23. don't kiss and tell

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*listen to woman by harry styles (i'm not asking i'm telling)

Today I'm going to school. I'm not even kidding. I'm going. This is fucking weird for me. I've just got with my not boyfriends brother (my sisters boyfriend) and i'm not even putting on a pussy act or drinking. I'm facing my problems and going to school. Send help.

I decide if i'm going to face my problems i'm going to do it whilst looking like a fucking goddess. So here we go.

I haven't seen Elena since when she told me about our mother so I have no clue if she knows that I kissed her boyfriend or not. It was strange for Stefan to lean in and kiss me like that. Usually he's very morally correct. But I don't regret kissing back strangely. It was a beautiful kiss. Warm, calming, gentle. I loved it.

"Jenna where's Elena?" I ask walking into the kitchen.

"I think she went to school early or something." Jenna replies casually whilst eating toast.

"Fuck." I mutter under my breath.

"What is it?" Jenna asks whilst making me up a coffee.

"I kissed Stefan." I reply and I can see Jenna's face drop.

"Kylie I'm not your mother so I won't give you a lecture or anything. But I just want you to know that all the boys fall down at your feet and Elena doesn't have that so much so be careful what you do and say to her." Jenna replies. Well that didn't really make me feel better. I feel like I haven't spoken to or seen Jenna in ages. So I walk over to her and give her a big hug. I miss her.

"Thank you." I reply letting out a breath I didn't realise I was holding. I steal her coffee and walk to the front door.

"For the record I'm not a slut." I yell back ask I open the door.

"Prove it!" She yells in reply causing me to chuckle.

"What is wrong with this household?" Jeremy shouts from his room. God I love my family.


I make my way down the hallway I get my casual looks from all the men in the school. I'm thriving. Without Damon I feel this lightness. It's nice. Except when I get to my locker I get I look that makes me hate myself.

"Elena I'm ," I begin stopping in front of her and the hateful look she gives me is awful.

"Sorry? Yeah I don't care to be honest Kylie." She replies back. Oh if looks could kill... I grab her arm and drag her into the girls bathroom because of the looks we're receiving.

"What do you want? My boyfriend? Well you've already got him. Or is it Damon you want? Well you've already got him to. Or is to Tyler? Because frankly Kylie you seem to have everyone wrapped around your finger and you couldn't settle for anyone else but the one boy who pays any attention to me!" Elena yells at me making me feel like more of a terrible person than I already am.

"I never realised you felt like that." I reply quietly regretting not listening to Jenna's advice sooner.

"Yeah well it's a little to late now." She says wiping her eyes before tears could slip.

"What do you mean?" I ask calmly trying not to aggravate her anymore than she already is.

"I broke up with Stefan. So you can have him for all I care. Or you can be with Damon. Because I couldn't care less Kylie. But I hope you know I would never kiss your boyfriend. So I'm staying away from them. And more importantly you." She says with an anger to her voice. I seriously fucked up this time.


I head to class trying to ignore the hateful encounter I just had. History. How ironic. I bet you can't guess who's in my history class. Stefan and Elena. Goody.

I walk into class and even Alaric seems shocked to see me there. As I said I don't do school. But who knows, anybody can change.

"Kylie, good to see you." Alaric says smiling at me. Unfortunately the only two seats left and either next to they Stefan Salvatore or this creepy guy. I went for Stefan.

As I sit down he flashes me the cutest smile. I feel like I'm in a cute rom com. It's  strange feeling. When I'm with Damon I feel like I'm of 50 shades of gray. But with Stefan it's like I'm off The Notebook. It's nice to be Rachel McAdams for a little while. Sorry Dakota you'll have to wait.

I try to low key scan the room for Elena. But she isn't here. Fuck. That can't be good.

I go to copy the board when I see a letter with my name on it. It says:

Forrest at lunch?
-Stefan x

I chuckle a little. This sorta shit is cute not gonna lie.

"Miss Gilbert is there something you'd like to share with the class?" Alaric asks causing me to crumple the letter and look up abruptly.

"No I just find it funny that we have a class devoted to shit that's already happened." I shrug causing the whole class to ooo and ahh. Now normally I know Alaric wouldn't issue me a detention but because of the murmurs I caused I think he has to or he'll be questioned.

"Detention at lunch." He says sternly and I sigh. Damn I was looking forward to going to the forrest with Stefan.

"Yeah why is it all we learn about is stupid shit that happened in this town. It's totally irrelevant and I feel it's safe to say none of us really give a rats ass about Mystic Falls. What sort of a name is that anyway?" Stefan chimes in. Oh, I see what he's doing. The classic 'i'll get in trouble just to be with you' move. I like it.

"Yes well I'm sure Mrs Allen will look forward to seeing both of you in detention at lunch." Alaric says before turning back to the board. Maybe Stefan isn't the good brother after all...


"One hour no talking, no nothing. I'll be at Mr Coopers office working through some files." Mrs Allen declares before leaving the room.

"Yeah more like working through each other." I mutter causing Stefan to chuckle. Jeez I forget they can hear everything.

"So is Elena talking to you?" Stefan asks turning his chair around.

"Nope. Unless yelling in the bathroom counts." I reply chuckling a little. God she's annoying. I turn around to face him and we just stare at each other. It's strange going from liking one brother to liking the other in an instant. Same  but different. I stare into Stefan's dark brown eyes taking in the way his soft chestnut coloured hair falls on his face perfect-

"Fuck it." I mutter and in an instant Stefan has pinned me to the desk and we begin a hot vampire make out session. I grip his soft curls whilst he tightens his grip on my thighs. As I try to breath for a second he begins making his way down my neck leaving i'm sure love bites. Well that'll be fun to explain... I lean out quickly with a heaving breath.

"Look, if we're going to do this, we can't tell anyone... Deal?" I ask as he nods along. I see a little glimmer in his eyes. It's like a glimmer of bad. In a handsome good doing man I just so happen to bring out the bad. Lucky me.

"Deal." He replies with the bad shining through. I hope this isn't the worst decision of my life. This can either go really well or really bad. And from that look in his eye I'm guessing I should pray it goes well.

Hey everyone!

The last chapter got a lot of attention so I hope those Stefan stans our there are pleased. Just felt we should share the love a little ; )

Let me know whether your team Damon or team Stefan : ))))

Till next time x

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