Forbidden|Lena Luthor|part 3

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Y/n woke up early the next morning. It was 5am and she needed to leave. Lena was still cuddled into Y/n's side.

Y/n managed to get up without waking Lena, but then she realized that she should at least say bye before she goes.

Y/n had never stayed over before so she wasn't really sure what she should do, but she didn't want to seem like a dick for just disappearing after a night like that. So she decided to tell her.

Y/n gently puts her hand on Lena's back and rubs up and down lightly to wake her without frightening her.

Lena groans slightly as she starts waking from her slumber. "Good morning" Y/n says "I just want to let you know that I'm leaving" Y/n says softly.

"Okay" Lena replies still half asleep. "Ok, now go back to sleep it's still early" Y/n tells her causing Lena to hum in response.

"Wait-" Lena says sleepily "kiss first" she mumbles. Y/n chuckles at this as she pecks Lena's lips.

Lena falls back asleep in a few minutes as Y/n finishes getting dressed and grabbing all her stuff.

Y/n quietly leaves Lena's room as to not wake her. She leaves through the front door and grabs the key to lock it from the outside. She puts the key threw the mail slot, whick falls on the carpet inside.

Lex had been planning to wait for Y/n to leave Lena's room to confront her but he ended up falling asleep as Y/n didn't leave that night.


Lex finally wakes up around 7am, he gets out of bed and leaves his room. He goes downstairs to get something to eat, he spots the key on the floor that Y/n had put through the mail slot.

He realizes that Y/n must have left already and that he failed to catch her as she was leaving. Lex runs back upstairs hoping that wasn't the case and that Y/n was still there.

He busts through Lena's door to see Lena alone in bed. Lena wakes from all the noise Lex made as he pushed her door open with such force.

Lena lifts her head slightly and looks towards her door and sees Lex. "Lex get out, I'm trying to sleep" Lena mumbles.

"Where the fuck is she?" Lex screams. Lena looks at him confused for a few seconds before she realizes what he's talking about since she was still trying to wake herself up.

"Do you really have to do this right now?-" Lena starts as she checks her phone "-it's seven in the morning" Lena finishes.

She was still half asleep and couldn't care less about what Lex has to say right now. "I'm too tired for this" Lena adds.

"No surprise there" Lex says angrily. "Maybe if you weren't getting fucked like a slut you wouldn't be so tired" Lex screams at her as he leaves her room slamming the door behind him.

Lex was lucky that Lena was tired and sleepy and didn't fully comprehend what he just said to her as she would have killed him herself.


Lena finally woke up at around 10am and got dressed, going downstairs to get breakfast.

Lena was in a pretty good mood after last night's events, she recalled Lex storming into her room after Y/n had left that morning, she wasn't really listening to him as he screamed.

Once she went downstairs she saw Lex in the living room, watching TV. She went into the kitchen to make breakfast.

Lex heard her in the kitchen and came in also. "What were you actually thinking, Lena?" He asked much calmer right now.

"What?" Lena said confused. "Sleeping with that bitch, what were you thinking getting with her?" Lex clarifies.

Lena continues making breakfast as they talk. "I don't know what you mean, it's no different than hooking up with anyone else" Lena says.

"Of course it's different" Lex starts raising his voice again. "You knew how much i hate her and that she's my enemy." Lex argues.

"So what? That literally has nothing to do with me. It's your business not mine. What, do you just expect me to hate her for no reason like you do?" Lena raises her voice back at him.

"Good question actually, why do you hate her so much because I don't know and as far as I know neither does she?" Lena questions

"I have my reasons" Lex mutters, "okay name one" Lena demands. "I don't have to tell you shit"

"Yeah because you don't have a good reason, you're just insecure that she's better than you" Lena insults him.

"Look Lena, you're my sister and i don't want to fight with you, I- I just can't accept you being with her" Lex tells her truthfully.

"What does it matter anyway, you're acting like we're about to get married or something when we're just hooking up." Lena argues.

"Okay, fine, fine" Lex gives up, "but at least don't bring her to the house" Lex demands "actually don't bring anyone, i don't want to hear that shit"

"Lexy just because you can't get laid doesn't mean I'm going to stop" Lena tells him with a chuckle. "And i would appreciate it if you stopped talking about my sex life" Lena says as she grabs her breakfast and leaves the room.

"I'm so gonna kick her ass" Lex mutters as he plans on how he will confront Y/n.

"You can try Lexy, but I'm pretty sure she'll beat your ass" Lena tells him as she walks further away from the kitchen causing Lex to huff.

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