26. Waiting for you

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I wake up engulfed by thick white bed sheets. When I open my eyes I remember everything. However, my body doesn't feel the agony I was anticipating. I sit upright and examine myself. Not a scratch on my body. As I look around I realise where I am.

"Hey," Damon says softly as he makes his way over from the corner of the room and sits on the edge of his bed. He spent the night sleeping on the armchair.

"How? I don't..." I question as I stare at my wrists that were only just bloody and chained up.

"My blood, it heals." He tries to explain as I nod along.

"So you're telling me I drank your blood? How long have I been asleep?" I ask warily, although I don't really want to hear his response.

"Yes. A few days..." He says hesitantly trying to look into my eyes. All my emotions overcome me at once.  I drop my head into my hands and turn away. I don't want him to see me cry. Not like this.

"Kylie, please... Talk to me." He pleads as he moves closer to me. He engulfs me in his arms and I give in to his touch. I quickly wipe the tears from my eyes as I lean out of his grasp.

"Damon. I don't... I can't do this anymore... I'm scared. This is all too much." I try to explain looking away from him so I don't break down. He softly grabs my chin, tilting my head upwards so our eyes meet.

"I know it's confusing and scary... And I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you. But I'll never let anyone hurt you again. Ever." He says keeping his eyes on mine the whole time.

"You shouldn't have to protect me, Damon... I just want a normal life." I explain looking into his ice-blue eyes. His face drops as he realises what I'm saying. He begins replying but I quickly cut him off.

"I'm going home," I state quickly as I remove myself from his grip. I feel his eyes on me as I gather myself and begin to leave the room.

"Kylie, I -." He begins, but I can't.

"Damon please," I reply as I quickly turn around and look at his defeated expression. "This is hard enough already." I continue to walk away but I don't look back.


As I walk through the front door I make my way into the kitchen. I'm prepared to be absolutely annihilated. Jenna turns around and her eyes widen.

"Kylie what the fuck." She exhales as she rushes over and engulfs me in a tight embrace.

"Where have you been?! It's been days Kylie. I've tried calling, I almost went to the police." She rambles keeping me in a tight embrace.

"I know, I'm sorry. It won't happen again." I stutter as she looks at me concerned.

"Are you okay?" She asks because of my unusually saddened response. "And what are you wearing?" She asks as I look down at myself. I've been too preoccupied to even notice I'm fully fitted out in Damon's clothes. He must have showered and dressed me after he saved Stefan and me.

"Umm... Long story. I'm gonna go find Elena." I reply as I make my way upstairs. I can tell Jenna let me off easy purely out of shock at my saddened state. I open Elena's door and she immediately rushes over.

"Kylie oh my god. I've been worried sick, Stefan told me everything. Are you okay?" She asks leading me over to sit on the edge of her bed.

"I know, I'm sorry," I answer immediately causing her to look at me confused.

"Oh, um... Are you sure you're okay?" She responds clearly confused that I apologised that easily. God why does everyone think I'm such a cunt.

"Yeah... I think I just broke up with Damon. I don't even know anymore, I'm just so exhausted. All of this it's just so exhausting." I explain as she looks at me with this sad look.

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