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"Duck!" Yuta screamed at Johnny, who looked over his shoulder thinking there was an actual duck nearby, but was hit by a plushie on his head instead.

"What the hell, Yuta!" He whined, picking up the fluffy object and throwing it back at him.

"I told you to duck," he laughed, throwing his head back. "Your dumbass should've listened to me..." he said, getting shoved by Johnny.

He rolled his eyes as they both kept walking through the park. They weren't sure what they were going to do today, but he was with Johnny, so either way it was going to be a fun time.

"Where did you even get that thing?" Johnny asked, looking around his surroundings. It was a nice day. No clouds in the sky, the sun was shining bright and just enough breeze to lift up their moods. Yuta ignored his question and changed the subject.

"Chittaphon was being salty and said he wanted to come with us.."

"Chittaphon is always salty when we aren't paying attention to him," Johnny commented, glancing at his phone to see the time.

"Sicheng is way worse,"

"Sicheng is cute, though."

"I wonder how he'd feel hearing that,"

"You wouldn't dare!" Johnny exclaimed, his eyes wide as he al ready started to imagine how his best friend would react hearing that he hadn't called him cute. They were just friends, please don't read between the lines.

Yuta just shrugged teasing his friend. They walked for a few minutes, joking around and just laughing. They weren't taking this good weather for granted.

"You want something to drink?" Yuta asked, as they both came across a café. "I'll buy," he offered, sending a flirty smile at Johnny.

"You weren't kidding when you said you were bringing me on a date,"

"Sadly, you're straight." Yuta replied, a dramatic sigh leaving lips.


"Yes, Chicago?"

"You're not gay, either."

"I am for you," Johnny rolled his eyes, watching Yuta latch onto his arm.

"I'll have a caramel macchiato," he said, shoving him inside the small café while he waited outside. Yuta ordered two drinks and when he arrived outside, he saw Johnny staring off into the distance. He waved his hands in front of his face to catch his attention.

"I think she's lost," Johnny said finally, pointing at a girl that was leaning against the wall of the store next to the café.

"Why do you say that?"

"She yelled into her phone that she was lost..." He said, as if it was most obvious thing ever and Yuta was stupid for not knowing.

"Well, then she must be! Want to help her out?"

"Princes in shining armour about to save a damsel in distress,"

"More like two foreign idiots helping another foreigner." Yuta snorted, taking a sip of the cold drink and handing Johnny his. Johnny rolled his eyes as they made their way towards the lost girl, not necessarily expecting the outcome that would come after doing this good deed.

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