New | Jenna Ortega | part 2

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You were glad that it was Friday, you finally had a chance to wind down and relax. You could sit at home with no uncomfortable staring from half of the school.

You were for sure grateful to have started school on a Thursday because you didn't think you would have been able to survive the whole week like that.

You hope that by the time Monday comes people will get over the fact that you're new and mind their business.

Saturday went by pretty quickly as you did your homework and played video games for a while. You had no plans for Sunday but you had the whole day off to do whatever.

Alex messaged you to hang out and you were surprised with yourself as you agreed, but you were bored so it was better than doing nothing.

You went to the arcade and had a lot of fun. You learned more about each other and you got along well, having a similar sense of humour and hobbies.

You were glad to have made such a good friend so quickly. You quickly forgot about the anxieties of school when you were with him.

Monday morning rolled around way too quickly though and your anxiety came back with it. You got ready for school nonetheless and went to your first class.

You definitely noticed a considerable difference in the amount of stares you received which you were relieved about.

Once you walked into your next class you made eye contact with Jenna for a split second seeing a soft smile on her lips as your eyes met but you looked away quickly.

You sat at the back of the class anxiously playing with your fingers while barely managing to pay attention to the class.

Jenna packed up quickly as she wanted to talk to you but you left quickly not giving her the chance.

You also walked away in the class before lunch when she tried to speak to you. To be honest you didn't really want to give her the time of day, or anyone really.

You spent the lunch with Alex before excusing yourself to go to the bathroom. Jenna notices this and follows closely after.

Just as you leave the bathroom stall Jenna walks into the bathroom. You notice her coming in but don't say anything.

"Can you please just stop avoiding me" Jenna says softly. You just throw her a confused look as you turn towards the sinks to wash your hands.

"I'm sorry okay... I know that I was being a dick by judging you" Jenna says, you don't say anything back to her as she stared at your back as you wash your hands. "I just wanted to apologize" she says breaking the silence.

"So you thought trying to trap me in the bathroom is the way to do it?" You question as you look at her through the mirror instead of facing her as you flick water off your hands before turning away to grab a paper towel.

"Well you wouldn't listen to me otherwise" she defends. "And why is it so important for you to apologize to me huh?" You ask teasingly as you walk towards her stopping just in front of her. You were towering over her quite a bit as you were much taller.

"I uh-" Jenna panics due to your close proximity "I j-just uh wanted t-to" she stutters out as she glances at your lips for a second.

You were loving this, she came to apologize and now was stuttering as you looked at her with a slight smirk on your lips. You could absolutely sense the gay panic she was going through so you leaned in slightly to level your height more as you whispered "why? Didn't want me to think you're an ass?" You question again.

"Uhh" Jenna murmurs as she flees the bathroom heat rising to her cheeks. That did not go to plan for her at all. That was the last thing Jenna had expected to happen.

You just laughed the situation off as you exited the bathroom. You found the situation hilarious and you didn't hesitate to smirk or raise an eyebrow or tease her in any way possible every time you caught her looking at you for the rest of the week. Everytime achieving the same results of her looking away shyly.

She started off strong not hesitating to catch you to be able to apologize to avoiding you like the plague just because of some harmless teasing. You knew how to attract girls even if you were socially anxious. It worked in your old school and it worked here. Now it's just like a fun little game of cat and mouse and you absolutely loved it.

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