19. life's all one big lie

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Once I drop Kylie home I head to the boarding house. I still haven't decided whether compelling Kylie to forget was a good idea or not. I head to my room but I'm stopped by the ever so charming Stephan.

"Where the hell have you been!" He yells obnoxiously. I just roll my eyes and lean against the railing.

"Kylie and I just went on a little trip. You know clear the mind and all." I lie to his face adding a fake grin and brushing past him and heading to my room. He's literally acting like a mother.

"Damon I don't care about whatever the hell you do. If you want to get yourself killed, go ahead. But you can not drag Kylie into any of it. She is young and she has a life to live. It may not seem like it but everytime you do something reckless with her around your putting her life at risk." He says leaning against my door frame. 

I turn around and slam the door in his face. Even though I know he's right. I want Kylie. I want to be with her. I know it could hurt her or worse. But I'm selfish. 


I wake up and I feel so disgusting. You know when you feel like you've been laying in bed for days and your all groggy. Well, that's me. 

After I have a shower, do my makeup and get dressed in an oversized jumper and mom jeans, I head downstairs to get something to eat but Elena stops me in my tracks. 

"Where have you been, Kylie? I've been so worried." Elena says pulling me into a hug. I sigh feeling a little bad.

"I just went out of town with Damon," I say calmly and she looks shocked.

"Seriously? After the whole Katherine thing? I literally haven't spoken to Stephan for days... I mean I sorta feel betrayed. I really wanna know how we're connected but I can't stand to talk to him-" She goes on and I just looked at her confused.

"Wait what are you talking about?" I cut in trying to figure you what she's on about.

"Our doppelganger? Remember? I called you up on the phone about it the other day..." She leads on and I just shake my head.

"You must be confused or something. Who is Katherine anyway?" I ask as we walk downstairs.

"Wait, what?" Elena asks stopping in her tracks. I look back at her and I can see her mind running as she must be trying to figure something out. "You have no idea who Katherine is?" She asks.

"Nope... Not that I can remember anyway." I think trying to recall a Katherine. I look at Elena as her jaw drops.

"That son of a..." She says looking aggravated as she walks past me. 

"What are you thinking and where are you going?" I yell as she grabs the keys and opens the front door.

"I think Damon compelled you to forget something he doesn't want you to know," Elena says looking at me sadly. 

All these emotions rush past me at once. Anger, because he knows I hate nothing more than him compelling me. Sadness, because that's the one thing he promised me and he broke our only promise. And regret because I trusted him.

Once we get to the boarding house I storm inside and spot Damon drinking in the living room.

"I trusted you!" I scream rushing towards him and punching him straight in the jaw. He stumbles back dropping his drink.

 He stumbles back dropping his drink

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