14. naked

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I'm currently sitting on the shower floor trying to get my thoughts in order. BTW I know some haters might find that gross but I don't really care because I'm in the middle of a mental breakdown. I'm so confused! I haven't been home since the Halloween party and I don't even know what day it is because I've been dealing with vampire drama! Damon said he compelled me but I have no idea what for. For all I know I could be living a lie. Jeez that put life into perspective.

I finish up in the shower and head into my room stark naked. Unfortunately, Damon just so happened to be sitting on the edge of my bed looking very nervous. I decide to pretend he isn't there and go about things.

"Kylie..." Damon draws out but I just begin getting dressed and not paying him any attention.

"Kylie, please," Damon begs getting up and heading towards me whilst I throw on a top. He comes over and tries to get me to look at him.

"Ky-," Damon starts but I cut him off.

"No! Don't Kylie me! I'm not talking to you until you tell me what you compelled me to do!" I yell at him. God! He thinks he can just waltz in here no problems. Well, boy you sure have something in store for you.

"Okay... Okay, I'll tell you." Damon says nervously pulling me over to sit down with him.

"And I want everything!" I snap pointing at him. I'm sorta nervous, what if this changes the course of my life?

"First time I met you at the bonfire I compelled you to go home. The second time I compelled you it was to break up with Tyler. The third time I compelled you it was to take me instead of Matt to the founder's party." Damon says not giving me any time to cut in. He takes and big breath afterwards and I chuckle a little.

"What?" He asks confused with my laughter.

"You're very desperate," I say in between laughs and his eyebrows knit together in confusion.

"You had to compel yourself a date." I chuckle and he scoffs shaking his head.

"I didn't really expect to be laughed at for my loneliness." He replies but I just shrug. That wasn't too bad, I was expecting far worse. I mean he was protecting me at the bonfire, Tyler was only a friend with benefits and I would have rathered going with him to the party anyway.

"It doesn't change my feelings for you," I whisper leaning in and he leans in too. When we kiss this time it's slow and passionate. Not like most of our other kisses. I feel like this means something. I lean out with a frown on my face.

"If you ever compel me again your in deep sh*t," I tell him and he laughs a little.

"Does this mean we're good?" He asks with that signature grin on his face.

"You tell me," I answer and that leads to a serious make-out session. A solid hour I reckon. So that's great. I guess my boyfriend being a vampire isn't too miserable.

Hey everyone!

I don't know why but I really liked writing this chapter so I hoped you liked reading it.

Shoutout to @mikaelsonsalvatore for the best comments in the world!

If the updates are taking to long make sure to check out some of my other stories.

Also, I'm thinking of having a song that relates to each chapter... What do you think?

Till next time x

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