Betrayed|Part 4

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Y/n drove far away from National city in hopes of forgetting the past. She tried to forgive and forget what happened, she really did, but she just couldn't.

After almost two months of constant flashbacks and memories she had enough. Y/n was always good at blocking out her feelings and pushing them deep inside, but with this situation it just didn't work past the one week mark.

Everything came back slowly memory by memory up until the point of betrayal by her friends and lover. Y/n considered many options of what to do about her feelings as the hatred for her so called friends intensified.

Y/n started up her work again, continuing her research to develop the current knowledge she had of how to artificially produce superpowers. She figured it was better to put that anger towards something useful before doing anything about it.

Realistically she wasn't expecting to get much more than she already had. Maybe enhance the powers she already had but her work paid off as she developed new powers from her newest serum.

Y/n worked on this serum for 10 months and she was happy to say that it had worked and she felt better and stronger than ever after taking it.

The one power Y/n worked towards was invisibility, even though she thought it was impossible to achieve. She however proved herself wrong as she had succeeded in her research.

She grinned to herself as she tested the new limits of her powers, finally deciding to make a comeback for the one year anniversary of her departure from National City.

Y/n found out pretty soon after she had left that Kara survived afterall, but took a few months to recover from the kryptonite poisoning.

She knew there was a high possibility she would but she still continued working on her project. Y/n was happy that she didn't let Kara's survival affect her work as she got better results than expected.

She could now go back and truly get her revenge. She only wished she knew how many of her friends were actually involved in the whole thing. A year ago, she had assumed it was all of them but after some time away Y/n realized that Kara and Lena were the only ones actually present at the very moment they turned on her.

As a result she was strictly going to keep her revenge to the two people she knew for a fact were involved, although others would be unavoidably affected by it in some way due to their relations.

Y/n returned to National City with extraordinary speed, a smirk playing on her lips. She was finally going to put this thing to bed and hopefully be able to live peacefully thereafter.

Y/n arrived in the night, the darkness giving her comfort. She had no idea what old feelings were going to stir up once she came here so she figured it was best to come at night.

She was happy to realize that no pesky emotions interjected with her plan, all she felt was giddy excitement to execute her plan.

Y/n liked to find a high place to sit and look over the city below. The cars the size of ants and the people almost blurring into the background.

Y/n let's out a deep satisfied breath as she looks over the city before looking to the starts above. All she had to do now was wait until Lena would be at work.

At first Y/n had planned to execute her plan early in the morning but then decided it was better to do it later on in the evening as she knew Lena had a habit of working late.

She waited until about 6pm the following day, by that time most of the workers had cleared, leaving only Lena in her large office and the security guards spread inside and outside the building.

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