We meet again|Villanelle

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You had got mixed up in some bad shit a couple years ago and faked your death to go off grid, but now you return.

As much as you wanted out of the shit you got dragged into, you till tried to keep up to date of what's happening the best you could.

You had never thought this would be your life, but what did you expect having dated an assassin.

You had an insider, the only person who knew you were alive. He kept you in the loop where you needed to be.

As you began hearing about all these recent assassinations and some people poking around trying to take down the twelve you knew that shit was about to hit the fan.

Too many innocent people will die if this gets out of control, it's already gone too far. You really didn't care about the twelve or what happens to it.

You only cared about one person in specific, Villanelle. When you first met Villanelle you were captivated by her beauty.

You managed to get yourself a date and all was going great as you started to date. That is until things started happening, really suspicious things.

You found out her occupation just weeks after you began to date. You were blinded by love and stayed with her. Thinking back she probably would have killed you if you didn't.

At first you just put up with her job, but then you started to join her with training and soon enough with missions.

After 2 years together the situation had gotten out of hand. You wanted out but you knew it wasn't that simple.

You loved Villanelle but you didn't know if you could put up with this lifestyle any longer. Your life being constantly threatened, much more than hers due to your unofficial admission to the group of assassins.

After a mission had gone bad you were brutally injured, luckily you survived and it was your opportunity to get out.

You riged the building with bombs with the help of your accomplice. You knew that Villanelle would come back after she took down the target to find you or at least your body so you wanted to make sure there was nothing to find.

You got out of the building with much difficulty die to you extensive injuries with some help. You were able to get into your accomplices car without being noticed.

You saw Villanelle rush back towards the building so you triggered the bombs. Luckily she was far enough away not to get injured.

You didn't stick around to see her reaction, this was hard enough as it was. Your friend rushed you to a secret lab where he and some of his doctor friends operated on you and saved your life.

They had no idea who you were so there was no need to worry about them knowing you're alive. After much difficulty you ended up far far away from Villanelle and your now old life.

You had planned to leave and never look back but it seems that the circumstances have changed. You were absolutely not going to miss the chance to take down the twelve, they ruined your life and you wanted revenge.

Of course you yourself could not impact this fight all that much by yourself but you sure as hell were not going to miss it, even if it means revealing yourself.

You wanted to help no matter the cost. So that's how you found yourself back in the thick of things. after almost 4 years of absence you came back from the dead.


Of course the first person you decided to go see was Villanelle, to let her know that you are very much alive.

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