Royalty|Katie McGrath

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Katie was visiting her friend, Sarah, in her home country that she herself was unfamiliar with. Sarah wanted to attend an event organized by the royal family and so Katie agreed to go with.

She had no idea what to expect, or who the royals were as she didn't bother to do any research before visiting her friend.

The event was nothing too fancy, it was mostly an opportunity for the citizens to see the royal family. The event was to take place at the royal palace.

The queen was getting old and so she wanted to introduce her daughter as her heir who would be taking over once she passes.

Most people already knew of the princess, but it wasn't exactly common knowledge who she is, especially not what she looks like as she was never flaunted around growing up to give her the most normal life possible.

Katie and Sarah were almost there, just a few minutes away. "I need to use the bathroom real quick" Sarah says quickly as she excuses herself and goes to the bathroom leaving Katie to wait.

You on the other hand were running a little late and didn't see the shorter girl in front of you as you quickly rounded the corner.

You bumped into the girl, barely catching her before she fell. You felt so bad "I'm so sorry" you say quickly as you help her regain her balance.

"Jesus, maybe watch where you're fucking going next time." Katie all but yells at you causing your two body guards to start approaching the girl for how she spoke to you. You didn't really understand her hostility, at least you caught her, you could have just as easily let her fall and walk away with no apology.

You quickly put your hand up, making them stop in their tracks as you smiled at the girl. You couldn't help but admire her. Nobody ever had the guts to talk to you that way.

A smirk flashed across your face for just a second, "I'm so sorry again. I'm just running very late" you apologize. "You're not that important" Katie growls in annoyance and you chuckle, she clearly had no idea who you were.

"You have no idea" is all you say before you walk away. Katie huffs in annoyance as she straightens out her clothes, not thinking much of your words or the fact that you had body guards.

"Ready?" Sarah asks as she reappears. "Yeah" Katie says, her friend quickly caught on that she was in a bad mood. "Are you alright?" She asks concerned.

"Yeah, some idiot just bumped into me" she groans causing Sarah to laugh. "Not funny, I could have gotten hurt." Katie says narrowing her eyes. "Alright, alright. Let's go" Sarah chuckles.

You couldn't help but smile at the interaction as you walked to your changing room. You couldn't help but think how cute the other girl looked when she was all angry.

Imagining her reaction when she realizes was an entertainment in itself. You quickly got changed as you were already behind schedule and joined your mother and father.

You hoped you'd see that girl again later on in the evening when you socialize with your guests, so you could tease her about your interaction.

"We're up" your mother says as two guards open the balcony doors for you all to step out and greet your guests.

Your mother and father go first with their arms linked as they wave to everyone below. You walk out just behind them, before joining at your father's side.

A small gasp leaves Katie's lips as she recognizes you. Sarah looks at her with a raised eyebrow. "What is it?" She asks as Katie's mouth drops in shock.

"Remember when I told you that I bumped into someone?" Katie asks. "No way, don't tell me it was-" she freaks out.

"Unfortunately, yeah. I kind of may or may not have been a tiny little bit unpleasant about it" Katie says a little shyly.

"Katie?! Seriously" she scolds. "I didn't fucking know" Katie defends. "Did she apologize?" She asks. "Yes, twice" Katie says hesitantly. "Were you on the floor or hurt?" She asks. "No" Katie replies.

"Then why on God's green earth would you be that upset at her" her friend questions. "What if she comes to talk to us later, or what if she doesn't because of you" Sarah scolds, wanting to meet the royal Princess face to face.

"I'm sorry okay. Why do you want to see her so bad anyway" Katie questions. "Have you seen her?!? What am I saying of course you have, how is that even a question. She is literally gorgeous, a goddess." Sarah rambles.

"Yeah exactly. Which means she's way out of our league, not to mention that she's a fucking royal" Katie says defensively.

"You're telling me if she approached you, you wouldn't turn into stuttering mush?" Katie questions. "That's not the point" Sarah huffs in response.

"Let's just leave" Katie suggests. "I'm staying whether you are or not" Sarah says so Katie reluctantly stays too.

Everyone makes their way inside and the royals come down to socialize with the guests. Sarah kept her eyes on you for most of the time, even as she talked to other people. She couldn't help herself.

You saw that girl again, which made you smile. She was with someone and you took the opportunity to approach who you assumed was her friend once Katie stepped away for a moment.

Katie's friend finally took her eyes off you, just as Katie was about to go talk to someone she recognized. You used the opportunity to walk up behind her.

She turned around to find you just as you approached her, she jumped slightly at the sight of you which made you smile and a blush rise to her cheeks.

"Are you alright?" You ask with a chuckle, seeing her nervousness. "Uhm, yep. Yes" she mutters in embarrassment.

You hold out your hand and she gets the hint to place her hand in yours. You give her hand a soft kiss in greeting.

You make some small talk with the woman in front of you. "What is your friend's name if you don't mind me asking" you finally ask the girl.

"Oh, Katie. I'm sorry about how she acted earlier, she didn't know. I swear she's not usually like this." Sarah apologizes "it's quite alright. It was cute, it's not every day I get cursed out" you laugh, Sarah joining in too.

Katie comes back, she can see Sarah talking to someone, but she can't quite see who it is. She only sees when she gets closer to the pair.

Katie freaks out a little and turns to walk away again. "Oh there she goes again" you say with a smirk causing Sarah to turn around.

"Oh come on Katie. Get over here" she says before she has the chance to walk away. She turns around reluctantly, walking back towards you two with her head held up high.

You were so confused by her actions throughout the day, but you didn't think much of it. "Come on, apologize to her royal highness" Sarah whispers with a nudge at the shorter girls side.

"It's quite alright" you interrupt, "it was my fault" you add as you look at each of the girls. "I must get going, there's a lot of guests to greet. It was nice to meet you Sarah," you say. "Katie" you nod in acknowledgment before you take your leave.

Katie stood there, stunned. "You talked about me?" She whispers as you knew her name. She couldn't quite place her feelings, they were very mixed. On one hand she was still mildly annoyed by your earlier encounter, a little embarrassed and very attracted to you.

"Damn" she whispers after checking you out as you leave ear shot. "I can't with you" Sarah groans playfully by Katie's sudden change of opinion about you, the princess.

"And yes we did talk about you a little" Sarah admits. "Really? what did she say?" Katie asks playing it off. "She said, and I quote 'it's quite alright. It was cute, it's not every day I get cursed out' after I apologized for your behavior" Sarah tells her. "Wow" Katie mumbles as she watches you.

"Let's get out of here before you do something else we can't take back" Sarah says and they walk to the door.

Katie looks back to where she saw you last just before she left. You caught her gaze and winked before looking away causing her face to heat up.

"You look like a tomato" Sarah comments. "Oh shut up" Katie answers. "You kiss your mother with that mouth" Sarah jokes, as her friend swears way too much, receiving a playful punch on the shoulder.

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