Order of the Phoenix

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And so you did! Forward ahead, second turn left, along the corridor to the fifth turn right, down that corridor and the last door with his name on it. There it was: bright and bold - Cornelius Fudge. With faces of excitement, you knocked on the door and, when instructed to come in, were faced with an old-ish man in a suit, with a hat on, sitting at the Cornelius Fudge desk.

"Aren't you a little young to be in here?" He asked. "How did you get in?"

"[F/n] and Harry Potter, Sir," you said with a proud smile. "We've come with a wholly reasonable complaint."

"[F/n] and Harry Potter! How very interesting. Well, I wonder what students like you would have to complain about. Go on, then."

"I believe Professor Umbridge was assigned her position at Hogwarts under you, Sir, yes?" Harry thus asked, and then Fudge nodded, Harry continued, "that is the very complaint. We do not believe she is sufficient enough to teach us to defend ourselves. She has been giving us only theory and beginners' guides on fighting dark magic, however, that is not good enough to help us in the upcoming fight against Voldemort!"

"Nonsense!" Fudge yelled out immediately as Harry finished pronouncing the name. "There is no way that one would be forced to fight Him!"

"But there is!" You cried out. "I fought him myself, when I won the Triwizard Tournament! The cup was a port-key!"

"Ridiculous child! You are making things up!"

"I am not! And if you, Sir, continue to trivialise my issues, I will make sure you're the first to rot-"

"[F/n]!" Harry smacked the back of your head, causing you to shut your mouth. "Either way, Umbridge is not good enough to teach us, and Voldemort is back. He is coming for me and [F/n], and if we die, it's going to be on you."

"Then let it be on me since it's absolute nonsense!"

"You're only saying so because you're a pussy." You said.

"Right! Out of my office! Right this second!" He shooed you out, and you and Harry had little to say as he forced you out and slammed the door behind you.

"Well, we didn't get very far."

"That's because he's a stupid, old twat," Harry groaned. "[F/n], we've got to do something."

The two of you made your way out of the Ministry of Magic, exiting it smoothly and quickly in a very similar manner through which you arrived. When back out on the street of London, the two of you faced each other with hopeless frowns, when finally Harry spoke.

"I think, maybe we should go to the place Dumbledore told us to go to. Maybe that'll get us somewhere. Surely, he wouldn't have suggested it to us if he thought it wouldn't be of help."

"Yeah, alright. Twelve Grimmauld Place. Let me get it up on Google Maps." You did exactly that, and found about half an hour walk from where you currently were. The pace at which you and Harry walked allowed you to arrive in just over twenty minutes. "After this, can we please, I beg, go and find someplace to sleep? I'm so tired."


Upon arrival, it took you and Harry a couple of moments before you could really spot number twelve. In fact, for a couple of moments, you were certain there simply was no twelve, as the houses skipped from eleven to thirteen, but the more you looked on, looked away and back to it, you eventually caught sight of a twelve which, oddly, seemed to be there from the start.

"Do we knock?" You asked.

"Apparently so."

Slowly, Harry lifted his hand before placing a gentle knock upon the door. You waited. And waited. And waited for a while longer. And finally, the door did open, but ever so slightly and slowly that it was hard to detect a presence behind the door. Only after a second, a familiar eye peeked out from behind the door, looking at you and Harry, and, upon noticing the two of you, the door opened far wider, revealing Sirius with a glad grin on his face as he allowed the two of you in. Afterwards, he took one last peak outside, left and right, ensuring no presence was following you, and then quickly closed the door.

"[F/n]! Harry!" He beamed. "What brings you here?"

"Sirius!" You and Harry smiled happily, throwing yourselves on Sirius and hugging him tightly. You then told him, "Dumbledore told us to come here. We've gotten two days off of school. We came to the Ministry of Magic to complain about our new DADA teacher."

"Complaining to the Ministry? Brave," he grinned, "come in, come in. Would you like anything to eat or drink?" He thus led you further into the house, and, upon entering the living room, you discovered many other people sitting around, some familiar and some not, but the one that stood out the most was none other than Lupin.

"Can I get some water?" Harry asked, whereas you declined all sources of nourishment.

"[F/n] and Harry, it's great to see you." Lupin said with a smile, rising from his seat and heading over to the two of you to shake your hands, however you and Harry also quickly threw yourselves on him, hugging him tightly - the sight of a familiar presence was the best thing to happen to one of your situation. "[F/n], I heard about what happened at the Triwizard Tournament. It must have been awful, but you're very powerful and brave for fighting him off."

"Yeah, well, I didn't really have a choice but to fight," you shrugged.

"It was a great thing you did," a man finally said, smiling at you. "Kingsley Shacklebolt."

"Lovely to meet you," you gently bowed your head, and the man did it back. "[F/n] Potter."

"Yes, I'm quite aware," he smiled.

"So, what is going on here?" Harry asked, and at this, Sirius had come back and gave Harry the water he'd asked for. Now, Sirius could answer.

"Well, welcome to the Order of the Phoenix."

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