oh thank God" she says. "I'm not God" you say with a smirk.

Cat doesn't even have time to acknowledge your words "thank you so much" she says quickly as she approaches you grabbing the folder from your hand as she places a quick peck on your lips.

You stand there frozen for a second as you process what just happened. She kissed you and you couldn't believe it.

You weren't mad about it, you always had feelings for Cat but you never would have thought it was reciprocated at all or that she even likes women.

Maybe it was an accident and she meant to kiss your cheek but missed in the rush you thought to yourself. But she didn't even acknowledge it, did she even notice?

You sat down on the sofa in her office processing the situation.


Cat quickly rushes to the meeting barging inside and apologizing for the delay. She sets down her folder as she stands at the top of the long meeting table.

She goes to talk but the adrenaline of the situation wears off and she realizes what she did. "Shit" she says out loud not meaning to as every head turns to her standing there frozen.

Someone clears their throat and she snaps out of her daze. She sees everyone looking at her with shocked expressions and realizes that she must have cursed out loud.

"Sorry everyone" Cat says as she clears her throat, pushing the thought aside until the meeting is over.

It was a pretty long meeting but everyone finally left and Cat sat down slumped in her chair as a defeated sigh escapes her lips.

She sits there for a while not knowing what to do. The only thought going through her head was that she ruined it, she ruined everything, the most important relationship in her life aside from her son.


You decided to wait in Cats office for her return but she never came back for a suspiciously long time so you figured that the kiss was most likely not an accident and just something she did without thinking.

You find her pretty easily as you just listen for her heart beat. You find her slumped in her chair head on her desk.

"Cat?" You question as you enter the room. She quickly shoots up sitting up in the chair. "Y/n" she says simply.

"Are you okay?" You ask narrowing your eyes slightly. "Uhh, yeah totally" Cat says, obviously not meaning it.

"So" you say causing Cat to repeat it. You sense that she doesn't want to talk about it but you need to.

"We have to talk about it sooner or later, might as well be now" you say simply. "Talk about what?" Cat asks trying to get out of it.

"Don't play dumb with me" you say "I know you're smarter then that Catherine" you say using her full name.

She sighs in defeat, "I'm sorry, I- I just wasn't thinking " she admits finally. "I was in such a rush it just happened" she adds as you walk closer to her sitting down in the chair to her right.

You take her hand in yours as you comfort her. She looks up to meet your eyes as you look into hers. "It's okay" you say finally.

"I just don't understand" you whisper softly as you catch her glimpse down at your lips. "That's not something someone just does, Cat. I need to know" all you wanted was for her to confirm what you believed to be true, that she liked you.

You were confused for a second as you saw tears start to well in her eyes but realized quickly that she's probably scared of what the truth would do to your relationship.

"It's okay" you whisper as you wipe a tear that fell down her cheek. In your years of friendship you had never seen her cry, you pulled her into you arms and hugged her tightly in hopes of comforting her.

You held her for a few minutes as she cried on your shoulder "I- I love you," she finally whispers into your shoulder. "I love you too" you say back simply.

"No like I love, love you.. more than I should" she says as she pulls back looking into your eyes. You chuckle a little "yes Cat I love love you too" you say repeating her words as you connect your lips in a passionate kiss.

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