High school|Katie McGrath|Part 3

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A/n: I wrote this a while ago after I did the other parts but I never published it for some reason. Also I'll be doing some edits to this book during summer as some of the chapters are really not great spelling wise.


Katie cuddled into you as you talked. You held her in your arms, stroking her back softly as you drifted off to sleep.

You had no intention of falling asleep as Katie most likely needed to get home tonight so she wouldn't get in trouble.

You wake up from your slumber a little while later. You check your phone quickly getting a little worried, it was almost 10pm already.

You gently shook Katie awake and she looked at you with sleepy eyes. "Hey, do you have to get home?" You whisper not wanting to be too loud as she just woke up.

"Yeah" she sighs as she puts her head back on the pillow. "What time is it?" She mumbles sleepily. You chuckle at her lack of concern and just how cute she is when she's sleepy.

"It's twenty to ten" you reply. "I have to be home by 10" she sighs as she gets up to get dressed, knowing it takes 15 minutes to walk back.

"I'll drive you" you tell her as you get out of bed and throw on a hoodie as you were already mostly dressed from earlier.

"No it's okay, I can walk" Katie quickly refuses. "Katie, you are not walking. If you don't let me drive you then you're not leaving this house, it's dark and dangerous outside." You tell her.

You lived in a pretty safe neighborhood but you weren't taking any chances. And what kind of asshole would you be if you let her walk regardless of the time.

"Okay fine" Katie agrees with a small smirk. She liked that you were concerned about her safety. You hop into your car and drive her home, watching her walk inside before you leave.

You drove straight home and were back in bed by 10. Not that you usually slept this early, you were actually a little surprised that you fell asleep so early in the first place. You always had a hard time sleeping.

You scrolled through your phone for the next hour or so before deciding to text Katie. "Goodnight gorgeous" you text her and she replies with a blushing emoji followed by "don't dream about me too much"

The message made you smile widely, she was flirting back, maybe you have a real chance to make her yours after all.

"No promises :)" you text back with a smirk, making Katie giggle slightly before she hearts your message.


The following week in school you didn't see each other all that much, but didn't talk when you did either.

You caught sneaky glances at her and that was about as much as you interacted, just the usual. You weren't bothered by it, there would certainly be rumours spread around if you suddenly started talking at school.

Not to mention that she hasn't come out, not at school anyway. And likely didn't tell anyone about your little experience.

You talked a little over text occasionally but it wasn't the same as the first day. You figured maybe she wasn't as interested in you as you thought.

You considered asking Katie to accompany you to a work event but you backed out as you didn't want to embarrass yourself with a possible rejection.

You worked for your parents so it was very important that you attend, you were going to take over one day so you needed to have a presence in these things.


You got ready for the work event and got in your car. You started driving and as you drove past Katie's house you figured that you are an idiot for not inviting her.

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