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[Y'all don't even know how un motivating it is to write a book that gets reads but no votes or comment lmaoo. I'm so salty mdjfnfh love u guys anyway ]

Yuta snorted causing Chittaphon to glare at him.

"Ten? Your stage name is a fucking number!"

"Shut up Utah,"

"That's still better than Ten!" He laughed. Ten groaned and crossed his arms. "Who the hell has a number as a stage name?"

"Actually there's One and a The8!"

"Wow. Korea has run out of actual names,"

Ten sighed in defeat knowing he was going to lose this stupid argument.

"I can't believe I have a stage name but no actual group I'm debuting in. This is so sad," Yuta frowned watching his friend slump down on his bed. This was frustrating. This whole idol thing was frustrating. This whole idol thing in an unfamiliar country with a language they weren't good at was frustrating.

But there was so little they could actually do about it. The trainees were impatient. They were growing older, time was passing and in this industry that was bad. Sometimes even unacceptable.

They were qualified. All of them had the talent to debut but the company just wouldn't tell them when.

He was getting tired.

"At least you guys have been introduced as SMRookies," Yuta said trying to be positive.

"Johnny wasn't too happy about that."

"He was just disappointed,"

"If there's anyone that deserves it it's him." Yuta nodded in agreement.

It was silent for a moment.

"I can't stand Doyoung," he finally exclaimed which made Yuta laugh.

"What did he do?"

"What didn't he do?"

"Ten you like everyone. I'm surprised,"

"He annoys me,"

"Probably because he's the only one that doesn't kiss your ass,"

And his silence was the only confirmation he needed.


Mira giggled watching Yuta struggle with the big box. He had called her in the afternoon just to talk but she insisted that he come over to hang out.

When he arrived he noticed the large box outside her doorsteps. A mail man probably left it after finally giving up when she hadn't opened the door.

He hadn't expected it to be so heavy when he picked it up.

"What's even in here?"

"Makeup, clothes, snacks and some random things my mother sent me."

"Your mom sends you makeup?"

"I can't find my colour in Korea. It's a struggle,"

He understood that. He couldn't relate but he understood her problem which was more than enough for her.

"Just place it outside my room I'll take care of it later," and then she grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the kitchen.

"I made poutine. Try it!" Yuta raised his eyebrows at the plate she showed him. Fries, cheese and gravy didn't really look appetizing. She kept looking at him with wide expecting eyes. Hesitantly he grabbed a fork and took a bite.

"To be honest I expected it to be disgusting but it's good." He said making her smile widely.

"Thank you," they both sat down in the living room and ate it together.

"Are you tired?" She asked him.

"Kind of," he was honest. "Mira can I ask you something?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"What do you wanna be when you grow up?"

"I'm grown Yuta but I understand what you mean. I want to be a journalist. Cheesy, right?" He shrugged. Could aspirations be cheesy? "But I'm studying to become a dentist."


"What you can be and what you want to be are two different things. What about you?"

"I'm- I'm not sure what I want to be." Which was true. His mind was hazy. He was no longer certain of what he wanted to do in his future. In his near future.

She stared at him for a few seconds before biting her lip.

"I'm sure you'll figure what you want to do once the opportunity is in front of you. Sometimes patience is all you need,"

He tilted his head and gave her a confusing look.

"How come the words you say to me are so positive but your own mindset is kind of negative?"

"Advice you want and advice you need are different. I'm not negative to myself, I just know what I should do. It's a matter of perception,"

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