Fly High, Too High

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During your first lesson with Madame Hooch in which you were to learn to fly, you stood opposite the Gryffindors, besides the Slytherins in a line side-by-side. On your right side was a friend of Malfoy's who went by the name Crabbe, and being so close allowed you to overhear a conversation of theirs.

"I'm going to be Slytherin's best seeker," Malfoy said.

"Well, we'll see."

"We'll see? Of course I will be," Malfoy scoffed. At this, you could not help but release a snicker at his confidence, when he turned to you and said, "something funny, female Potter?" And you opened your mouth to reply when Madame Hooch approached you and everyone fell silent. She informed you of the process of picking up the brooms, which was to happen by yelling "up" as you were hovering your hands above them. She then informed you that once you'd done that, you were to essentially take a seat on the broom, in position as if ready to fly. She did, however, mention multiple times that you are not to fly at all, and breaking the rules would lead to being expelled. It was indeed all well, until Malfoy lifted his hand over his broom, yelled "up" and the broom listened immediately. For some, it took longer, for him, it did not. You were not going to be worse. You thus lifted your hand over your broom and demanded it.

"Up," you said. Lucky you were, for your broom listened and flew into your hand. You then followed through with the process of getting onto the broom, as if ready to fly away, and when everyone was in positions, Madame Hooch continued.

"You are now supposed to kick yourself off the ground, push up, and the broom will begin to fly. It is then up to you to gain balance and confidence in your flight."

"When will we start flying?" Some kid asked.

"Not today," she informed the class, however was taken off guard when Neville Longbottom, a friend you'd made the day before, began to lift himself on his broom unwillingly with very little balance. Madame Hooch demanded he returned, but his little control over the situation prevented him from having the power to act upon her words. He flew higher and higher, and lost balance more and more, until he had lost it completely and found himself diving towards the ground, releasing a loud crack upon the collision.

A crowd had gathered around him, with Madame Hooch pushing everyone out of the way, picking him up, and telling everyone to not move and not do anything until she returns.

Upon her leave, it came to no surprise that Malfoy's confidence got the best of him as he approached the middle of the crowd, called for all attention to be on him as his eyes began searching around the crowd, when they'd met yours. You lowered your eyes at him immediately for even bothering to look at you, but he only smirked mockingly.

"Female Potter," he began, and all his eyes turned to him. In that moment, everyone moved away from you and gave you and Malfoy space as he approached you. "A race, shall we?"

"A race?"


"Madame Hooch told us not to."

"Oh, right, you're a good girl." He laughed, turning to his friends, then back at you. "Or maybe, just maybe, you know you're not as good as me." And with this, he got on his broom, gained balance quickly, and flew up into the air before charging off.

But oh, as ridiculous as it was, you were not going to let him win. You were aware that you were giving into provocation and social pressure, but in that moment, you cared very little for that as you took a seat on your broom and took a deep breath. Before you could charge off, a hand was placed on your shoulder and you discovered for it to be Hermione.

"Don't do it, [F/n], you'll get into trouble!"

"I'll be fine."

"Madame Hooch said not to!"

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