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"You cannot do this!" Mira tried to control herself from raising her voice at her co-worker but it wasn't working. She was pissed.

"I already did," Camille said calmly without even an ounce of guilt or regret which pissed her off even more.

"I worked all night on that damn article! You can't take credit for it! You told me you wouldn't," even though at this point she was screaming, Camille barely even flinched. She kept going through the documents without any remorse.

"Overlook this for me. Look for any typos or mistakes," she said handing her a file. Mira was powerless and grabbed it. She couldn't believe this situation. This was unbelievable.

She walked away and went back to her own desk. There was no way she could concentrate on her work because of what just happened. She pushed the papers away and left the office.

She walked down the hallway and into the kitchen. She called Jinwoo but he didn't pick up. Although Mira had friends, there wasn't anyone she was comfortable ranting to. Her hands slipped into her back pocket of her jeans and she pulled a small piece of paper.

He probably won't even pick up, she thought as she dialed the number. The phone ringed. She was biting her lips nervously.

"Hello?" His voice was so smooth but so tired.

"Nevermind. I regret this-"

"Don't hang up."

"Okay," she heard him shuffle and move on the other side. It sounded like he closed a door.

"Is everything okay?"



"You know that article I did about you guys?"


"It just got published."

"Isn't that good?"

"It's great for the person who's name is written on it."

"Wait- someone's taking the credit for it? That's bullshit. There's no way anyone can do that," her eyes were watering and a lump was forming in her throat.

"She can, she did."

"Is there anything I can do?"

"You care that's enough."

"I'll always care. I'm glad you called me. I didn't think you would."

"It just happened. I didn't plan to," she mumbled. Yuta sighed. There was a moment of silence. Neither knew what to say anymore. "Yuta you can call me too if you ever want to rant. I'm a good listener."

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