5. Kidnapped

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My eyes open slowly as I feel myself being carried and then placed on a couch. My head throbs as see a man untying ropes that bind my arms and legs. I sit up to see Elena on the other side of the couch as the man also turns to untie her legs.

"What do you want?" I mumble as my body aches with every movement.

"Shh." He whispers holding a finger to his mouth.

"Please, she's hurt." Elena pleads quietly, gesturing to the blood stains covering my arms from last night. 

"I know." He smirks at Elena before leaning closer to me. "Just a taste."

"Trevor! Control yourself." I hear a woman tell the man hovering over me. He pushes past her as she looks down at Elena and me.

"What do you want from us?" Elena asks as the girl looks between the two of us.

"My God, you both look just like her." She says eyeing us up and down.

"Well, we're not." I scoff as I try to pull myself upright.

"We're not Katherine. My name is Elena Gilbert and this is my sister Kylie. You don't have to do this." Elena begs while standing up from the couch and gesturing to me.

"I know who you both are. Now, be quiet." The girl yells at Elena before slapping her. Sending Elena flying back to the couch.

"Fuck, Elena!" I gasp as Elena lies unconscious next to me.

We lay there for what feels like an hour as Elena's head lies in my lap. I considered trying to escape but I'm not strong enough to carry Elena out with me. And I couldn't leave her here. I tried searching for a phone but they must have taken Elena's and I dropped mine in the car park last night. I'm just praying Damon and Stefan noticed we're missing. I continue playing with Elena's hair before I overhear them talking.

"How are they?" I hear the girl ask. "You didn't touch them, did you?"

"Give me some credit." I hear the man she called Trevor earlier reply. "So you called him?"

"No, I called one of his contacts. You know how this works." She replies as I feel Elena start to wake. As she opens her eyes I motion for her to be quiet and point to where I can hear them talking in the next room as she nods.

"Did you or did you not get the message to Elijah?" I hear Trevor ask frustrated with her.

"They say he got it." I hear the girl reply.

"Wonderful, then what?" Trevor asks her.

"So that's it, Trevor. He either got it or he didn't. We just have to wait." The girl explains.

"It's not too late. We can leave them. We don't have to go through with this." Trevor argues. I motion for Elena to get up quietly as we make our way out of the room we're in.

"I'm sick of running." The girl sighs as we walk down a corridor carefully avoiding creaks in floorboards.

"Yeah? Well, running keeps us from dying!" Trevor yells from close by. I turn my head around a corner and look into the room where they're arguing.

"Elijah's old-school. If he accepts our deal, we're free." The girl explains. Who is this Elijah they're talking about? And are we part of this deal? Before we can escape I hear a creak on the floorboard behind me. Fuck.

"You!" The girl yells pointing to me walking out of the room and spotting us both. "There's nothing around here for miles. If you two think you're getting out, you're wrong. Understand?"

"Who's Elijah?" I ask confidently as Elena grips my hand anxiously.

"He's your worst nightmare." She replies walking back into the room as Elena and I share a worried look. I take a deep breath and decide to follow Rose into the next room she walked into.

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