9. crazy serial killer sicko person

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"Stefan, where's Damon at?" Kylie asks as I wash down another car. Elena dragged me to the 'sexy studs' car wash. I look up at Kylie admiring her stunning physique. Oh my god what am I doing I'm with her sister.

"He's... umm... busy I guess." I stutter trying not to show that I've locked him up to desiccate for all eternity. The one reason I didn't want to do it was Kylie. I'm pretty sure her and Damon are dating and I don't want to hurt her but I don't want Damon to hurt her either.

"Could you be more cryptic?" She replies annoyed walking away. I smile to myself a little. I love how she speaks her mind. She's beginning to get to me.


"Kylie!" Caroline yells from another car.

"How may I help you?" I ask walking over sponge in hand.

"Don't sit still looking pretty. Get me some more sponges." Caroline commands and I can tell she is taking this thing way to seriously. She always goes way over the top.

"Yes your majesty." I bow and I can hear her scoff. I head into the school trying to find the supply room. God, the school is creepy with no one here.

"Kylie, help." I hear someone groan from behind me and I turn around to see Damon. He looks terrible and weak.

"Damon oh my god." I whisper rushing over to him but he disappears. I frown and look around. Am I dreaming? I must be going nuts. Before I can think I begin running down the hallway. I need to get to the boarding house now. I feel like Damon's in trouble and something is calling me there or something. It's hard to explain I just know.


"Damon!" I yell out as soon as I open the front door. I make my way down the hallway looking around trying to find him.

"Kylie." I hear him call out weakly. I head in the direction and I find myself in their basement. I head towards a door with an opening and stand on my tippy toes trying to see in.

"Damon! What the hell." I say looking at Damon collapsed on the ground with a pained look on his face. I fiddle with the lock on the door trying to open it. Suddenly I feel someone push me out of the way. I groan looking up to see Damon snap whoever pushed me out of the ways neck. I frown trying to make sense of what just happened.

Damon stumbles towards to fridge and pulls it open grabbing out a blood bag, like the ones from hospitals.

"Damon what the hell is going on?" I ask getting up of the floor looking down at the dead body. I'm so confused right now. When I look up I see Damon drinking the blood. Something is seriously wrong.

"Kylie I need to talk to you." Damon says throwing the blood bag to the ground and getting another one. I'm starting to freak out. What if Damons like a crazy serial killer, sicko person that drinks blood.

Before I think twice I sprint for the door with every last ounce of energy in me. I'm almost at the front door when Damon pops up in front of me. I just scream stumbling backwards.

"Get away from me you creep!" I yell walking backwards slowly. I put up my hand to make sure there is a good distance between us. I don't know what I was thinking dating him.

"Kylie please. Just let me explain." Damon pleads with a sad look in his eyes. I need to get away, he'll probably just try and kill me like that stranger. I turn on my heel and sprint downstairs to the basement again. When I see the dead body I feel like I can barely move. I'm so scared and confused and worried and disgusted all at the same time. Then I just collapse to the floor. My vision goes blurry as I close my eyes slowly looking into the strangers lifeless eyes. God, I hope I wake up from this.


I try reaching out to Kylie. She's probably the only person in this god damn town that would help me

I groan in pain when I here her call out. I can't believe she came. I'm starting really like this girl.

"Kylie." I reply mustering all my strength up.

"Damon! What the hell." Kylie says looking at me sadly through the opening in the door. She begins opening up the door and I try to get up slowly. Then Zach pushes her out of the way. God I hate that jerk. I quickly snap his neck without a seconds thought and then I see Kylie laying on the ground looking at me confused. That's the first time she's seen me kill.

I quickly rush to the fridge grabbing a blood bag. I can't hurt her no matter how badly I want to. I need to stay in control.

"Damon what the hell is going on?" Kylie asks getting up cautiously. I don't want her to see me like this. I don't want her to look at me differently. I can't live with myself knowing she fears me.

"Kylie I need talk to you." I say warily as I grab another blood bag drowning it. Not feeding off her right now is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.

Kylie quickly sprints up stairs trying to get away but I can't let her. I sprint up in front of her before she can get to the door and the look of horror on her face sinks in. She hates me. Her scream makes me want to cry. Why am I like this? Why can't I just kill her and get it over with like every other girl.

"Get the hell away from me you creep!" She yells and I can't stand it. I want her to look at me with those eyes and laugh with me. I want her to see me as a human.

"Kylie just please let me explain." I say calmly trying to seem normal. She must think I'm a lunatic. I'm snapped from my thoughts when she turns away running back to the basement. The fact that she thinks I'm going to hurt her is tearing me into pieces. I walk to the basement slowly wanting her to calm down and be rational.

I see her looking over at Zach's dead body. But before I can talk to her she just collapses. I rush over to her but she's out cold. God what have I done. I bring her up to my room and lay her on my bed gently. I hope he can understand when she wakes up. God what is this girl doing to me.

Hey everyone!

I hope you liked this chapter!

Sorry if it was a bit confusing switching point of view so often but I thought it would improve the story.

Make sure to comment and vote or whatever y'all feel like.

Oh, and please send in suggestions for what you want to see happen in the next few chapters or whatever. Love hearing what you guys have to say.

Till next time x

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