I'm done|Hailee Steinfeld

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You and Hailee have been dating for 2 years now and today was your anniversary. You were excited as you haven't been doing anything together lately. You planned the best day ever to celebrate your second anniversary.

Hailey was to return around noon after finishing her work and you were patiently awaiting. You scrolled through social media and saw many of Hailees fans wishing you both a happy anniversary.

You didn't particularly have a platform on social media as it was not something that interested you, but Hailees fans know about your relationship and are very supportive of the two of you together.

You've only been featured on Hailees social media a handful of times but her fans were all still so nice and supportive, it made your heart melt.

It was a little hard at times, with Hailee constantly working and leaving for shoots for months at a time sometimes but you made it work.

You understood how stressful and demanding her job can be so you let it slide when she occasionally cancelled on you last minute to take care of something else, but now it seemed to get more frequent.

You smile as Hailee walks into the room two hours late deciding to let it slide again as you didn't want to cause an argument on your anniversary.

You greet her and she greets you back, with little excitement. She got a phone call just as you were about to ask her what's up.

She answers the phone and you sit down on the couch getting a gut feeling that she's going to cancel, again. She knew that you had a whole day planned for your anniversary yet she still put her work over you as she always does.

And just as expected she tells you that she has something to take care of as soon as she drops the call and that she won't be able to celebrate today.

You sighed in disappointment but didn't say anything as you stood up, this was nothing new. You turned to walk away to go find something else to occupy your mind with.

Hailee feels a pang of guilt as she watches you walk away without a word, but there's nothing she could do right now. Or at least that's what she told herself.

"I promise I'll make it up to you" Hailee says as you start to walk away, you stop in your tracks as you turn your head but don't look at her.

"I'll take you out to the nicest restaurant in the city and on an expensive vacation" Hailee promises.

"No, you won't." You scoff as you turn and look at her, you've been disappointed and pushed aside one too many times in this relationship.

Hailee looks at you in shock. "You're not going to make it up to me because you've said that more times than I can count... And yet you have not done anything other than disappoint me over and over again," you rant.

"Y/n, come on. I'll get you anything you want. I'm sorry" Hailee says softly. "You don't understand. Love cannot be bought. You can't buy MY love." You say raising your voice, making Hailee look at you.

She looks at you with no words, having no idea what to say to you. "And quite frankly if you think you can, then maybe we shouldn't be together afterall" you tell her.

"What are you saying?" Hailee asks as tears start welling in her eyes. "I'm saying that we're done. I'm done." You say flatly throwing your hands up in defeat.

"So what you're just gonna break up with me over this" Hailee asks. "Don't you get it?" You scoff, "it isn't just this. I've been pushed aside and ignored in this relationship for way too long. Too many dates cancelled, it seems like you just don't want to be around me, be with me" you say.

"That's not true, I love you." Hailee sobs as tears roll down her cheeks. "I wish you did." "You love your job more than anything else and I'm not going to stay in a relationship that makes me miserable, that makes me feel like shit" you yell.

"You know I was willing to put all of this aside to enjoy our anniversary, I thought maybe this is where it gets better, but no. I don't think it will get better and I can't put myself through this anymore." You say, "now go and deal with whatever the fuck was more important than our relationship" you add before you walk away.

"No" Hailee sobs barely audible but you don't even acknowledge it. You go to your room and start packing up your things as Hailee leaves the house in tears.

No matter how much you wanted this to work, it just couldn't. Hailee always put work first and she always will. You understood that she was busy but she couldn't even give you the time of day once in a while to go on a date or to stay in and relax. She couldn't clear her schedule for a few hours to celebrate your damn anniversary.

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