Eomma care

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                      JIMIN'S POV

Jin and I was waiting for those two to come back but they never did. "They thought I was going after them, please". Jin huffs. I wanted to laugh but I couldn't. I lost my voice because of them. Bastards, how am I going to get free things if I can't whine and beg.

I coughed and laid back down. "There there Jimin, I'll take care of you don't worry". Jin said smiling at me. "I'll make you some REAL soup". Jin blew me a kiss and left. I went to sleep after that.

I woke up in sweat. I couldn't even give myself a smart remark. My damn throat hurts. I grabbed my throat and looked around the room for Jin but he wasn't here. I weakly got out of bed to go downstairs. I couldn't talk to him so I brought my phone with me. I was going to call him but I saw a text on my phone.

 I was going to call him but I saw a text on my phone

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The hell? I walked to the table and saw beef stew, medicine, tea and other things. I didn't care about any of that. What did he do to Jin? I texted him back.

 What did he do to Jin? I texted him back

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I went to the couch and saw Jin sleeping like he said. Thank god! I tried shaking Jin up lightly. "Mmm, get the fuck away from my food Joonie before I eat your family". Jin mumbles in his sleep. I backed away slowly and looked back at the stew. It smelt nice and like a idiot, I ate it.

That was the best stew I ever had. Where did he get this?. I want more. I wanted to whined but my throat was still hurting me. I already took the medicine and drunk the tea and I was feeling like a baby. I want someone to baby me. I pouted and started to tap my fingers on the table. I want Yoongi, he'll give me hugs. I sneezed and blow my nose on a something I found. "Jimin?".

I saw Jin get off the couch holding his head. I wanted to go to him but the medicine was kicking in and I super sleepy. "DID HE HURT YOU?!? HE WAS HERE JIMIN! THAT BASTARD GOT THE JUMP ON ME! BUT WAIT TILL I BREAK HIS FUCKING NECK!". Jin screams and I was thirty seconds from shoving this cup down his throat.

"Oh! I'm so sorry Jimin". Jin said. I waved at him telling him it was ok. "Wait you ate that?". Jin asked. I nodded. "Dumbass, just like the rest of them". Jin said sighing. I typed something on my phone and showed it to him. "I was hungry and I'm a weak child, I couldn't cook for myself". Jin looked at me speechless. "I raised you wrong". He said. I gave him a weak smile. "Let's get you to bed".

Jin helped me up the stairs and into bed. "You didn't deserve this, Yoongi should be the one dying right now, fucking bastard". Jin growls. I was trying to figure out what Yoongi did. "Rest sweetie, Yoongi is staying at the dorm today and I will take care of you here". Jin smiles. I reached for my phone to type something but he took it away from me. "Don't mind me Jimin, I'll be fine". He said.

Jin tucked me in and took my temperature. "115°!". Jin yelled. "Hospital, tomorrow morning at 9am sharp, I'm calling it in". Jin said taking out his phone. I wanted to whine but I coughed instead. "Don't worry Jimin, that will go away soon". Jin said. "Now go to sleep while I wait for Yoongi just to kick him out again". Jin rubbed my head and left the room.

The moment he closed the door, I went to sleep.

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