27. Miss Mystic

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Elena and I make our way through the school corridors. It's been a while since I've been back but I've got to get my life back on track. 

"Bonnie!" Elena calls out grabbing her attention. 

"Hey Bon." I smile at her as she gives a sad smile back. 

"How are you? How's your family been?" Elena asks. 

"We're dealing, it's been hard," Bonnie replies. 

"Well, we've all missed you," Elena says reassuringly rubbing her arm. 

"Yeah, I've just had so much to deal with after Gram's funeral and the tomb spell failing." 

"Bonnie! I'm so glad your home!" Caroline squeals as she runs over and pulls Bonnie into a hug. "How are you?"

"I'm okay, just trying to keep myself busy." Bonnie sighs with a weak smile. 

"I can help with that! I need you guys to help me pick a dress for the founder's court." Caroline exclaims clapping her hands together. 

"Founders court?" I ask looking at Caroline with a confused expression. 

"Miss Mystic Falls of course," Caroline states but we all look at each other confused. "They announced it today, and we're all on it. Come on guys keep up."

"Oh my god, I completely forgot." Elena sighs. 

"Well, are you gonna drop out?" Caroline asks. 

"We can't." Elena sighs. 

"Why not?" I ask looking at her disappointed. 

"Mom was the one who wanted us to enter," Elena says. 


"Hey, do you mind if you drop me at Stefan's on the way home?" Elena asks as we both walk through the school parking lot. 

"Ugh fine, but you're making staying away from Damon very difficult." I sigh opening the door to my car. 

As I pull into the driveway, Elena jumps out as Damon just happens to be walking towards his car. I roll down the window as he leans against it looking at me expectantly. 

"Not even gonna come in and say hi?" Damon says clutching his heart in a mocking tone. 

"You wish," I reply grinning up at him. 

"Ah back to your usual self then." He smiles down at me. 

"Yeah sorry about the other night," I reply thinking back to my panic attack. 

"Don't be sorry Ky. What's that in the back?" He asks looking at the dry cleaning bag taking up the whole backseat. 

"Oh, it's uh, my dress for Miss Mystic." I stutter as he gives me a look. 

"Mm, interesting. Got a date?" He asks wiggling his brows. 

"Obviously. Well, I've got plenty of options, just trying to narrow it down," I smirk at his inquisitive tone. 

"Well by chance I actually happen to be free that night." He exclaims. 

"Did you seriously just invite yourself to be my date?" I scoff at his forwardness. 

"I don't exactly see you declining." He says in that cheeky voice raising his eyebrows. 

"You should consider toning down the arrogance you know," I reply whilst turning on the car. 

"Is that a yes?" He smiles doing that stupid sexy thing with his eyes. 

"Don't be late," I yell out rolling my eyes as I reverse out of the driveway. As I pull out he stands watching me with a stupid grin on his face, so I flip him off as I drive away. 

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