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"This one!" She yelled dragging Jinwoo in front of the scariest roller coaster in the whole amusement park. He shook his head.

"Aw c'mon be brave you pu-" he placed his palm on her mouth. She always yelled without thinking about what was actually coming out of her mouth.

He mumbled a fine before standing in the line. Anything to shut her up. They had the weirdest friendship.

They always pushed each other's button. Maybe that's why they knew each other so well.

He sat down on the ride nervously. He couldn't believe what he was actually doing.

"In case I die I just want to ask you something." He said as the ride started going up.


"Are you happy to go back home?"

She looked at him raising an eyebrow.

"Is it bad if I say yes?"

"Of course not. Did you tell Yuta?"

"Why would I tell him? He won't care," Jinwoo stayed quiet and started concentrating on the height. They were so up.

"You're going to come back right?"

They went down. She never answered.


"I heard they're having a meeting. Apparently we're going to perform as SMrookies in Thailand," Taeyong told the others in the practice room.

"You know who's going?" Johnny asked. Taeyong just shook his head.

The rest were getting excited. Yuta on the other hand was suspicious.

"Does it mean that they're going to debut a group?" Yuta asked Taeyong. There was a sudden silence in the room as everyone turned around in the room to look at Taeyong.

He bit his lip not knowing how to answer.

"I'm not allowed to say," Yuta burst into laughter.

"Well I guess those who are debuting know."

Taeyong had a guilty look on his face but Yuta grinned at his friend as he patted his shoulder.

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