I'm done|Hailee Steinfeld|Part 2

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Hailee felt bad about how things ended between you. It's been a week since you left and she couldn't stop thinking about it, about your relationship and how absent she truly was.

It was true what some people said, you don't know what you have until you lose it. For the last week Hailee has been going through the motions, not fully engaging in anything she was doing.

She couldn't find happiness or satisfaction in her career when she knew that was what ended her relationship. Hailee was heartbroken and truly couldn't understand how she was capable of ever being away from you and hurting you in the process.

Your relationship was so good at the start, you had so much in common and could hang out for hours on end, but somewhere along the line Hailee started pulling away slowly and she realized that now.

Thinking back on all the things she has cancelled and all the times she'd barely come home, she was surprised you stayed as long as you did. She knew that she deserved what happened, but she couldn't accept it.

Hailee tried to reach out to you many times over the last week, but she quickly figured that you had blocked her on everything after a couple of days.

She knew that she was going to have to put in some serious work to have a chance at winning you back.

She started with ordering a bouquet of flowers to your home. You had been basically living with her for the best part of 6 months, only going home once a week or so.

Your house seemed so empty as all you siblings had long moved out and the house was left to you after your mother passed in an accident, your dad having never been in you life.

That's why you preferred to stay with Hailee, it hurt to constantly be reminded of your mother, and that she was no longer with you. You didn't exactly have the best relationship but you still loved her to bits.

Although Hailee hadn't been around all that much it was still better there as her dog Martini was there who always made you happier.

You opened the door as the doorbell rung loudly through your house. You were a little shocked when you saw the bouquet of flowers with a note. A sense of dread washed over you as you knew only one person could have sent this.

You took the flowers inside nonetheless. You scoffed slightly as you read the note, not really believing a word it said.

After the way you had been treated in your relationship you had hoped that you'd be able to move on and forget quickly, but unfortunately that was not the case.

After you watched Hailee blow up your phone for two days, you blocked her on everything as it was hurting more to see her all of a sudden change her attitude after you left. Where was that supposed love when you needed it.

For a whole week Hailee would send you flowers or pastries she knew you liked. Sometimes you would find chocolates on your desk at work once you arrived in the morning or lunch delivered to your workplace as you had a bad habit of skipping lunch.

It was getting a little bit ridiculous at this point. All of a sudden she has all this time for these gestures that you never got while you were together.

Hailee lived and breathed work, especially for the last couple of months of your relationship. She kept pushing you away and you couldn't understand why as she would come home less and less.

You weren't entirely sure that she wasn't seeing someone else aside from working a lot. How could someone possibly be doing work related things for up to 16 hours a day for months. It seemed like whatever she was doing she just didn't want to come home.

She would barely come back to sleep most night, only an hour or two before bed or sometimes after you were already asleep before leaving early the next morning.

You never breached the subject of your suspicions of infidelity, you just couldn't bring yourself to ask because truly you didn't think you could handle it if you turned out to be correct.

You often doubted your own thoughts as you knew she had been cheated on before and therefore shouldn't want to put someone else through that, but you could never be sure.

You couldn't help but miss her nonetheless, one night after a particularly bad day you couldn't help yourself and started watching some recent videos online featuring Hailee.

You couldn't even lie, she did not look as happy as she once did during interviews and promotions for new movies and shows. She frequently seemed to get lost in thought before someone would bring her back to reality with a loud laugh or a question.

Seeing Hailee, even online, made you tear up. You couldn't believe that you were still not over it almost 3 weeks later.

After 2 weeks of showering you with gifts and notes about how much she loves you, Hailee finally got the courage to go see you. She knocked on your door quietly, not completely sure if she should do this.

You opened the door suddenly which startled her slightly. "Hailee?" You said as you looked at the person at your door.

"Hi" Hailee squeaked in surprise. "Can we plese talk?" She asked after clearing her throat. You hesitated, wanting to slam the door in her face but against your better judgement you moved aside to let her in.

"I'm sorry" is the first thing Hailee said as you shut the door behind her, walking towards the living room to where she followed you.

You didn't say anything as you just looked at her, it felt like you were dreaming, having her standing in front of you after weeks.

"I know I fucked up. But I promise I can do better. Please give me a chance to make it up to you. These past few weeks have been the worst of my life and I can't cope without you there. I know it sounds stupid as I was barely around but I'm an idiot, I didn't realize what I had until it was gone-" Hailee rambled.

You felt tears well in your eyes but you refused to let them fall. You held back you tears silently as she continued to speak.

"-I know that I deserve this. You have every right to hate me, but I love you Y/n more than I could have ever imagined" Hailey says as a tear rolls down her cheek.

Your eyes softened from the previously cold gaze you had tried to keep. You wished it was that simple, that you could just go back and everything would be well but life doesn't work like that.

You stood silent for a few moments, thinking of what to say. It was hard when she was right here in front of you.

"I- I can't do that again" you say, "I refuse to put myself through that again. You say you will change but will you? You might for a couple of weeks or months, but won't it all go back to the way it was?" You question. "It seems to me that you are scared to be alone more than anything," you tell her honestly.

"No that's not true, I just, I think I- I started to push you away because it just got too real and serious and in the past I always got hurt when I got too attached. And I'm sorry that I didn't realize this sooner Y/n, but I think you're the one. My soulmate," Hailee says as tears continue to pool in her eyes.

"I think that you need time to work on yourself Hailee. You need to figure out your own feelings and values. You need to figure out what you really want out of life, what you desire for your future." You tell her.

"You should make the most out of your single life. And if it is as you say, if we are soulmates, if we are meant to be, our paths will cross again." You tell her.

Hailee seemed to understand that the only way this could ever work is if she works on herself first. Maybe what you said had some truth to it, she had no idea what she wanted but right now the one thing she was sure of was that she wanted you in her life.

You parted that night, both broken hearted. It was a bittersweet moment for you, it hurt deeply but you also hoped that Hailee would be able to understand what you had to her.

She needed to commit to herself before she could commit to anyone else. As much as it hurt you had to go your separate ways.

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